Wednesday, January 11, 2023


  So states a GOP representative and similar thoughts emerge from the mouths of others connected with the GOP. Not a surprise, at least not to anyone who has had a modicum, a scintilla, of a working brain lo these many a year. Evidently, their brains became somewhat stuffed and working on fewer sparkplugs the minute they accepted, tolerated and venerated Trump. When they allowed his dangerous shenanigans and cooperated with him in a planned overthrow of this government and in fact, its process, to destroy it forever, well, the truth came home to roost. And crow loudly. Only this time trying to deny their very heavy footprint in the muck of the plot.

Now we will have to live with the consequences of a national loss of unity as the Republicans now control the House. However, "There is no chance, no chance that major Republican legislation is going to get passed," Mulvaney said. "The first and primary role that the Republicans play in the House right now is to be a check-and-balance against the Biden administration."
Thus, they are perfectly situated to bring this government to a grinding, dangerous heartless stop. Nothing will be approved as written by both Houses and certainly Biden will exercise his veto power should something so foreign to this country's ethos get passed. Chaos and an environment rich with opportunities for the uber wealthy such as eliminating IRS rules, cancelling new hirings that are desperately needed, hauling back all social safety net programs, reneging on the promise of America to the world, to those desperate, all along such lines - this is what we can expect.

Proof of the pudding is how Jim Jordan, one of the worst of the lot of extremists, dirty handed in the J6 plot, has stated that unequivocally he is going to remove people such as Adam Schiff from the committee he is presently on and block any important appointments. Again, we will have a plethora of the brainless, the vitriolic, the undignified, as opposed to the sane, the thinking, the positive ones for our future. Again, we will have a dangerously incapable legislative branch consumed with its own sect powers rather than the welfare of the nation - their true job.

Here is a little tidbit, so telling of where we actually stand in any hope of a productive, cooperative, compromising, getting things done Congress.

“I would just say in response to the gentleman who said that he hopes that we populate this select committee with serious Democrats – that he populates the committee with Republicans who did not ask for a pardon, who did not have their phone seized by the FBI,” the Democrat stated.

I do not know about others, but there is another danger here. That is the fatigue with this mess that has set in. We are so tired of the roiling world of politics, the disgusting, disgraceful behavior of its denizens, that we turn away - allowing more room for the army of carnivorous foxes to penetrate deep into our henhouse. Such a situation must be avoided, though it will prove, I fear, to be very diffic to make it so.

Let us all demand a change from our legislators. Let us create, foster our own environment which rejects rejects, those who cannibalize our system and work against their own constituents. Let us demand honesty and immediately penalize those not so. Let us insist that the House undo its plans to limit the House Ethics Committee, for if we allow this condition to remain status quo, I fear indeed for the future status quo. Of all of us.

Think about it. Seriously. Not a good idea to poo-poo it. Not at all.

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