Thursday, June 29, 2023


  Life can get mighty confusing soon, particularly in Florida as restrictions go into place as of July 1 and the enactment of DeSantis new rules. They are overwhelmingly fascistic in origin and intent that even some good rules are lost within the miasma of hate emanating from the other new laws. These new laws serve to perpetuate bias, to reduce the rights of people, censuring them and the literature available to them. It cripples the economy of Florida, with the critical labor of immigrants disappeared - Poof! 

These immigrants will be chased, hunted down, forced to show papers, or face detention and expulsion. All for the of the 'criminal' act of seeking refuge from hate, from death and persecution, from impressment of their children into gangs, from economic conditions conducive only to death by starvation. Immigrants being hunted, demeaned, dehumanized, holding camps, 'concentration points' and then what - enforced labor till death, following Hitler's ideas, creating new "Jews" available for those so flawed they cannot be without someone to persecute?! Think not that this cannot be. It surely can - and already is to a shameful extent. As for the employers, Heaven help them!

Ignorance and failure to think things through are familiar traits of DeSantis. He who boasts of his control of the government, who dreams of it, urged on by his wife, definitely the shadow behind the throne and the brains of his ugly campaign. Not to forget his very young children already being inculcated with hateful propaganda, shlepped along on the exhausting campaign trail, when they should be at home, with friends, in school, at play, not appearing dressed as little adults smiling falsely for the camera. Nothing works better than early planting of prejudice and twisted thinking. 

As for the economy of Florida, well, just wave goodbye. Employers threatened with exorbitant fines, jail time, all sorts of lovely consequences should they hire illegal immigrants. You know, those who pick the crops, who package them, who fix the roofs and other damage from natural disasters, who keep the economy in working order as so many others refuse to return to work, and certainly not to any jobs producing or requiring physical labor and lots of sweat in the heat, natural and political, within Florida. 

More frightening, threatening all, is DeSantis's promises to redo the Constitution, changing it as he wills and wants. Take away the "native born" provision of citizenship - uh, Constitutional, Ron. No go. Other rights, like to vote, to live a life as one chooses, raising families, the right to medical care as one wishes for oneself - Nope. Ron does not like that. And there goes yet another segment of Floridian economy. Brains and hate cannot live in the same room without real problems. 

Worry not, though, as dear Ron has created a solution to arising problems. Simply go to the store, one of your daily errands, purchase a gun. Sure, no investigation, no safety classes, no restrictions. Then when you are annoyed by something, simply whip out your handy dandy gun and BLAM! Problem solved. Argument about a line, at the supermarket, at child pickup, or simply for breathing - BLAM!! Yup. Just like the return of the good old America of the West. Yup. Simple, folk driven justice. Think of the money saved by canceling courts. The judges were all corrupt anyway, and if they were not, who needs them!

Wondering about the title? Well, that is simple. Evidently, until a child graduates high school, they are not allowed to hear the word period within the halls of education - such a misnomer as all benefits from an educated citizenry will indeed be cancelled. Oh such a lovely future Ron has planned for all of us Americans and all he needs is your vote. And ignorance and hate will reign supreme.

Oh, the title, right? Well, there is a punctuation mark, quite important, a dot at the end f a sentence called a .....(no one around) ...period. Uh oh, the camera picked that up. Gotta' run. Got my go bag with me. And, of course, my gun. See ya'. Whenever.

This is a fight for all of us together. I care not, it matters not, whether we are on the same side of every issue. All that matters is that those who believe in a true America, in a nation that is forward thinking, that cares for all, that ensures the rights of and for all humans and oh heck, rights for proper care of animals, for the right to make one's own health decisions, well together is the only way to ensure its survival, against all common enemies- foreign and domestic. What an unusual concept these days. The truth. Period!

Oops, I said it again. Incorrigible, I guess.

Is that Ron's voice? 

Gotta' run. Remember -

Together. Together. Together.

Together we can



Yitzchak Elimelech ben Chana Sarah

May he be granted refuah shelaymah bimheyrah beyameinu. 

May he be granted a timely and complete healing.

May he always remain on the road of faith, healing and strength.

May we all walk on that same road.

May Hashem hear all our voices raised in prayer. 

Amen. Amen.

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