Monday, February 13, 2023


  ... and two brothers died, at the ripe old age of 6 and 8. All the while the father, in hospital from wounds of this same 'incident' remains unknowing of this terrible fact. And a new bride will never see her new husband return home, ever again, dead, at the hands of that same terrorist. Even as at least ten more remain in hospital. 

But never you mind, this was a 'ramming ' of a car, driven into a "group of people" outside a "settlement'. Hence what? Justification of the 'ramming '? An accident? Even as the man found guilty of ramming his vehicle into a crowd in Manhattan now awaits a decision re the imposition of the death penalty. But ramming a car is okay if it happens to Israelis? Jews? Standing waiting for a bus so they could go on with the day? Despite the fact that Ramot is built within the borders of municipal Jerusalem, no boundary wall, no checkpoint, simply a heavily populated neighborhood.? It is not a settlement, though some media including CNN and the NYT deemed it so.

I wondered, as I sat there awaiting a phone call re my Yitzy, my grandson undergoing chemo, the infusion of toxic chemicals, I wondered at the okayed cheapness that Jewish life has. 80 years after the Holocaust. 74 years after the establishment of the State of Israel in their ancestral homeland, and still its legitimacy is questioned. 


Because it has successfully come from behind, defeating six attacking Arab armies? Because they have survived war after war, terrorist attacks on civilians time and time again, brutal rocket attacks sent at purposefully civilian targets? Because it has survived war after war, intifadas, brutal terrorism, a media which lies and then swears to it? Because it has served as a place of refuge for Jews from all over the world, including survivors of the Holocaust, denied entry anywhere else, to remain locked in the same countries where an almost successful attempt to eradicate Jewry had taken place? Because Israel has risen to the top of the list as a provider of advances in technology, medicine, science, literature, etc.? 

Or because it is simply a continuation of an ancient hatred, baseless, bloody, simply rewrapped in a cover of words which barely conceals the truth of their intent.

So, the truth. 

This was not a ramming incident; it was a terrorist attack.

It was not a 'man' driving a car, but a terrorist.

It was not outside a 'settlement', but inside a neighborhood of Jerusalem.

Israel is not an apartheid state. Simply walk the streets of the land, enter their institutions of higher education, attend Knesset, check hospitals, pharmacies, businesses, the candy stores of a 'starving' Gaza and see for yourself. 

I am so tired of this. I am exhausted from it. I wonder at the wasted energy, the brain power, the funds misspent. How much more could have been achieved, including curing cancer, if only they would have refocused all this on the correct targets, rather than perpetuate a theme of ancient hate redressed to fit false flags.

 I wonder why the only democracy in the Middle East is insulted, threatened, condemned, even as violations blatant and cruel, are manifest elsewhere in that area of the world - yet remain unnoticed, or given a side glance of no import.

I wonder, but cannot expend more time and energy right now on this. Every ounce of time and energy must be turned elsewhere to a little boy in Pittsburgh fighting for his life, for his future, for the very soul of his family. Every breath of ours, of friends, are directed here, with prayers and thoughts.

May the good Lord Above hear our voices, our hopes, our prayers, and heal this child.

May he have a refuah shelaymah, a complete and total cure, a healing.

May it come soon.

Sheh yavoh bimheyrah beyamaynu.

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