Sunday, March 19, 2023


  Three words among many used by a judge as he imposed sentence on an accused, found guilty, Jan. 6 insurrectionist. How had we arrived at such a point where fantasy became a horrid reality, where movies and novels morphed into actuality, real blood spilled, awful consequences and motivations once the property of the extreme fringe of society. Textbook mob behavior, as individuals lost or ceded their selves to the mob, taking part in actions once thought unthinkable.

These individuals fed on the energies of the mob and the synergy was malicious, dark, and evergrowing. Left unchecked, I believe we would no longer be living in America as we know it, as we hope it continues with necessary improvements along the way. Note how even during the Vietnam protests, the wildest, the most violent, was there any thinking to overthrow the government, only to change its course and policies. J6 was a hell of a lot more than that. Far more frightening, as bad as J6 was, is the reality of its continuing echo resounding through the byways of this nation. The rotten crop of that day and the spoiled seeds it left behind remain active, its spores continuing to contaminate.

Consistent. Astounding. Atrocious. Yet real.

We are not in Wonderland any longer. Instead, we are in an abandoned amusement park, once the site of fun and laughter, now the site of true threat and horror. We need to sit up, stand up, wake up to the truth and what has happened and continuing to happen within the borders of our nation. Once a proud America, a democracy, standing up for improving the human condition, we are now limping, bent. Will we be able to rise and stand tall once again? I am plagued with great doubts on that.

Simply check into reality. Try food insecurity. We are not a third world nation nor are we in a huge crisis of total loss of arable land. Yet we have hunger in this country of ours. Real gnawing hunger. Children miss meals or have insufficient ones. Parents forego their meals so the kids can eat. Shopping lists are tattered and torn as substitutes and elimination take over. I do not understand why we tolerate people such as a Republican legislastor who reveals his ignorance or worse as he confidently, pompously states there is no hunger, there are no starving kids, no food insecurity. Merely people who do not know how to shop, I guess. If their kids are hungry, arrest the parents and remove the kids. Wonder if he had to ever shop off a crumbling inadequate budget with real life or death decisions. So nope! No funding for school lunch programs. Better to teach these kids a lesson! Next time around opt for better parents! I guess.

And the madness continues in the medical world. We are now looking at a new medical plan the city is trying to foist upon its employees, active and retired. I look and think - well, we knew it was coming. Better put my affairs in order. That time has come - we cannot afford me any longer. The new 'approved' plan seems to not approve of me. No specialized rehab for PD. My meds, the new ones, forget it! Not even tier five, so what, die? I guess so.

In the, meanwhile, legislators oh so concerned by rising costs of medical care costs, restrict funding, always a great way to cut expenses! Especially if you, the legislator has your own gold plated one in perpetuity. So happy for you.

More important is the medical expense for fighting major diseases and problems, My Yitzy's cancer is such an area. We would spend every last dime for him, but why is that necessary when other countries pay for these expensive meds, even as we are charged horrific prices and the copays are out of sight -and out of reach. It is only through a foundation grant that we are able to afford the copays for some of my most advanced meds. If this grant is not renewd..... see above. There is something very wrong when there are those who have billions and others cannot keep roof overhead nor food on the table nor health in the bodies.

 Consistent. Astounding. Atrocious.

Here is a note from Yitzy's mom who has been absolutely golden in this whole matter.

"Thank you all for continuing to daven (pray) for Yitzy! He had a good week, thank G-d. He has very rough chemo coming up next week.... please keep davening (praying.)



Yitzchak Elimelech ben Chana Sarah

May he be granted refuah shelaymah bimheyrah beyameinu. 

May he be granted a timely and complete healing.

May Hashem hear all our voices raised in prayer. 

Amen. Amen.

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