Monday, July 24, 2023


 Sorry, love is not the answer we need. Not in today's world where the concept of love, as feeling or action has been conscripted, drafted into supporting numerous conflicting twisted philosophies, usually by those who have no idea ever about the true meaning of unselfish love - which would be the answer. But if we wait for that, we will be waiting forever, or, till we complete the one task in which we have honed our expertise - the task of destroying the world. 

At least as a livable place for human habitation. The cockroaches, maybe. The rats, maybe. But humans - well, our time is limited, the opening, the chance to save ourselves from ourselves is narrowing by the nanosecond. Humankind has exhibited great proficiency at this job, and this year has been the living horrific presentation of truths come back to roost. 

The environmental changes we have been warned about, all front and center this year even as denial continues. "Fire burn and cauldron bubble" has come alive. Homes lost to floods and fires, our breathing apparatus, our trees, disappearing under relentless climate change. Forest fires of massive proportion. Clearcutting for 'build we must'. Our arable land as we either build on it or destroy it. A   food challenged world gets worse. Beaches and shores are denuded of homes and land as ocean waters rise and cover them, islands and coastal cities face inundation and survival projects are too little too late.  Our excesses have even managed to poison the very air we need to breathe if we are to live.

In short, we have reduced this beautiful gift of the Heavens into a challenged orb, replete with damages of existential proportion and terrifying consequences even as we pollute the possible place of refuge with space junk. Anybody have an answer as to what we can do to overcome the consequences of our actions?  Nope, deep silence. Thought so. 

 Love? Not the answer. We would not recognize true love and the blessing it can be if it rose up and slapped us in our faces. No, not romantic love, but the love and appreciation for ourselves and others. Recognize we are one and the same, share the same end fate. Yes. G-d has promised not to destroy the world via another Great Flood, but then again, we are doing so well all by ourselves, are we not?

Religion, which should unite us all in a belief that there is a greater Power, that we are not accidents of nature, of happenstance, is perverted and twisted. In the name of these 'holy' ideas, in the name of numerous gods and G-d, we have destroyed millions of fellow beings, in the worst of manners, with glee and cruelty, with malice a forethought. And an afterthought!

We claim to know the thoughts of G-d. Jesus is bedecked with a MAGA red hat. In the name of the Holy Trinity, we are encouraged to go out and conquer the world, convert it, willing or not. In the name of G-d we disparage and oppress. We excuse and justify slavery. In these false flag actions we wallow, thinking we are washed clean by that mud, not realizing until too late that we have been indulging ourselves at the wrong spa, immersed in the evil sulfur smelling mud bath. 

Where, when and why have we gone so wrong? Why is Israel, given as a "light unto the nations" as per Isaiah, gone dark, with a chasm so deep it threatens the nation's survival. Twice before we have engaged in war of brother against brother, allowing for the enemy to enter and destroy the nation, raze the Temple and lose the central focus and heart of our faith. Are we doing that again? 

On the other hand, there are so many good people out there, their goodness often overshadowed by the selfish, the demanding, the destroyers. First hand we know the power of togetherness, of united prayer. Our Yitzy, for the first time since February had a wonderful Shabbat. Sharing a meal with family friends, an accomplishment by itself, he felt strong enough to then spend the afternoon playing with a friend. G-d bless you all for prayers. G-d bless you all and keep you and yours safe. I wish you could all see and meet this child, so pure and clean, so joyful in his faith, so strong in his trust. Keep the fight for Yitzy ongoing and successful. Please. Thank you - from the bottom of our hearts.

Together we have the power to defeat the evil, the selfish, the wrong. Together we can move mountains, heal a child, and perhaps yet save this planet, and build a future that is good for our little ones.

Only united in a positive togetherness. 

The only way forward.

 Together. B'yachad.

Together. Together. Together.

Together we can heal the nation.



Yitzchak Elimelech ben Chana Sarah

May he be granted refuah shelaymah bimheyrah beyameinu. 


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