Monday, March 27, 2023


In an interview with yet another talking head political analyst, a piece of sense actually emerged. That piece was the word "unprecedented". Used to describe the current situation in America, it is just as functional and functioning in describing the real time troubled realities around the world. In fact, I cannot remember when, during my lifetime we have ever faced such threats, powerful, possible, even probable, and more frightening in their possibilities than the nuclear crisis with Cuba and the USSR.

Why is this so? Why is it happening and why or what was the instigating factor? Who lit the match in the conflagrations now forming a monster fire such as we have not seen lo these many, many, years. Through all previous troubles and stark moments, there was a modicum of sanity, or responsibility among those who talked the talk and walked the walk, even if done in negotiations under the table or behind closed doors. Blustering was denied entry and reality accepted, the knowledge that no one wanted yet another war, so sense must prevail, and a compromise made. Give and take.

Today is different. Today is unprecedented. We are standing on the cusp of a world war with return exits, ramps to changes, to sane rethinking, deteriorating immediately behind us, making reverse engineering impossible. The way ahead is peppered with wrong turns, dangerous curves, a lack of guardrails, and potholes and sinkholes galore. To maneuver safely and arrive at a safe end takes great care, patience and logic. It requires temperance and modesty, all egos set aside. It requires the driver or drivers to understand their respective responsibility and culpability in the driving which has resulted with no assured survival at the end - or if we will even reach the end.

There is always room for compromise, for u turns, for expert maneuverings, but they must be executed carefully. Surprises can be welcomed. Just the other day, bemoaning the urbanization and cementing over of our former more rural county, we came across a most unexpected area of rural life. I loved it. We must look for such jewels in our quest to save the world not only from perdition but from execution. Can we, will we? Is there even a desire for that among the heads of nations or their opponents? Is there even one statesman among them, capable of calming their lusts for power and wealth? Can we finally reverse engineer and discover the site of ignition? Maybe. Maybe not.

We have in this country a madman running around for an office and a reign where he will continue the destruction of America that he initiated. That we allowed. Where he never belonged. Where he will continue his treason and celebrate those imprisoned for their treason. In a world where truth is hidden behind new technology, obscured, requiring great thought and process to uncover and refute the lies which poison the soul of our country.

This poison, this political flu has reached the rooms of too many supposed leaders of world nations. Political prisoners of a regime, finally freed, turn around and do the same as the first regime. Back at the beginning in an ugly road.

In addition to America, there is deep concern for Israel. A fear of the ugly now, and the inevitability of a terrible future if the supposed judicial reform and all accompanying threads of authoritarianism, come to fruition. A future wherein we will destroy ourselves, fighting brother against brother, rending our own clothing bloody, with our own blood, even before a united front of terrorist organizations realize that the country is now theirs for the taking. The government paralyzed, inept, and the armed defensive forces scattered and weak. Hence, the road is wide open for the slaughter to begin. Again. And again. And yet again. Two men obsessed with personal power and loyalty, in America and Israel, and the world has been set on fire in an ignition of an unprecedented powerful fire which can and will consume all before, behind and around.

The populations of both countries are angry, too angry to hear or see, with little desire to change that reality. The populations of the rest of the world are angry as well. Violence rules the streets, chasmic cracks are rending the fabric of societies, fear is palpable, political opposition ramps up.  

How do we, can we, fix this most dangerous unprecedented reality? I have no clue. Not a one. Other than to sit them all down and lock the door, give them bread and water, until they come to a workable solution, even a temporary one which will give the sane among us time to devise a fair solution. One which gives and takes, with sensible compromise in place.

And then, maybe, we can address the other elephant in the room, the herd of elephants - the existential peril we are all facing with the continuing abuse of the world's physical being, to the point of no return. To unprecedented endangerment of survival of man on this globe, in this universe.

In the meanwhile, as the world leaders apparently do not wish to hear me and so many wiser people, we can return to the One Above, the One with true power and ask, beg, plead, and pray for the healing of the world and for Yitzy, that sweet boy. In fact, we need to pray for the answers in saving all the children of the world now facing threats that should have no part in their lives. 

Thus, let us all pray to -



Yitzchak Elimelech ben Chana Sarah

May he be granted refuah shelaymah bimheyrah beyameinu. 

May he be granted a timely and complete healing.

May Hashem hear all our voices raised in prayer. 

Amen. Amen.

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