Monday, March 20, 2023


  Would that we could. Take back the world. Not a bad idea. Guess it actually depends on who is doing the taking and the motivation behind the action. In a glaring call for a J6 redux, Trump is blaring his usual treasonous demands and telling, exhorting his followers to "take back the nation". Yup, we have heard that before, particularly around the whole J6 insurrection. Apparently, this man has not learned the truth of it all and remains mired in his own morass of lies, blatant lies that have been revealed as such. Despite all the wishful thinking of troglodytes such as Greene and Boebert, McCarthy and Jordan, and all the benighted fools who follow, the truth has been outed. 

About time!!Trump has been a thorn in the side of a real, true to purpose USA, dangerous in his urging of violence and clear unrepentant thinking and deviancy. Why does he persist? Well, the man is obviously mentally ill and needs heavy duty immediate and long term therapy. But out of the public eye where he practices his society threatening behavior. Along with his treatment we need to reeducate the public, so immured in lies and dis and mis information, that they do not hear nor see nor think independently any longer. They have been trained to follow blindly, to pack all their woes and ills into one load and shoot that load at any and all who do not follow lockstep with them. Enough of this berserk perverted game of Follow the Leader. That cannot be any longer. Not if we are to remain a viable, living, breathing, ever improving nation. Which we should most definitely be.

There are other time bombs in the world today and this globe of ours remains in Defcon 5 situation. We have once again the inhumane practice of sending in unarmed victims to distract the enemy so as to clear the way for the armed soldiers. China did that in the Korean War. The last Czar did that in WWI. Hungarian Jews were forced to do that as well as run through minefields, in their forced labor battalions. It is a perverted crime against humanity and should be added to the charges against Putin, his criminal kidnapping of Ukrainian children.        

The nations of the world ignore the fate awaiting us in an over the top environmentally challenged world, tick-tock goes the clock - all for the sake of wealth and advantage over others. Sure, and we will all enjoy together the joys of an apocalyptic world. Brotherhood at last.

Time bombs there are aplenty, but today and for weeks, and for probably well into the near future, until we vanquish the time bomb constantly in our thoughts. I do not believe there has been one hour where I have not thought, worried about, cried for, Yitzy, a boy who thanked his father for "sticking with him"!! Well, that broke me down. A sweet boy who thinks of others in the midst of an overwhelming nausea and a pain that never leaves, along with thoughts and worries that have no place within a 12 year old's head!

This is my time bomb. I cannot do much of anything re the world's time bombs other than to shout via my writing, talk with others, but all this is way above my pay grade as far as solutions are concerned. Nor can I do much about Yitzy's time bomb, a bomb that apparently comes with birth, hence the term embryonic. 

I am not a doctor and any medical knowledge I have is far too little to be of any use here. All I, we can do, is ramp up support for Yitzy, for his parents, as we pray, day after day, time and again. We, along with so many other wonderful souls who join us. We all share the same dream: for a Yitzy returned to health, to run and laugh, to hit that ball out of the park again, and pester and simply be a kid once again, no fear of nausea and consequences no one should have to face nor anticipate, helpless in its grip. 

The next two weeks will be brutal for Yitzy. His parents and siblings are prepared for it, planning to do the best they can even if it is only to lessen the impact just a smidgen. Anything is better than nothing. And prayer is much more than a smidgen. So, please, hear the plea - and we thank you. 

 A note from Yitzy's mom:

"Thank you all for continuing to daven (pray) for Yitzy! He had a good week, thank G-d. He has very rough chemo coming up next week.... please keep davening (praying.)"



Yitzchak Elimelech ben Chana Sarah

May he be granted refuah shelaymah bimheyrah beyameinu. 

May he be granted a timely and complete healing.

May Hashem hear all our voices raised in prayer. 

Amen. Amen.

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