Friday, July 21, 2023


  Warning! Warning! The sentences of this posting can trigger feelings of dismay and angst. So read carefully.

Playing chicken does not mean strutting around stiff legged and clucking. Nor pecking for one's food among the detritus on a floor or bare ground. Instead, it is a game, a deadly game, which has evolved from a not so pretty children's game. The opponents face each other or some barrier, and to continue a designated path, without deviation, means a certainty of grievous harm and even the distinct possibility, if not probability of death. That is playing chicken.

This scenario is bad enough on a smaller scale. Even as it strengthens bullies and their tactics or force a person to backdown from a position knowing that to continue means the certain death and/or harm to the people watching. The question then arises as to why people watch? Is it a blood sport, equal to audiences at a martial arts fight? (Not that I approve of those nonrestricted anything goes fights.) 

Or are the roots of this not such a game to be found in some dark trait of savageness refusing termination? Is it simply an inclination found among some who satisfy this thirsty trait with their own versions of chicken, thus wreaking havoc to the lives of others. Does its unfortunate glorification on the screens help pull back the covers of this awful game, revealing the darkness hidden beneath a thin veneer of civilization, perhaps generating more enthusiasm and mimicry, perpetuating its continued existence. The good guy is not the one to swerve; rather it is always the bad dude, evoking cheers. However, truthfully, that is a pipe dream, for good does not always win and in fact, loses with participation in this violent game of chicken. 

Now grow this 'game' to larger proportion, that of the political sphere. How often, so very much too often, have our leaders participated in this game? Even as the inevitable negative result is clearly outlined within the growing fog of 'nacht und nebel' of sanctioned violence, deaths of thousands and total destruction of infrastructure inevitable. 

Please note it is not always the 'good guy' or the lesser of two evils, or the reformed bad guy who wins this game. The losers, though, are always the same - those caught helpless within the net of battling egos of the head people. Even if the war is a 'justified' one, G-d help us, the results come wrapped around with the deaths and maiming of too many, soaked in evergrowing pools of blood. And the underlying cause or grievance, real or not, lasts through the ages, always returning. Always.  

These conflicts within false games do nothing for the world. The people wait, scarcely able to breathe. Been there, done that is the eternal mantra of those awaiting decisions out of their hands, way, way above their pay grades.

 There are so many ongoing games these days. America and China. Or North Korea. Or Iran or Iraq. Rigid tiny men re the threat women pose for them. Russia vs. Ukraine. Truth against falsehood. Hezbollah in Lebanon and Israel. Israel vs. those who deny her right to exist. Jews in eternal battle with Jew haters. Incompetence within government, all governments vs. actual people who wish to do good rather than amass power and wealth. And on and on.

Does it ever stop, go away, once and for all? Not that I can see. I believe when we mature more, leave behind childish outdated bully tactics, keep negativity in check, ban the game of chicken, then there might be a glimmer of hope and forward movement.

The main block- the inability of we earthlings to work together, in tandem. The idea of togetherness, portrayed by its enemies as an evil, as a "deep state" cabal, are those who seek to harm, and are guilty of what they accuse their opponents. We must reject them. Demand better leaders.

Together, in unison, even if fragile, is the only way to move in a positive direction. It will demand long unappreciated sweaty hours and the ability to withstand disappointments.

There is no other way. None.


It is our moment or moments in history. Let us rise to the standards and place where we belong, where we must be.

That is only done together.

Or we will destroy ourselves and have only ourselves to blame.

In the meanwhile - Together. B'yachad.

Together. Together. Together.

Together we can heal the nation.



Yitzchak Elimelech ben Chana Sarah

May he be granted refuah shelaymah bimheyrah beyameinu. 


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