Wednesday, June 28, 2023


  ... is supposed to shut the door after closing the lights, taking one last look around, and then locking the door. All safe and sound, awaiting the return of those who live within those walls. A simple ritual giving one confidence to leave treasured items behind, safe within the comforting walls of home. And off we go to magically fly our way to an expected? hoped for? wonderful week in the sun, the mountains, the shore, wherever. It is away.

These days, things are different. Many of us leaving the home engage in more complicated activities. Talking to the woman who lives within blue tooth Wi-Fi enabled devices. Giving her instructions as to timing of lights, locking and unlocking via specifically timed codes. Complicated indeed and there are times I long for the old days when I would insert a key in the appropriate slot, turn it, and locked! 

After checking of course that all utilities were off, no devices left on, and by the time one walks out the door, rolling along massive overpacked suitcases of oh so much that could not be left behind for the week one would be away. Finally, after waiting through gazillion delays, searches for crews whose work hours have not timed out, your rear end numb from those seats designed to torture, on shaky legs, you stand at the gate, hiding your extra item to carry on, finally find your seat, and cram in your luggage not snatched away at the gate. 

Within those desperately necessary carry ons and multitude of bags containing purchases made during the hours? days? you have spent in the airport, are those absolutely necessary items should you be delayed yet again, or land on a deserted island, or find yourself afloat in the sea, or land in a strange foreign land greeted by uniformed, nasty looking dudes. You will face it all and survive, for the carry-on contents will see you through. 

And on to the worrying for the next few hours before landing in the right airport, receiving all your luggage, in one undamaged piece. But worry remains. What about the hotel or the relative's home? Is it clean, quiet, or are you next to the elevator which shakes the building or in a space where you will sleep on a broken sofa in the midst of a living room filled with noisy relatives, all anxious to hug you and all you want, long for,  is to go home! As for your relatives, they are awaiting farewell time so they can return and text each other how bad you look or some nasty comment or two or three

By the time the week is over, turning out to actually be fun, all you needed to be human again was a night's sleep and a few more hugs from mom and dad or sibling or that baby nephew or niece. Still, there has to be a better way, maybe a staycation next time? Nah! Anyway, time to reverse the trek and off we go.

Those of us leaving for vacation over the next few months, enjoy. Be safe. Turn off that damn phone. Hide your laptop. Get into the space for joy and happiness. Appreciate what you have. And not to worry. The world and all its aggravation await you. It ain't going anywhere - we hope!!

Of course, the togetherness the week of vacation is a different kind of togetherness, but a powerful, most necessary one. Not to forget the continued, strong togetherness which has helped Yitzy.

Together we can



Yitzchak Elimelech ben Chana Sarah

May he be granted refuah shelaymah bimheyrah beyameinu. 

May he be granted a timely and complete healing.

May he always remain on the road of faith, healing and strength.

May we all walk on that same road.

May Hashem hear all our voices raised in prayer. 

Amen. Amen.

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