Tuesday, March 21, 2023


  The world seems to be filling in all blank spaces with volumes of words which actually mean nothing of any value or are engaged in an effort to deny reality. Yes, at times the reality we are living with is too painful to contemplate, to live in and with, but words cannot change that - only actions. These actions should bolster the values of society rather than its flaws. Unfortunately, today, we have the opposite, where words and the power of words are used to foster lawlessness, privilege, and excuse from consequences.

On the other hand, words can serve as impetus for improvement, for justice and truth, and for hope in a bad situation. The reassuring words of doctors to concerned, worrying, frantic relatives conveying a circumscribed and limited sense of optimism, that treatment seems to be working, are of more value than the largest, rarest gem ever. Hope springs eternal. To give hope in a dire situation enables one to breathe once more, at least for a time. 

Relatives cling to the power of these words, no matter how faint or temporary they might be. These words enable the concerned to look past the awful treatments necessary, to a possible, much wished and prayed for positive conclusion, an end to a chapter of life which should never have been in the first place. Yesterday, Yitzy began a rough two weeks of chemo, remaining overnight, as long as is necessary, and we can only ask, pray, that the shrinking of the tumor continues, maintains its path. Every minute infinitesimal loss of size is a blessing, a reason to celebrate -as long as reality is part of the mix. False hope, overblown hope, only means disappointment and despair. It is a long, long journey through hell for Yitzy and family and friends. One we hope that has a golden rainbow at the end of it all, and a blessed future for Yitzy.

 Keep praying with us, for Yitzy. For a complete cure. For a good ending to a miserable, damned situation. 

Moving into the reality of life outside the hospital room, we find yet another reality of challenge and hurt, of harm done and harm waiting its turn. At times the reality is so different from traditional reality that words must be coined to explain or describe. Most of these newly coined words are used to express the negative. Or to push, incentivize the negative. Such is the case with "jugging".

What the hell does that mean and where has it come from? I cannot figure it out. A jug is a container for liquids. Now explain how that has morphed into a term for violent attacks on unsuspecting people going about the mundane errands of daily life. It is a vile attack on the very fabric of a normal life, of reasonable expectations. Given sensible behavior, one should not be open to life altering danger, to the point of life altering violence, even death. Yet evidently that expectation is no longer valid, violated, trampled upon, by vile creatures who prey upon unsuspecting victims, even tailing them for miles in order to rob them and flee.

These crooks, these thieves of life and certainty have been inspired by the lack of decency and a plethora of law breaking and blatant disregard for others put forth by the oh so eminent leaders of society today. When these people deny the truth, when they mealymouth their way out of responsibility, refuse to condemn outright criminal behavior up to and including treason, the incitement to join in that treason, well, what can we expect of a younger generation?

Today or tomorrow, soon enough, but oh so long in coming, we stand on the brink of a historical event, a first that never should have been or, should have long ago been dealt with. However, we procrastinated. We rewarded lies and outright denials of truth. We rewarded liars and castigated truth tellers. We excused unthinkable deeds and punished the whistle blowers. We enabled the 'jugging' of our citizens through robberies of rights, of reasonable expectations of a normal, sane, moral life. We jugged them indeed. And the perpetrators got away with it lo these many a years.

 A patently dishonest, unqualified, morally challenged person was allowed to become president. Past alleged crimes, lies, accusations of fraud, tax evasion, rampant misogynistic behavior - all excused in a moment of societal insanity. The worst elements of society were lionized. Crazed indviduals such as Greene, Hawley, Jordan, McCarthy, and too many others were allowed in, flourished in the miasma of a rotting disillusioned society, cheered onto victory and positions of power. Truly, in a case of life imitating art, the inmates of Arkham were running the joint.

G-d willing, finally, long deserved and too long delayed, perhaps justice will be served. Consequences will be forthcoming. Trump will have to pay the fiddler this time. I so do hope. Nor do I think that special courtesies should be given. He is an alleged common criminal on a grander, national stage, a traitor and an inciter of treason, even today as he urges his remaining deluded followers to once again commit to violence and insurrection - to jugging the nation. All to protect his neck and enable his triumphant return as an authoritarian ruler of a decaying nation. 

No courtesies other than those granted and guaranteed by the law should be given to him -no more, no less. A perp walk? Why the hell not? A lovely orange jumpsuit? Oh yeah. An electronic ankle bracelet or better yet, no bail, as he certainly would be able to flee this country in an effort to evade justice?  Oh yes, a thousand times yes.

Even with the importance of this hopefully taking place event, my heart and thoughts will be much more attuned to news from a hospital in Pittsburgh. 

Join again in prayers.

Let us use the power of words in a better way.

A note from Yitzy's mom:

"Thank you all for continuing to daven (pray) for Yitzy! He had a good week, thank G-d. He has very rough chemo coming up next week.... please keep davening (praying.)"



Yitzchak Elimelech ben Chana Sarah

May he be granted refuah shelaymah bimheyrah beyameinu. 

May he be granted a timely and complete healing.

May Hashem hear all our voices raised in prayer. 

Amen. Amen.

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