Thursday, October 20, 2022


  The title appears to be as confused as most people are today, what with some masquerading as patriots, so definitely not what they are and others giving up on any positive standards of morality as these standards are mighty inconvenient in a world gone mad. Sense and common sense, truth and lies, dis and mis information, all the necessary signposts and inns for those traveling along this most definite path to destruction of all we hold dear, in fact, much of what the millennia of mankind upon this earth have established, created, all turned to dust in the vitriolic atmosphere of current times. Still, what the heck is with the title?!

"Only when it is dark enough can you see the stars." Martin Luther King, Jr.

In our darkest moments we can see, are allowed to see, the hopes that remain among us, for us. That little bird struggling to get out of Pandora's box is still the little bird remaining in the box of tricks belonging to humanity -if only we allow it to fly free and freely. As darkness close in upon us, then only then, can we look up and see the beauty of the Heavens, the glory of Creation, the magnificence that we seem to be determined to destroy.

Life is cheap today. In Russia, it goes for the cost of a crude wooden coffin, more than 300,000 as Putin continues to destroy the lives of so many, at tremendous costs, yet on he goes, on the terror and death plague Ukraine, but the rest of the world as well. The stars are not yet visible in the perennially darkened world of Russian authoritarianism and intransigence of its rulers. As horrifying as it seems, apparently, we are not yet there, at that darkest moment that will allow the light of the stars to penetrate the darkness. How much more time we need though is frightening in the extreme; as bad as it is - to get worse? Incomprehensible. Yet so it is.

As for the rest of the world, is there anything better out there for us? Well, there is yet another Christian movement, one that seems to represent a different path for Christianity of the moment. Would that it takes and does so in the original sense of the word, of the hope which instigated this new organization. However, even as it urges people to do good, I wonder, I truly do. Religion these days has been perverted, twisted, turned into tormented shapes, all to fit the needs of those who treat religion as just another tool in the toolbox, all the better to achieve a goal. It does not matter whatever the name we give to our chosen religion; they all appear to be lacking an important aspect of true religion. Many people see that lack and have moved away from organized religion of all faiths, allowing for the extremists to take over and inflict yet more damage to an already damaged concept. Nope, no stars here yet either. I sincerely doubt that Jesus 'gets' those who are so deeply mismanaging religion.

A crude, rude, dangerous member of the extreme right, a proud and loud member of the deluded, fabulist mass, tells us, swears to us, that he is not changing his horse, the same horse we so deeply wish he would saddle up and ride on out of town! Bolduc, the piece of human trash running for a Senate seat from New Hampshire, states, I signed a letter ... saying that Trump won the election, and, damn it, I stand by my letter. I’m not switching horses, baby. This is it.”

And he could very well be correct. This election could very well "be it" for this country as we know it, as we should keep it and are now giving away with open arms to those who hold contempt for its very essence of humanity, decency, and democracy. Nope, all these horses of diehard antidemocrats, of egregiously unqualified candidates, are nags too tired to show the rider who actually is boss. They merely plod along the road, almost inanimate, as is the electorate apparently, edging ever closer to that moment of darkness, the nadir of humanity, and there, will be the stars.

What are the stars? Why does the light of the stars, the jewels of the firmament, give us hope? It is because when we look to the sky above us, see its beauty, look upon it with eyes of awe and wonder, then, we can appreciate the efforts that went into this world, its makeup, its progress halting, even backwards at times, yet there, through plague and disasters, through the worst efforts of mankind to derail it, it remains there. 

Anyone looking through a powerful telescope who can see "The Pillars of Creation" can have no doubt that hope continues to exist albeit so distanced from us. It is there and when one looks upon it, understands that it is the source of new stars, the source of eternal hope, then we can know that we have hit the very bottom and there is only 'UP" to go. The stars will shine, guiding us, endowing us with the grit, the will, the ability to reform as is supposed to be. Find pictures of it -it is awesome.

How long for this moment to occur? Not a clue. I simply think that we are closer than ever. History is not on our side here. Not at all. And yet, maybe it is, for no one gazing on that magnificence that is The Pillars of Creation can lose the last remnant of hope - the light of the stars.

"A certain darkness is needed to see the stars."

We cannot deny the encroaching darkness. Now we must adopt the hope represented via the light of the stars. Again, "A certain darkness is needed to see the stars." (Osho).

Lord knows, the darkness is upon us. Let us all hope and pray that our eyes are now opened and opening up to that blessed light of the stars and the hope it should engender in us.

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