Tuesday, June 27, 2023


  Anyone's head spinning, faster and faster, so much so that the eyes are confused and the mind overwhelmed? Well, join this not so merry club - or just keep bumping into walls whose foundations are broken, the structure trembling, and you? Stumbling in the dark, not quite sure where the way out, to safety, is to be found. Or if it even exists.

Sometimes I wonder if all this is a horrid dream, a vision of a future gone awry, or merely a blip in the road, one easily overcome. The problem though, is that dreaming is a wishful thought as we recognize the godawful reality of it all and then wonder how the hell this happened. When did we all lose sight of ourselves, of rules of civility, of decency, of growth of knowledge, of freedom to read and think, without real time growing censorship? How did we arrive or walk ourselves into actual fear of a takeover of this country's governing apparatus ... uh, wait a minute - did that not already take place? My bad. Furthermore, how to even explain all this venom internally and externally when countries, enemies, allies, as so intertwined that when the iconic butterfly flaps those wings, there is indeed an effect on the other side of the world. 

We read of fissures and cracks in the walls of Putin's dictatorship. Uh huh. Perhaps we had better look closer at the cracks and fissures within and without our own walls. Putin will rise or fall, depending on the spirit or lack thereof of the Russian people. The end result? Not much. We have all been there, done that and come almost full circle, back to dictatorship in Russia and former SSRs, be it generic, communistic, socialistic, fascistic - whatever name rings your bell. If Putin goes down, well, so somebody else rises to the top of the scum of Russian elites, perhaps even Prigozhin. Same difference and same end result.

No, my great fear is that my high speed once list of unthinkable events is outdated, for the future is upon us, now, in the present, front and center and moving swiftly. It is a filthy snowball containing within the traitors to their country and the people within, the Constitution revisionists, bigots, incompetents, the demented, wishy-washy, power-hungry morons. They have tampered so with the structure of our country, attacked our supporting walls with so many sledgehammers and drills that our entire building is trembling, its underpinnings unreliable at this point.

The mortar of trust and faith in our institutions, in the people we elect who then appoint others to offices and positions, has eroded, been eaten away by the acid we spill on it in increasing amounts. The supply of said acid apparently infinite in quantity.  This erosion of mortar is fixable only by the harsh realization of what must be done. A full, thorough, ruthless cleansing of the government. Corrupt judges, from local village to SCOTUS must be 'unbenched', replaced with truth-seekers and souls of honor. Members of Congress who have exhibited and demonstrated via their invective spewing mouths and their abhorrent behavior, disregarded their oaths to the nation need to be censured, impeached, defrocked of offices, along with their camp followers at all levels. 

This is indeed a harsh view of a future which must become real and now. How to install this program, how to organize, carry out and reassure the people that we are still America, only returning to what we were, taking out the trash, well, way beyond my pay grade. I only know, feel it deep in the marrow of my bones, that we are fast approaching the point of no return. If we do not act now, decisively, promptly, we will be unable to act later. It will be the antidemocratic cudgels and hammers and the mortar of the blood of the imprisoned which will reshape our institutions in a most misshapen form. 

No, folks, I have not gone off the tracks. My trolley is still functioning quite well, on the tracks, albeit a tad, well, more than a tad, slower and squeakier. Here are the words of a famous author who has written a different kind of book in his Cross series. It is not a murderer perse se that Sampson is seeking, but the murderers of the nation, before they complete their dangerous circle of treason, within scary seconds of success. The chief villain, who could not complete his plan without the aid of disgruntled traitors, uses the current situation as excuse and justification.

"The people are tired, frustrated, angry. They don't trust the president, Congress, or the media. The nation is divided, crumbling, and we're steps away from armed insurrection by various different populations."

And his plans?

To use the army, declare martial law. 'Preventive detention'. Monitoring of the media. Supervisors everywhere. Military escorts for 'dangers' to the new government. Decimation of opponents. A total restructuring of our country, the loss of the Republic we have kept for so long, to maintain, keep strong for its citizens and for the world. 

     Are these words not familiar? The worries, the malaise of the nation are true. The elephant in the room is whether or not we truly want to keep our nation, fight for it, or simply want to let go, tired, without following the thread to inevitable repression and oppression which would follow as night follows day.

 I hope to G-d, I, and so many others are incorrect, that we need to have more faith in the strength and integrity of our institutions, in the people of the nation. That soldiers will not turn on their fellow citizens. Time will tell. I hope positively.

I hate to even mention Yitzy after such an awful scenario. However, he is always in my mind and heart. Always in so many who have linked together and been there for him. Yesterday he was able to go to a local amusement park with friends (and father) and be a child again. The videos of the day were marvelous and tear inducing. To see that grin on his face again. We pray for continued progress and good results from the next six months of chemo.

Together. Together. Together.

We must act together, in concert, in harmony.

Together - Together we can achieve it all. 

Together we can



Yitzchak Elimelech ben Chana Sarah

May he be granted refuah shelaymah bimheyrah beyameinu. 

May he be granted a timely and complete healing.

May he always remain on the road of faith, healing and strength.

May we all walk on that same road.

May Hashem hear all our voices raised in prayer. 

Amen. Amen.

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