Tuesday, January 10, 2023


  For the past few days, I have paid scant attention to the state of the world or the dirty little shenanigans going on.  I have caught glimpses of the GOP chewing and clawing at each other and that does, I must confess, add to my joy in the world. Let the villains consume each other is simply a fantastically good idea.

However, for the past week or so and for most of this week, there is a different joy, one of family and friends. One of a continuing of a chain going back centuries, millennia. What you ask, could get me to ignore the ugliness that disturbs me so greatly? Simply put, it was the marriage of two wonderful young people, those who will definitely change the world in a positive manner. My grandson and his new wife, now a granddaughter to us, were wed last nite and the celebration was enormous, overflowing with spirit, with love, with shared commonalities, with all that was good and is good in life.

Not a word of anger or pushing or comment. Not a political viewpoint expressed for it mattered not. Not last night. Not as we celebrated the joining of two streams of Jewish history, as we mesh the genes and life experiences of those strong enough, lucky enough, to live and pass on the heritage of their people. Those who have shared in the beauty and goodness of an America which welcomed them in and allowed them to prosper. Nope, only joy and love last nite and for the week to come - at the very least.

I know the dark threatening shadows can overwhelm us at times. It is difficult to see past the anger and bitterness, the keen disappointment in our presumed leaders, leaving no branch unspoiled. We have been greatly disappointed, to the point of danger, but last nite -who cared!!

We need to remember and pay homage to those moments which remind us that no matter the state of the world, there are good, joyous moments which point the way to a better life - and the efforts needed to attain and maintain it. The hope for that resides in the young people, the next generation, for the rest of us have blown it but good!

However, for me that will remain a cause postponed, at least for today. Mazal Tov to all who shared in our family simcha - happy occasion. Smile, people. Look past some minor irritating habit of someone. There is so much anger and hate and bitterness out there. We should look to ease the nastiness and become more tolerant of that which does not really matter. Let us endeavor to make our particular circle of life just that much better.

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