Monday, October 31, 2022


 Anybody else out there tired of the overuse, the uselessness of the drawing of lines? Don't cross them, goes the warning, and when indeed crossed, what happens? A great big nothing. Should one cross that oh so very terrifying red line, well, it actually now carries as much potent threat as does the line - "Just you wait, 'enry 'iggins ". Yet it is considered the most threatening verbal warning ever.

On the other hand, when used too late in a growing conflict with overflowing words replete with threats galore, the threat has actually amounted to zero. Sounds of fury rising to the puffery of hot air. Hence one being warned re the final outrageous deed ignores it, secure in the record of futile recent reactions. Suddenly, though, it is put up or shut up time and the guns begin to roar. And people begin to die. The lines were drawn.

The University of Georgia and the University of Florida condemn the antisemitic statements projected on the walls of the TIAA Stadium. Big whoop as once again, the antisemitism, real, growing ever more violent, is yoked together with "other forms of hatred and bias". Let us draw a line there, please. 

Every time that conflation takes place, it waters down the fact that this particular hatred is virulent and seemingly eternal, and in this case, from coast to coast, organized by the "Goyim Defense League", goyim being the name some call non-Jews. It is a word from the Bible, meaning nations other than Jews, though in the promise to Abraham, the term, "goy gadol" - a large nation - is used. When the word 'goy' is used with venom, well, that is reserved for a violent, Jew hating perpetrator of violent acts. In this case, if the shoe fits, well there it is on your foot! Own it or stop it!

Lines were defied for too long during the time of the American Revolution. Lines were defied in the War of 1812. Lines were defied before WWI and again pre-WWII. Lies are being defied, horridly so, by Putin, perpetrated upon Ukrainians and his own people and yet, there goes another line, almost on a daily basis. So why would we expect him to stop when warnings are bursts of hot air amounting to big nothings on the part of the West.

Nancy Pelosi was supposed to be beaten to death. Not home, her husband took the beating, and the GOP says 'oh, dear, the violence must stop'. Really? Ya think! But on the other side of their mouth, with their split tongues, they maintain their violence inciting, encouraging speech, drenched in vitriol that consumes the listeners. Out they go to beat, shoot, stab, kill, to vandalize, threaten and frighten.

Never before has an entire political party of the mainstream turned on that proverbial dime and become a party plumping for violence, condemning all who oppose the change, who refuse to pimp out their honor, their souls. Never before, to me and many others have the initials GOP stood for hate. I often voted Republican but now, cannot trust any to be honest enough to vote with conscience rather than fear and lemming-like behavior.

We need new lines, or better yet, new reactions to the crossing of these lines already in place. Let us show that lines can be real, vital, useful. Violations of law- consequences. Disgusting behavior - consequences. Stupidity - there must be a regulation here, cutting out dumb as a stump candidate a la Walker, and others. Those spouting violence and bigotry - eliminated from competition and office.

Something. Anything. Or we are lost, beyond all hope of rescue. Not a pleasant picture or thought to contemplate- and then live,

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