Thursday, January 12, 2023


  Ahh, Heaven to a Language Arts teacher, the use of grammatical rules in an essay. However, as one who had to work with people rather than machines, I know that emotions come into play in human interactions. There is a sad inevitability which comes along with logic, emotion, and past history, thus engendering connections and logical conclusions - and concerns - which buffet the world today. Hence the tenses of the day in a bit of olden English, as the entire sequence is as old as time, as present as ever, from first human to last. Wonder if the associations will be made or hinted at in the new HBO show called, fittingly, "The Last of Us".

To interpret the title - so it was, so it is, and so it will be, seemingly forever and a day. Past, Present, Future. What? You ask, and correct you are to ask. Here is the answer. The ever-present inevitable power plays that seem to obsess humans, always figuring out the path and means to an end. That end was, is, and always will be, unfortunately, the justification for those means, no matter how outrageous they are. Means to the end purpose - to overtop someone or something else, gain power and prestige and parley that into more. Ever and always more. Why? I suppose for money, for prestige, such as it is, for posterity, for the simple desire to have Power, to Control, to be The Boss. Even to the extreme of Life or Death Power.

I believe that none of us are completely innocent in this, no matter the station in life. Someone will always have to insert him/her self into the melee and cause dissension in order to present oneself as the rescuer, the savior, the dissolver of all Gordian knots. The one who can pull Excalibur from its imprisoning stone, but somehow never gets around to it.

The worst thing about this whole power play business, this entire ugly part of humanity is that it never changes, though it be given so many different names and cause. At some point, inevitably, the gilt tarnishes and the ugliness, the motives become apparent, easily seen for the selfish lies they are. 

Worse is to watch the very sad, depressing phenomena of others buying into this person's behavior and deeds and words, forgetting morals, absolving crimes committed in the name of achieving control and success, losing themselves to and in this betrayal of others - loved ones, friends, family, for it matters not in this perennial chase.

Then comes the inevitable war, then invasions, the pride in the invention of better weapons of war, the glee at the rising body count, certainly if it is higher than yours, along with weapons destroyed. Going unnoticed, or discounted, is the destruction, the awesome razing of entire countries, deaths, the violations of rules of war - what an oxymoron that is - and the brutality emerging from either the advancing and/or retreating forces.

Unfortunately, very much so, there are times that war is inevitable, even justified, though certainly if we were better, there would be an answer, a solution to the problems without bloodshed. But we never seem to have acquired that level of skill and negotiations, hence the always and forever wars. Hence the petty little people who find a niche, exploit it, compound their powers and bring ruin to the people, devastation to the entity over which he has reigned. Sad, but oh so very true.

And on we go. Trying to assuage our own demons by citing fake cause to violate the proper rules of behavior. Trying to convince oneself and others that you indeed are the very answer, the panacea for all that is wrong in that particular world.

Will we ever see through to the truth, to real answers, positive solutions. Ones that do not involve the death of millions, the destruction of human achievement and the abrogation of all we have accomplished for the good. How can we believe that will ever be so as we look around. 

The entire world is at war. Every country seems to have its own violent conflagration, within its own society and borders or if desiring a larger stage, well then simply pick on a neighbor seeming to be weaker than you, ripe for the picking.

"Twas.  'Tis.  'Twill.

Can we not do better?

Can we at least admit and try and try and try.....

When the angels above asked Gd-d to look down at His creations and the disasters they have created, instigated, taken advantage of, He agreed to their destruction. However, time and time again, He reneged, allowed for yet another chance. Warning after warning ignored. And here we are.

How many chances does humanity get?

Answers anyone?

As one coming out of the educational world, I know there are limits to chance giving before it collapses of its own useless weight.

I believe G-d is certainly wiser than we are and certainly knows that truth.


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