Wednesday, October 19, 2022


 Okay, all Jewish holidays over for now and time to get serious. Time to take stock of where we are in this crazed world of ours. Time for us to understand that reality has smacked us upside and downside the head and definitely we are all suffering the results of a mass concussion on the body politic - with the results evident to all - if only they want to see.

Pay as you go. Pay to play. Pay up. Pay the man. Pay your dues. All kind of giving us oh such subtle hints that we had better check our wallets, physical and online and wonder if we have paid enough, too much. Rebalance the books. Check our priorities with a harsh no prisoners taken attitude. Whatever the decision, it cries out for severe rethinking, staples for the eyelids, to keep them open, swabs for the ears, and locks on tongues that know nothing other than to gab or mouth off re that about which they know naught, add to the debt - and worse. The pay to play total keeps adding up. past due notices are flooding in, and we do......NADA!, Well, unless remaining in a state of willful denial is doing something.

The world is flooding, with almost entire countries in some areas under water, or up to their necks! Other areas of the globe are wracked with drought, openly starving populations on the move in desperate efforts to seek help, to simply survive. The rules of society are breaking down and the worst is emerging, shockingly fast. Once shameful, hidden sentiments are now out in the open and worse, being shouted loud and clear - with too many applauding. And the subtotals are already in the red. Reckoning time.

However, how does one pay up, clear the bills, change directions, when the roads are blocked, the bridges burnt to a crisp, the pillars of society are breaking and all the engineers with proper degrees have fled the coop, leaving us in the charge of fascists, would be dictators, and plain incompetents. The credit companies have lowered our credit scores and debt collectors are ramping up their game, with the inevitable disasters, personal and public, awaiting us all. Infact, the results are already here and debt collectors are flourishing.

Excuses are useless. The do not change reality nor turn it onto a better road. Especially when we ignore it all. Horribly, when the hate of one to all else, the hatred of groups, burst to the surface, crash through all the niceties and bloom and blossom in the toxic air. Heaven sent? Devil sent or debt collecting time for our Faustian deals? Pay the money and know what man, MANKIND, has done. Sins have come home to roost, moved back in and are not planning a move away at any time soon.

Thus, as the world crumbles, as societies shatter, as blood is spilled in ever growing quantities, as threats become, again, nuclear, in our stupidity, we stand there seeking the dike into which fingers will be inserted, in futile effort and effect, as the seas pour in. That dike? Kaput - as are we.

We have one, individual and societal chance left. Election time is upon us. We must now indicate through choice if we are ready to stand there and woman up. Yes, woman up, for in the main, the sanity and survival of society rests on the burdened shoulders of women who keep the world turning, the factories going, the kids fed and the home fires burning. No thanks to the men who have given in to fascistic, nationalistic leanings, said to hell with democracy or tightened already authoritative strangleholds.

Take a state such as Florida. It has turned more 'red' than ever, as the hatred abounds, the excuses are made, the debts are rolling up their totals, as payments come due, with little patience on the part of the creditors to extend any more credit. Thus, as the hurricanes grow more life threatening, as houses float away, as fires burn, as crops are destroyed by a violent climate change, as the economy is hurt by these aforesaid events, the blindness grows.

The incompetents win - Hello, Rubio. The nasties come to power - hello, DeSantis and the who the hell knows adds to the mess by doing nothing- and hello, Scott. Meanwhile, the county gives into harmful greed and allows developers to coat the land with cement, exacerbating all the above. Folks, time to assess, take account, check our financial resources and plan accordingly. The economy? HA! Just wait a bit more and watch all the natural and/or manmade catastrophes pile in and up. There is no hiding. No survival. No hope unless we take a big gulp, tighten the belts, hitch up our pants and get the show back on the road and pay off all debts, watch the accounts and build new, helpful, hopeful roads. All necessary to function properly. Forgetting all that? Well, we are living the results.

Like it? Well neither do I.

Get out there and vote - the better way.




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