Sunday, February 26, 2023


 More and more it appears to me that we are living in a world teeming with questions galore, but shockingly, noticeably, very short on answers. At least those of the sane rather than the ideas of Greene who proposed splitting the nation re two colors - red and blue - or rants re Jewish lasers from space. A dangerous idiot, too many dismiss her as Hitler was dismissed, until one day he was not. We must do all we can to stop these people SLAM!!! in their tracks before they finish totally dismantling our country. 

 Greene and her nasty compadres are just the tip of the iceberg of malaise which has afflicted this nation, even the world. We have concentrated on the worst items, forgotten that we must do better in the human care side. Perhaps if we did, we would not need that huge defense budget, a black hole of monies and where it goes - well, truthfully, no one knows for sure. 

Perhaps I am in a sour mood, justifiably so. Worried before re the path we were stumbling on, as an American, as a Jew facing rising, violent, ever bolder antisemitism, how the hell can I feel anything other than worried, confused, frightened. 

But over and above all that, by leagues and leagues, is the cancer of my Yitzy, my 12 year old grandson undergoing treatment for cancer. Not easy, not pleasant.  but for all the unease and trepidation we have, as his family and friends, think of what he is feeling. What can one say to a child who lived in a wonderful bubble, knowing only good, surrounded by a loving family, his only troubles being denied too much candy and chocolate - which he loves - or limiting his phone game time. Or that he will err in the field or not ace that test. I would sell my soul for that situation to return once again and NOW!

The NYTimes poses this statement on its cover: "Three years later, we still don't know how to talk about what happened." Does that not say a great deal re the consciousness of America citizens? When the same magazine contains horrifying story about children - children!- barely in their teens, if they got there, toiling as adults in difficult, dirty jobs, those to which Americans turn a blind eye.  Blind to the work slavery and the desperation of these kids, alone in the world. Even as the masters take advantage of this cheap labor, returning time and again to seek those who will pick the fields, tote that heavy construction debris, do the nasty jobs in a factory. The same ones who rant and rave re those "dangerous criminal immigrants" cheerfully take advantage of cheap labor. Defenseless labor, a good deal for their bottom line.

We all appear to be angry, for one reason or another. We vie in competition as to who had the worst 'package' - as we sip our coffee and turn the conversation to pool shenanigans and property managers. As we whine re the bother of those second homes, even as people cannot afford a roof over the heads of their kids. Sour times.

I fully own up to having a sour outlook right now. Last night, at a performance by an ABBA band, the usual joy in bopping around was not there. I could not hoot and holler. Foremost in my mind, (whatever remains at this stage of the game,) always, is my boy. Always the gratitude to those who lend their voices to us, but also the anger, fierce anger, at the Big Dude up there who sent that awful package Yitzy's way. Always. Always.

The entire world has turned sour. We root for a side in a vicious bloody war with no reason behind it. We watch as a country is reduced to rubble, say tsk, tsk, and send over some more ammo, as long as it is not our blood being spilled! We pick on smaller nations, demanding of them what we do not demand of other, bigger, nations, ones not hampered by any humane rules and socially consciousness thoughts. We veer away from serious, consequential criticism of the big ones, the possessors of major weapon systems and the insanity to actually use them. Hypocrites are we not?!

For now, my thoughts, my wishes, my everything, all belong to Yitzy. How can it be otherwise?

In the meanwhile, put this in your pipe, contemplate the questions, the thoughts, it poses. Perhaps if we all read this, understood it, acted upon it, the wisdom it has and the truth it contains, perhaps, we would, could, live in a better place. A place where children do not get cancer, where they are not war victims, where fairness reigns, where hate is not wielded as a brutal hammer against humanity. A world awash with the Lord's bounty, even as people die of starvation or dehydration.

Please remember to read the daily prayer for Yitzy after you read the following:

"But what if I should discover that the least among them all, the poorest of all the beggars, the most impudent of all the offenders, the very enemy himself - that these are within me, and that I myself stand in need of the alms of my own kindness - that I myself am the enemy who must be loved - what then?

C. G. Jung.   Memories, Dreams, Reflections.


May he be granted refuah shelaymah bimheyrah beyameinu. 

May he be granted a timely and complete healing.

May Hashem hear all our voices raised in prayer. 

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