Sunday, July 23, 2023


  "You can look at a picture for a week and never think of it again. You can also look at a picture for a second and think of it all your life." (Joan Miro)

I came across this yesterday and thought how apropos of today's world and how true for individuals referring to impact upon one's very being.

There is a huge sculpture or statue scene which I first saw around 1991 at The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Only for a brief contemplation as I was with a group, but its impact has remained with me for all these years and have often spoken of it to others. Its meaning and beauty are as relevant today as they were then, perhaps a lesson to all of us. But that is for another blog posting.

There are other things one looks upon through life via eyes conditioned by life experience, expectation and personal imprint. Our eyes record, as do cameras and transmit on demand or even unexpectedly. The questions are thus: are our cameras working properly and what happens between recording and transmission? What indeed have we seen and what have we 'seen'?

Recording: lead article in the Palm Beach Post today - severe lack or shortage of labor and prices rising rapidly along with consequences. Well, good morning, America! Transmission: the challenger for the GOP nomination for President, Ron DeSantis, has done this, via his lackeys and foolish voters who will not see the connection or lay blame elsewhere.

In fact, the majority of our eye cameras and transmission centers have gone awry. There is simply something gone wrong at its very roots and the transmissions are twisted, inimical to a sane and safe life for Americans and in fact, for the world at large. Worse is that these broken cameras and transmissions are increasing, the ugliness growing by leaps and bounds, the consequences substantial, life altering even, carrying with it a fraught future, rent with danger and violence. And why have we not either purchased new ones or fixed the old? Because too many are unaware of the apparatus gone wrong and have become inured to the erroneous scenes. They have become inured to the ugliness it pushes, even liking it, justifying it. The will to know and fix the broken parts is gone.

We, meaning the world, make war on children. We make war on civilians and blast their infrastructure to pieces. We make war on the world by denying it food, targeting warehouses and freighters carrying grain and vegetables to a starving world. We make war on truth, knowledge and history itself, by teaching children of, G-d help us all, "the positive benefits and side of slavery". Yes, DeSantis again. We make war against ourselves by allowing, pushing a multi indicted, immoral would-be dictator to run for President - again - change trial dates to his benefit. We even have that good old boy Ron making war on Mickey and Bud Lite because they are evidently too tolerant for his bigoted blood. What the hell!!!

We wage war on morality, the true version of it, not its immoral translation. Tainted by blood and violence, it celebrates evil, glorifying it via implicit and explicit literature and song. We empower and accept that immorality as we agree to change history, distort the facts, erase the truth, and censor all books that would protect the people and present the truth for all to see and think about. And act upon. 

And we make war on courage. The Knights of the Round Table would be highly disapproving of our supposed leaders, cowards all, as they seek to maintain power and amass wealth, ceding their souls for it. Out of fear of an overgrown schoolyard bully, they refuse to man up and face and admit the truth. 

Nope, instead they endorse, enable and emulate, becoming satellites of the bully, humanity, decency all gone, discarded by the wayside. Just as immoral, just as criminal, just as selfish, just as harmful to this nation and democracy. In fact, if they would stand up, do the right thing, be true to their oath to protect this nation, and stop clucking like the chickens they are, recall their humanity, their duties well, things would definitely improve, but....

Read the quote below, see and hear the truth, properly recorded and properly transmitted. 

"They just became little, lily-livered cowards and were too afraid that, somehow, they couldn’t hold on to their precious office or their precious power if they stated the obvious.”

“So, it is not so much what Donald Trump has done,” McCaskill added. “It’s the rest of the Republican Party who has elevated him and kept him elevated that has brought this upon America.”

Folks, the situation is at Defcon Four and we avert Defcon Five only if we understand the truth, admitting the depth of our inaccuracy, unfairness and hate encouraging culture now blossoming and blooming on the streets and byways of a sick America- big cities or little towns, for it matters not. We have fallen, even jumped willingly into a stinking fetid accumulation of filth. We argue about the wrong things, emphasize them, argue without any hope of compromise, a joining point and worse, lack the knowledge and the will to do so.

The following are the words of Michael Bennett in Patterson's new eminently readable Obsessed. 

"There should be some kind of middle ground."          "That's the way it is with everything .... anything humans are involved in. There should be some middle ground, but usually no one looks for it. People stake out their positions and rarely want to listen to the other side."

Again, and again, we must hark back to what we were, what we are striving to be and our true place in the sun, in the history of humanity, rather than become yet another tired major player gone bad, losing its ethics, its ethos, losing its way and falling into the trash heap of history. Another failure. Another reversal for humanity, its progress. And yes, progress is a good word not the twisted meaning it has taken on, been given by both its proponents and opponents. 

Together we must fight this threat, this danger to the future. If we do not, then we will shortly forfeit any chance to do so.

Together, in unison, even if fragile, is the only way to move in a positive direction. It will demand long unappreciated sweaty hours and the ability to withstand disappointments.

There is no other way. None.


It is our moment or moments in history. Let us rise to the standards and place where we belong, where we must be.

That is only done together.

Or we will destroy ourselves and have only ourselves to blame.

In the meanwhile - Together. B'yachad.

Together. Together. Together.

Together we can heal the nation.



Yitzchak Elimelech ben Chana Sarah

May he be granted refuah shelaymah bimheyrah beyameinu. 


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