Monday, February 27, 2023


  Yes, I can believe that. Though I know better. I can still wish for a time before diagnosis, when a little boy lived a little boy's life. When his future had a gleam, a positivity about it, surrounding it, for all was possible here in this country, the golden nation, the "goldeneh medina". It was the place where hard work, a good infusion of luck, and a positive framework of society, one could go far. Certainly, children did not get sick with horrid disease, nor was hatred of others considered a positive trait. But yesterday was a welcome throwback to the past, a day out at Dave and Buster's after a good week. With proper precautions taken.

Please keep up those prayers, for we need their power, the unselfish altruistic power emanating from them. Selfishly, I was grateful for the energy and state of mind where once again, I could laugh and enjoy a bit of life, with hope regenerated, a hope that will buoy us for possible rough times ahead. We will turn back that tumor so that it will never come back.

So no, we should not hope for things to never change, for that means a stagnant society and for harmful ideas and actions to remain in place.   Stagnation inevitably leads to a society speeding, rumbling, down the most definitely wrong roads. It turns a society on end, the new organization following the statement of "French revolutionary  Alexandre Auguste Ledru-Rollin: “There go the people. I must follow them, for I am their leader." When the supposed leaders cater to the worst of society, all in the name of retention of power, well, it will go back, it will return.

This statement, a conclusion about the future of the Republican party is correct. The once noble, respected GOP will never return. Far too much damage inflicted upon it by presumed leaders - who follow the mob they themselves ignited.

 Our world has changed. For the good, the bad and the downright ugly. Many of these changes have appealed to the very bottom of society, the dregs which should never have been allowed out of the glass! This bottom of society is defined by the perverted, regressive attitudes and justifications of a past better off dead. It cuts across all economic and other societal divisions. It has no shame, knows no bounds.

It is about the negation of our societal beliefs and principles deriving from a very simple phrase of the Declaration - "the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". Today, twisted so that it has become unrecognizable, that phrase is now used to justify restricting the rights of others, violence welcome and encouraged, the rights of 'others' seen as negligible, even unnecessary.

We have now made it acceptable to shout that "fire!!" in a crowded movie theater, the louder the better. The reassurance that "It's never to go back" has been trampled upon. It certainly has gone back to a time which should never be again. A time of great horror and it all began with a laxness of societal rules, the perversion of all that is good, and an encouraged streak of violence and hatred.

Why, in 2023, are we facing a potential Kristallnacht, a night of broken glass, of murder and mayhem, of hatred gone bionic. Blood spilled with more to come. Here in America. Not Nazi Germany. Not Spain of the Inquisition and torture, of restrictions incompatible with life. 

"Day of Hate". In 2023. In America.

The voices of the slaughtered cry out from their mass graves, their charred bones once again crumpled underfoot. Survivors see their past regenerated, reborn, something that should never have been in the first place.

There is no room in this world anymore, for this hatred, and murderous mantras. There is no sense behind those feelings. They provide shelter for the evil, for the cruel, for those wishing to be deluded, to feel they have some sayso over their own lives. Well, no they do not. Not at all, for they are the stooges of those fake leaders, doomed to their own self-inflicted deaths immediately after the first victims are gone.

Today, and indeed for always, pray for good to reign supreme, for evil to be defeated, never to return. Ever.

So today, when you pray for the healing of Yitzy, include the hope and prayer for the world to heal, for the scars to be covered over, the ugliness' defied and new hope sown. For a time when disease has been conquered, where hatred is verboten.


May he be granted refuah shelaymah bimheyrah beyameinu. 

May he be granted a timely and complete healing.

May Hashem hear all our voices raised in prayer. 

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