Monday, June 26, 2023


  "Sweet land of liberty..." Over a decade ago this was one of the patriotic songs sung daily at every gathering, in every school, anywhere patriotism needed to be exhibited.  All sang lustily, imbued with a unity of a national response to a horrific attack on and in our country. We have never ever fully returned to what was considered 'normal' and in doing so, or not doing so, our entire national ethos has changed drastically. The unity then is now extinct, gone, seemingly forever, as our nation turned over the next decade to cannibalism of its own body politic. My country, rather than a firm statement of pride and belonging, now actually became a question. 

That question? Is this actually, forever, "my country"? Do I belong here? Am I welcome here? Will that welcome last or has it already lost its shine and warmth? Is the Lady of the Harbor actually a standing representation of a present-day hypocrisy of the dream of America, the land of hope, the land of welcome, the land where all things were possible. Perhaps naive, but what else did so many oppressed from round the world have other than that dream of a refuge, where a future was possible. Where the welcome mat, a tad tattered round the edges still remained at the entry door. Not perfect by any means, but better than anywhere else.

My parents were born here. My grandparents came here all by themselves still in their teens, seeking a better life, where they could breathe free. I was third generation, second to be born here. My great grandson is three more generations on - fifth to be native born. As a kid growing up I was American, full blooded gung-ho Yankee. No doubt ever. Yes, I was Jewish, lived in a world which was replete with Jewish people and customs, but above all else, no contradiction - I was an American. Period. We Jews were home. No fear for our very lives. No death camps. No ghettos. American,  I pledged allegiance every day in school and sang to my country, "of thee I sing".

These days I am seriously contemplating purchase of an apartment in Israel. Thinking how once unthinkable, that at my age a need for refuge might be imminent, unwelcome in my native-born country to whom I once sang, to whom I pledged my allegiance. Today, my allegiance is not welcome by purveyors of villainous and violent hatred, millennia old. A hatred invoked by those born with twisted souls and hearts, dining on this foul poison. 

I. Would. Need. A. Haven. From.  America! 

No way! But yes way. Growing antisemitic waves threatening life and limb, security, futures. Once again. Why must it be this way? Today, outside forces have made me, deemed me, Jewish but emphatically not American. In fact, my very presence threatens the nation. This despite the sacrifices of lives and the contributions we have made for this country and to the world. 

The strains of "Anatevka" resound in the air, a constant background noise, reminding me, all of us, that our refuge is never assured. The only country in the world which welcomes me is Israel. Hence apartment hunting. Practically, economically, emotionally, a difficult idea. I love Israel, have pride in it, supported it, but I am an American, though apparently there is a growing school of thought which denies that. 

So, where do I go? Where is refuge?

Europe? Rife with antisemitism, vicious, violent. Arab lands where Jews lived for thousands of years? Already chased out or living in terror. Asia? To Russia with its 'proud' history of antisemitism? Or tiny countries proving their worthiness by taking on the antisemitic policies of larger nations? South America? Uh-huh - first check in with the emigres from Venezuela and Argentina, etc. 

Do we revert to hiding who we are, follow the advice of be a Jew in your home, but not in the streets? Ignore the fact that America and the European Union have had to appoint ambassadors and officials tasked with fighting antisemitism? As the practices of Judaism such as kosher slaughter or the brit milah, are condemned, under the guise of humane concerns? Feh!!!  

Is Israel perfect? No. No country is. There are underlying tensions and behaviors which cause me great unease and concern. But there it is. Front and center. The only country that says to me -    "Welcome  home."

Would that America recalls that once I thought I was. Perhaps with a reassuring undertone of always having another option, not necessarily to take up that option, but still - to know it is there... 

A wish, a dream, that all of us, all the sane people of the world, would unite, form a strong front and campaign not only against Jew hatred, but against all these wasteful, harmful, spiteful prejudices and biases that have no basis in fact or truth. 

Would that all together we would grow up and do what must be done. 

Would that we all seek deep within ourselves and discard all needing immediate disposal if we are to enable futures for all mankind. 

Would that we all remember, together, that we are all humans, bound to the same embattled planet, our fates joined together. 

Would that we all choose the good leader, the one for the long haul, rather than one who promises all and delivers only bitterness, hate and ruin. 

Together. Together. Together.

We must act together, in concert, in harmony.

Together - Together we can achieve it all. 

Together we can



Yitzchak Elimelech ben Chana Sarah

May he be granted refuah shelaymah bimheyrah beyameinu. 

May he be granted a timely and complete healing.

May he always remain on the road of faith, healing and strength.

May we all walk on that same road.

May Hashem hear all our voices raised in prayer. 

Amen. Amen.

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