Tuesday, February 28, 2023


 When talking in terms of centuries, at times even millennia, does it truly make any difference if we discount more or less, two or three years? Generally not, as for example, do two years more or less change history re the Fall of the Roman Empire? Or the Greeks or the Medes, etc. Perhaps to the ones alive then, yes, but to history, not really, at least as far as we know, particularly when discussing ancient times. However, as we near more recent times, our present times, our personal times, well those two or three years have a much deeper import for us. 

What would have happened if the US had entered WWI or WWII earlier? Would the invention of the automobile earlier, by as much as three years, have made a difference? What about labor laws, slavery, and on and on. Yet, in discussion and analysis of times we actually live in or are not very distant, those years do have an impact. Both in one's own history and life story and in the history of the world at large. 

Now, I think in terms of days and weeks. If the sore throat had been recognized as a tumor sooner, would it have made a difference? Would, could it even have been discovered before it was, before it made its cursed appearance on the scene? Could there have been an impact on his treatment and healing process? These questions can eat away at a person, and it is not a pretty thing at all. Nor can the brain order the heart to stop asking those questions because there are no answers. Certainly none that will overcome those awful questions, the powerful, yet useless, or worse, questions of the 'what if' category. Woulda, coulda, shoulda. Useless, negative, but we are all humans and do not always nor easily follow logic. Does, will this history of one small boy and family, friends and strangers who pray for him, actually have an impact outside that limited circle?

"Develop your senses - especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else."  Leonardo DaVinci.

So states that brilliant man. A thought worthy of pondering. A thought which actually knits us together much more than we usually acknowledge.  It is an earlier version of the butterfly theory, where the flap of the wings of a butterfly on one side of the world will initiate a chain of events which will cause some important event on the other side of the world. And no one will ever know. I know I am hoping for the wings of a butterfly, which will flap in the form of a scientist who has discovered the cure for this rare tumor. I am hoping, but am I realistic? Will the scientist have been born on time to grow up, do research and make his/her great find? These are questions that torment the soul but how to get rid of them?! Impossible. I know; I tried.

Back to Leonardo. Time is of the essence for the future of the world. Indeed, if there will be a future, or will we find ourselves doing a 'hail mary' in the form of hastily built sci-fi space arks trying to save a remnant of humanity after it destroyed its own planet. Why say this? 


 Once again what I have been saying ever since DeSantis came on the scene in what is now a much more widely bruited about theory as well. Theory nothing! This is fact. Simply observe, list, his damningly effective measurers to shut down Florida. Education. Censorship. Religion. Health care. Social safety net. Even Disney!!Trafficking humans all over this country. Nothing is beyond his finger pointing or his dangerous fascist behavior and policies. Yes, fascist spelled this way - Fascist. Way above and beyond even the most perverted and extreme form of the new conservative thinking, so inimical to democracy and its survival in this, our embattled under siege nation.

Here is the Merriam-Webster definition of fascism.

 "a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition."

Here is the statement of an expert on fascism, who has written articles and books, speaks about it and is a professor of history.

"Florida Governor Ron DeSantis would "destroy our democracy" if he is elected president,"

Folks, even as we pray for Yitzy, for his healing, we must also pray for the healing of this nation, for its rescue from damned dangerous fools such as Greene who would separate us, actually divide us into two nations. What an ass. Actually, she disgraces them, and Bilaam's ass who spoke words of wisdom and prophecy must be embarrassed. A dangerous one. 

 So pray for us, as a nation, as a leader of the world and pray, please, to see Yitzy heal.


May he be granted refuah shelaymah bimheyrah beyameinu. 

May he be granted a timely and complete healing.

May Hashem hear all our voices raised in prayer. 

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