Wednesday, March 29, 2023


  You ask, "Who is Pete?" How do we know him? Where is he from? Why does he even matter? And which Pete anyway?"

Well, Pete is the one who appears in the mouths of many, being the Pete from "for Pete's sake!" Yes, though we obviously care much about his welfare, imploring people that for his sake we had better rethink or react or do whatever needs doing for Pete's sake. For those who continue to stubbornly maintain they do not remember him, well, really!

Those who state that, must have taken the same class, along with many, many, many GOP members of Congress, and their followers. "What class is that?", you inquire. - It is a class in dumb, passed with flying colors. To paraphrase Robert Browning, from his sonnet dedicated to Elizabeth Barrett Browning - delineating the oh so many beautiful ways and whys he loved her, 'Let us count the ways'. These ways and whys are different. They are, for Pete's sake, those which guaranteed honors from that class in dumb. Does it not make you proud, swell with pride at how many of those honor graduates now serve as GOP members of Congress, continuing with all their might, to go forge advances in the principles of that class of dumb. Doing quite well, actually. For Pete's sake!

Yet more children dead at the hands of a gun owner who should never have been allowed near a gun let alone buy and use one. Yet another school attacked, their insufficient security protocols so bloodily antiquated and useless. For Pete's sake, and all the little Pete's and Petereinas, let us be done with this. Let us instead shatter the record as to how many of these honor graduates we can turf out of office.

If we do not do this, the status quo will remain: dangerous guns in the hands of those who wish to kill, to shed blood of innocents, to force loved ones left behind to sink into a grief so deep, so all consuming that there is never actual relief. 

For Pete's sake! How many more must we lose? Have we all become so indifferent to these horrors, almost one a week this year, that we can tsk, tsk, oh so terrible, and continue on our way - possibly to buy a gun, for we need to be safe, do we not?

For Pete's sake. 

For our sake. 

For the sake of our kids!

Honor graduates post Christmas cards with their progeny toting assault weapons. Some decorate their rifles oh so pretty. Others are defensive or boast how they will defend this country against all comers. Well, for Pete's sake, who defends us against them!!!

An honor graduate 'serving' the nation says, "Nothing is going to change" as his brilliant, ever so empathetic and sympathetic words emerge from a truly dangerously dumb mouth. And the same offended gun lover will maintain the same viewpoint even as the weeping funeral corteges pass by, the sobs of bewildered, bereft, grieving parents, grandparents, orphaned children, mourning friends, on the way to burying yet another child, another caretaker, another victim. And another. And another. And another. And .......

Yes, the beat does go on within the chests and the oh so large hearts of these honor graduates of Dumb University, with the most comprehensive classes in Dumb proudly offered. Carefully highlighted in their catalog of classes so as to stand out for those too dumb to find them, these deeply desirable courses.

For Pete's sake!!!

For all our sakes, for the sakes of humanity. For the sake of a future for our kids - we must change. We must do better. We must shutter those Dumb dispersers and practitioners. When we must look at children undergoing the torments of hell as they fight cancer. As my Yitzy is doing, as other 'Yitzys' are doing, why must we add to the toll. Let us take the moneys generated in these sales of assault guns, huge magazines, and fancy straps, and use it instead for vital, constructive goals - for life for these kids. For all kids.

 But no, graduates of Dumb U cannot understand that concept and refuse to bar the sale of semi and full assault weapons. "We are defending America," they say - as we watch yet another slaughter. 

For Pete's sake - enough, more than enough. 

Let us spurn these Dumb practitioners, these non-thinkers and instead work together to create a world where guns and hate have no place. So much of the evil and violence of the world is beyond our reach. This isn't. Buy your handgun, your hunting rifle, your marksmanship pistols, go through the system and checks - but oppose the weapons of war and death in our own homes. In our families.

Let us instead, for Pete and for all of us - do this instead -

Thus, let us all pray to -



Yitzchak Elimelech ben Chana Sarah

May he be granted refuah shelaymah bimheyrah beyameinu. 

May he be granted a timely and complete healing.

May Hashem hear all our voices raised in prayer. 

Amen. Amen.

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