Tuesday, March 28, 2023


  When is enough enough? When and how do we know that all that could be done, was done and was enough. Does doing enough demand more or less action or is each situation to be judged in its own parameters? Does enough, doing enough, ever take place when we do actually nothing at all?

These are tough times for our nation, for the nation of Israel and personally, for me and my family, especially Yitzy. I have been dismayed at the behavior and destructive policies of too many in leadership positions. There remain too many who continue to follow along in a deadly game of "Following the Leader".  

However, I am also impressed by the determined behavior of some to correct a yaw in the path of the ship of state and truly, "go to the mattresses". That is a term used by Mafia families when rivalries deteriorated to a level wherein the 'soldiers' of the families hunkered down in a lair piled with mattresses for the 'family' members. Loyalty to their capo, their Don', a ceding of control to their leader - and the reality of death.

 Loyalty, earned and given in a positive, constructive manner, can bring about positive change. However, blind loyalty, unthinking, mob behavior, fealty to the lies of perverted supposed leaders, generate times of evil and horror. When little children and their teachers become the prey. When truth is a dying concept. When cowardice reigns and personal morals and values are discarded alongside this manifestly evil highway. When people refuse to see the truth clearly, deny it, go mealymouthed when push comes to shove and a choice between good and evil, that simple, must take place. 

Too many of us here in America have come down on the wrong side of that decision. Or adopt ostrich behavior, hiding heads in the sand. Well, that does not work. All that silence does is aid in the propagation of evil. Courage, buoyed and inspired by the commitment of others, in the face of known fear, so rare these days is the answer. Extremism, intransigence in support of evil will eventually collapse; however, not before so much harm is incurred by that society. Weak, even evil acquiescent leadership in America has been part of the evil that has suffused the people of America or the determined dead end belief that it all has nothing to do with them. It does. It does.

On the other hand, I am in awe at a nation which does not forget its commandments of behavior, the necessity to stand up for right, to be a role model, to return to the proper path after having wandered off. Thus, the beautiful reaction of hundreds of thousands of Israelis opposed to the harmful effects of a proposed reform, so not a reform but rather a power play, of dire consequence for a dark future. Reform must come with compromise, with talk, with agreement, rather than imposed, slammed down on the population. Paths of possible effects must be traced and protections of democracy, of rights, of a shared open, society must be carefully guarded. One can never do enough in this cause.

The protesters in Israel have won a pause. Will that time be enough? Will the proponents of false reform understand the dangerous territory they have created, the threats, existential threats to the nation, the comfort and aid they have provided to the enemies of their country, their people.  The roadblocks placed in the path to an ever better society are giant. We must turn aside from their creation and existence. No choice here. At all.

Closer to the personal realm, my awe of Yitzy grows. How brave he is to go for his chemo, knowing its side effects, knowing the debilitating nausea which recurs with these treatments. A boy of 12 realizing that at times we must do the difficult, the awful, if we are to achieve the best. I, who postpone dentist appointments time after time, admire my little, brave grandson. I stand in awe of his parents who have and will continue to give their all for this beautiful boy, even as they do not neglect their other beautiful children.

Heroes all, brave people all.

Good must be actively sought and protected.

It must prevail over the awful and evil.

We must continue to pursue it no matter the difficulties to be faced and defeated. 

There is no choice.

And I ask you to remember the choices you have so kindly made in keeping Yitzy in your prayers and hearts. 

We, the family, bless you, thank you, again and again.

It is a long, difficult road we travel. Your prayers and thoughts, your accompanying us, buoys us in this trek to health and a future for Yitzy and indeed for all our children.

Thus, let us all pray to -



Yitzchak Elimelech ben Chana Sarah

May he be granted refuah shelaymah bimheyrah beyameinu. 

May he be granted a timely and complete healing.

May Hashem hear all our voices raised in prayer. 

Amen. Amen.

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