Sunday, April 30, 2023


  The iconic dreaded question asked of every parent. At least once during every car trip or trek via planes, the question will be asked - and the answer is generally "soon". That is the only sanity keeping answer possible. Details do not help. Explaining does not help. Only the passage of time, the traffic and the plane delays will provide the true answer - not within an adult's understanding, let alone a young child - or the impatient, frustrated adult waiting through two cancellations, three delays, a switch in aircraft, and then an interminable wait on the runaway. Yup. Are we there yet?

Unfortunately, we are almost there right now - or getting too damned close. In fact, I am not sure whether or not we have the impetus and the talent and the desire to truly stop this trip before we "get there". Reading the reports of the day and the week, there are three lines that stick out and quite adequately present the answer to the question. I believe the answer now must include the time delays inserted into the trip by stubborn, self-hating Americans who cry, long for, an authoritarian government which will eliminate the burden, the need for them to think for themselves.

Take a trip into the frightening reality that is now ours. Who'd a thunk! And yet, here we are, the 'there" morphing, top speed, into the "here" today.

"Code Red" is one. That is the universal designation for disaster hitting us right now. Thomas Friedman, a noted columnist and author, with whom I carry on a love/hate relationship depending on the topic of his column, warns us that this election, in so many ways, is ringing that CODE RED alarm. If the Democratics and all democrats, do not win this election, well, wave goodbye to alternative trips. We will have reached the dreaded "here"; the one with lack of traditional American taken for granted rights. The one which touts "parents'" rights even as they are disappearing. The world of lost rights will be bloated. It will be the former United States of America as small breakaways will take place and violence will become the status quo. We have already seen previews of that along with the sheer gall of an American sitting President trying to turn back the tides of truth and history and retain and remain in office. George turned down the offer to be King of America while Doanld wants to be Ruler for Life, with his tainted progeny right behind.

Code Red. Biden is old. Yes. But so is Trump and he has already lost his marbles long ago, if he ever truly had any. Kamala Harris has been sidelined publicly even as she has traveled the world on missions tamping down the violence, the disagreements - doing her job. It is the Biden administration which must place her strengths and abilities front and center along with the push to remind all that Trump is four years younger chronologically, but well advanced into dangerous dementia afflicted thinking, for years already. Code Red indeed.

Whoopi said it even better, clearly and in her plainspoken language. Read the excerpts and ask - what is the answer to that ubiquitous question of exactly where we are on our trip.

"What the hell is going on in this country?":

, “I don’t have to agree with everything you agree with. You don’t have to agree with everything I agree with. That’s why we have two parties! That’s why we have the Constitution!”

 Simple words, deep meaning. Clear presentation of the 'here' we are approaching at Mach speed, knowingly or not.

Austin Tice

Evan Gershkovich

Political prisoners, journalists endangered.

The path is clear - they must be freed. Now.

It takes a village to raise a child and it takes a world to insure universal freedom, a life protected from those who would harm it. It may take that village to raise a child, but it takes a world, all involved, to ensure freedom, security, and just societies replete with caring and concerned administrators of that society. Be aware. Be watchful. Be concerned.

And, of course, as always it will take the world to do what we ask every day - 



Yitzchak Elimelech ben Chana Sarah

May he be granted refuah shelaymah bimheyrah beyameinu. 

May he be granted a timely and complete healing.

May Hashem hear all our voices raised in prayer. 

Amen. Amen.

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