Tuesday, November 1, 2022


  This statement was contained within a commentary re the blue post office mailboxes. Disappearing under cover of night or whatever, they are deemed useless, anachronistic, a "thing of the past".  Actually, it is more a sign of the times in a most negative manner.

Granted, even as they are a convenience to some, to many, particularly in elder communities, they are annoying things demanding expensive servicing and are plump, tempting targets for mail thieves. Boxes harder to break into, limiting these boxes to areas of a denser elderly population might be some solution ideas, but to tear them out of the fabric of life for whom these conveniences are threads of life is not a good idea. Surely, USPS can come up with some good ideas, amongst their spate of terrible ones, costly ones that did more harm than any good at all, headed by a terrible partisan mail czar who did the bidding of Trump and ignored the needs of the population. Seemingly minor, yet so important to quality of life for many. Too many to disregard.

It is said that Harvard has a 'personal' score for admittance that includes a subjective evaluation, apparently looking for "integrity, courage, kindness, and empathy". Humpf! Would that these character traits, so rare, increasingly so among our "public servants" would be a must in qualifying for fitness to run for office. Ha! Would that not be wonderful?!

These almost outmoded traits are missing in much of our leadership. The results are clear and terrifying, especially as too many of the masses choose 'leaders' who are not, spout lies, and mis/dis information reaped from twisted social media. We watch in bewilderment and fear at the rise of violence in our society, targeted at groups and politicians who disagree with one's views. We attack basic rights within this country, rights in place for centuries or decades as we improved and progressed as a society. Today? Discarded at ever increasing tempo.

 Yet again, another morning on which I wake up to more antisemitic activity, growing ever bolder, more vicious, and more frequent, with the violence meter ramping up. This time it was in Broward County, but the place makes no difference. It is here. It is spreading. It draws different lines (oh, those lines, again) as identifiers. 

As Jean Valjean questioned himself, "Who am I?", so I question myself. Who am I? I am an American, proud of my country, blessed that my ancestors had the courage to take that perilous leap into the unknown, as lone teenagers to boot! I am also a woman of the Jewish faith and do not hide that fact. I am proud of my identity as a Jew, for my belief, for the structure it gives me, for the enrichment of my life, for the drive, the imperative, to improve the world, hopefully to leave it a tad better for my being here. I champion social safety nets even as I push for more responsible oversight, honest oversight, in spending. Ensuring that the money is spent where it is needed and not in the pockets of crooks and thieves of public funds. So... who am I? I am an American Jewish woman hopefully, helpful, progressive, with an open approach to all - other than haters - and reasonably proud of it all. I hope and pray, and state firmly, that none of the above identifiers are a thing of the past.

Most unfortunately, society has demeaned itself, allowing the rougher, more violent opinions to take supreme place. It makes room for the false, dangerous leaders. It accepts violent anger and support for lies over truth, pleasant or not. It attempts to return to things of the past, outmoded antagonistic, selfish society destroying mantras which are of no positive use for any. Even, especially, for their proponents.

The Hill writes of "shameful moments". This refers to the shame of humanity as Chamberlain and supporters, had to choose between shame and war. They refused to look back and forward and chose shame. As Churchill allegedly stated, “The government had to choose between shame and war. They chose shame. They will get war too. 

We too, must make difficult choices. Yes, it is costly to support Ukraine, but they are dying for us, yes US, for Russia is our deadly enemy, headed by a demented megalomaniac, a twin of Trump, our own home-grown dangerous dictator wannabe. Yes, life is a tad unpleasant for too many now and terrible for too many others, encased in wars of eternal pace and duration, deprived of basic needs and always in mortal danger. However, there are many, especially Americans who whine about money and inflation, make excuses to validate their hatred, but who, in fact, are doing quite well, and fill the stores and the online sites buying, spending. 

We must make sure that we do not have our moment of shame, for with that shame comes the inevitable war, all the worse for having been willfully denied, foolishly, uselessly for so long. If we would only know within ourselves, deep into our bones that talk, truthful evaluation, respect for our fellow human beings, for the environment, for responsibility to take care of the earth, our home - for all - there would be no shameful moment, no inevitable war.

We are at a crossroads, a vital, life distinguishing or life extinguishing crossroads. G-d help us if we make the wrong choice and go skipping off down the wrong one. We are literally playing with fire, juggling the very atoms of existence, and we refuse to face that truth. To our detriment. Even as the juggled items begin to fall out of rhythm and there one goes........


                     MUST NOT BECOME 

                               A THING OF THE PAST.


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