Saturday, October 29, 2022


  In any case, perhaps the question should be if and whether there will be a place somewhere to go. A place in time and space that will allow for a positive future for humanity, rather than a Mad Max life where there are no rules other than survival at every and all cost. 

Maria in West Side Story sang of a somewhere, a place where they and all, could be free to love. Rita Moreno sang even more poignantly in Spielberg's remake and reinterpretation as it became clear just how long this hatred between and among groups has gone on, the futility, the harm, the violence it engendered, the tears it produced and the uselessness of it all.

We humans cannot seem to let go of this baseless hatred. This animosity plays no favorites, reaping any and all from all sides, whomever falls into the shadow of death wielded from the deadly scythe. Battles are won and battles are lost, combatants never realizing that the war itself, is always lost. Always the deaths, the horrific wounds, the damage to infrastructure, lives ruined with no hope or recourse of aid; thus, battles are not important.  What is important, vital, a must, is to understand that we must recognize and address the underlying seeds and roots of these battles and wars. Then, only then can we look forward to a better world, one where we turn our energies and minds to repair the world, to undo the damage we have inflicted upon it. However, that is exactly what we ignore, and the wars, the killings the hatred continue to ravage our hopes and destroy the future. For sure, we have met the enemy and it is most definitely us.

You know I love being right. Most people do. However, I do not like being correct when it means danger and violence, more blood and fury, more useless, fatal stupid holding on to ideas and thoughts which long ago were beyond their selling and usage dates. Yet, we persist, don't we? We emulate the behavior of toddlers who love to run into the street and never mind oncoming vehicles.  Supposed adults, we too persist in similar self-destructive manifestly unprofitable behavior.  

Why is it that after a beautiful Sabbath with family with family and friends I open the news to yet more antisemitic remarkets by yet another athlete, 

 "shared a tweet on Thursday linking to the film "Hebrews to Negroes: Wake Up Black America" on Amazon Prime.

— features several antisemitic tropes, including "more extreme factions of the Black Hebrew Israelites, which have a long history of misogyny, homophobia, xenophobia, Islamophobia, and especially antisemitism." 

... known for referring to European Jewish people as the "synagogue of Satan," and promote the belief that Jewish people are responsible for slavery. ... "Jewish slave ships that brought our West African negro or Bantu ancestors to slave ports owned by" Jewish people, "

I feel helpless and hopeless. I feel frightened.

I read more of the incident with Nancy Pelosi and her husband, beaten terribly, a substitute of a crazed antisemitic white extremist, incited to this behavior by those faulty beings of the GOP and their ilk, those who push lies, push violence, push treason. Where have we gone as a nation, as a signpost to humanity that there is hope, that there is goodness? We have lost our way, lost our ideals. Jan. 6 was their first major coordinated attempt to fulfill their renegade wishes. Almost successful, and perhaps actually so, the violence, the stink of their treason continues to permeate the very air we breathe, and its violence, its bloody aims remain with us, unfortunately. I predicted this, I spoke of it, I warned. I pleaded, and here we are.

We must also understand the possibilities of the future. Do not think they have given up, raised a white flag. Far from that. We must take another lesson from the past and maybe, just maybe, if we understand its import for us, we can stave off yet more violence, civil war in this land. Understand now, do the right and necessary now, protect the rights of all, or lose it all. That is the stark and only choice.

A Prussian Marshal said, long ago, "No plan survives first contact with the enemy,"

The Jan. 6 corruption runs deep, wide and high. Their Plan B is there, make no mistake about it. It is already in play.

We must have Plans B to Z  if we are to save ourselves, our country, its future. Think about battles and wars. Who actually wins? Is there truly a victor. Wouldn't we be better served if we focused on solving our issues, the rotten seeds, rather than trying to eliminate them and their vitriol through ultimately useless, costly, bloody war?

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