Thursday, June 8, 2023


  What is a crux? Defined as "the decisive or most important point at issue", the citizens of the world are facing many such cruxes. Honestly, there are times I cannot separate them or deny the thread which unites them all, in one way or another. I believe that the ever-growing chorus of hate reflects the avid pursuit of 'victory' over an opposing side, no matter its cost.  There is a growing reluctance to listen, to open ears and minds and control mouths, as we deny the truth of humanity: we all share commonalities far more basic than differences.  

Humanity itself has reached a crux, an existential one, which demands that we either come down on the side of reason, of sanity, of compromise and acceptance of our basic needs, or we support the inevitable decline and destruction of all the progress of the centuries humanity has achieved. It is as if the demand for water and minerals of the earth has stirred ancient dust from the depths and the dregs of our past. 

There has been a giant leap of vitriolic speech, a revival of ancient hatreds, of falsehoods destructive to the nth degree. They linger and grow in strength. We deny that we, us, the people of this earth are the ones who have stirred the worst of humanity, given it resuscitation, bring it to the surface where it has found welcome. We water it with toxicity, with growing hatred, with disregard for basic civility, for love, for adherence to the stated principles of every religion on this planet, even as we pervert their very ethos, as we use it as justification for violence and all that is negative. 

We are at the crux of an existential crisis. Either we come down on the right side, no matter the difficulties, or we consign ourselves to inevitable defeat as people, as a beneficial civilization, and fall to apocalyptic lives, to days of the "Thunderdome". The choice is ours, a choice which will grow in desperation and intensity the longer we delay in acceptance and understanding of where we are and where we will go. Time is a 'fleetin'. 

HALT ((8)) are the signs displayed on a bus system in Burlington, Vermont, along with backup in the form of facts and suggestions for implementing this halting of hate. Will it work? Frankly, while I applaud these efforts, I doubt it. In another locale, a civic meeting is disrupted via antisemitic phone calls. In Austria the intercom of a train is coopted and out comes the Heils to Hitler, and vicious segments of his rants of hate. In numerous cities and towns across this country there is a growth of antisemitic leaflets, vandalism, even physical attacks and murder. 

We hear the echoes of the past revived in the present and fear for the future. Jewish supremacy. Jewish conspiracy. Jewish control of the media. Jews at fault for any and all problems of humanity, from economic crises to spreading disease, whatever filth emerges from the muck of diseased, yet clever power-hungry minds and the people they attract to their sickness.

We forget, much to our detriment, that hate does not end. Its gaping maw is always hungry, always hangry, needing fuel. Any and all are legitimate targets, for when it finishes with one group, well, there is always another, even to the point of eating away at its own. No end. Unless it is countered with a vigorous campaign, with as much energy and commitment as they demand of their followers.

There is no halfway here, at this crux in our lives. In our civilization. Unfortunately, these diseased minds somehow have the energy, the smarts to pull together to put aside differences and gain power - until it suits them no longer. We, on the other hand, seem to be incapable of uniting, of forming a tight 'togetherness' which will empower the just, the caring, the right side of this equation. We allow our superficial differences to overcome our shared interests and commonalities. Our togetherness, the power and impetus it gives, is damaged, faulty, and will remain as such unless and until we stop this self-destructive separation, the rancid untruths and the growing contempt towards the electorate as we allow their rights to be stripped from them, to be limited to the point of nonexistence in any meaningful manner.

It is upon us. WE need to dig deep and find our inner strength, our understanding of our duties. We need to foster togetherness and stop picking on each other. Pray separate or pray together. Pray on whatever day of the week you desire. Eat a restricted diet or not. Just be good people whose demands do not impinge on the rights and needs of others.

Together we can be successful, we can rescue ourselves, democracy, and a future for our kids.

The Mormons, in a somewhat surprising statement urged that we "vote for those who have demonstrated integrity, compassion, and service to others, regardless of party affiliation."

Music to my ears.


Together - Together we can achieve it all. 

Together we can



Yitzchak Elimelech ben Chana Sarah

May he be granted refuah shelaymah bimheyrah beyameinu. 

May he be granted a timely and complete healing.

May he always remain on the road of faith, healing and strength.

May we all walk on that same road.

May Hashem hear all our voices raised in prayer. 

Amen. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Hate does not understand reason - it only understands violence.
