Monday, July 3, 2023


  A funny expression, considering that it is usually referring to topics, phrases, which are not Greek! Take some terms floating round the news these days. I read, and read, and the conclusion is that some people have lost sight of the truth of responsibilities. Too many have failed to properly moor their ships, large and small, and while it is their boat gone astray, their errant boat is interfering with the navigation and safe voyages of the boats of others, including our own ship of state. The seas are roiling and boiling, mammoth waves are hitting broadside and talented captains and crew are as rare as hen's teeth!

So, back to Greek. "Stare decisis" "Expressive services" And the total ethos of courts and justice. The Supreme Court of this nation, charged with the duty of being the role model for lesser courts, to function based on law and prior case precedent - prior decisions - aha! Stare decisis has been tossed into the wind, seemingly gone forever, or at least till these Judges are themselves judged and removed, impeached - 'dejudged'

We now have a good old boys club functioning in that dignified Supreme Court Building. We have misinterpretations enabled by partisan judges who have forgotten or purposely set aside their true roles in the life of this nation. That is to safeguard the Constitution, to ensure that no one misinterprets it and uses it as a bludgeon on the nation's moral character. They have done exactly that. The very idea of the importance of precedents, discarded by them, will now be used to argue their cause - not case - but cause, for they have adopted these ultra conservative antidemocracy decisions as if written in an alternate Sinai!

Thomas, the bribe taker, the pervert, now has placed all on the table. All the precedents are now in shady, darkened areas. The right to interracial marriage, or marriage for two consenting adults. The right for people to know, KNOW, that they cannot be refused service because some holier than thou ignorant troglodyte decides that he has reassurance from some twisted version of a god that anyone gay, tall, short, female, Black, White, Jewish, Baptist- whatever floats his leaky boat to do just that. Particularly if speech or words are involved. Well, every transaction involves words so hence the 'right' to refuse service. So twisted.

The same twisted logic was applied to the cancellation of the right to choose, edging into the entire field of contraception and interference with the postal system. The nasty disregard for the lives of women, endangered by unwanted or dangerous pregnancies. The threats to anyone engaged with abortions including the doctor and the woman!

The nasty virus of lack of concern, lack of empathy for others runs rampant within the deranged GOP. Threats to Medicare, to reduce access to new meds, cures, diagnostic tools, even access to medically qualified personnel, or a well-equipped small rural facility. Nope, for they have their own golden system and the rest of us can bang our heads against the wall. 

People, do not think this is not up front and personal. It can happen to you. One bad diagnosis, a frighteningly expensive medicine crucial to treatment and there you are. I know - I am here, have been there, will be here and a very complicated fragile plan allows me access but as for the future - go know! I certainly do not.

Nor does this confusion and deterioration of a nation stand unnoticed by its allies -and its enemies. Uncertainty taints decisions, alarms our allies, placing us in a weakened position while enemies dare to do what they would not have done just a few years ago. Our dissension and vicious disunity within the USA is a global crisis.

We need to look deep within our souls and truly, honestly, ask ourselves some questions. Do we understand the dangerous direction we have taken over the past few years, the very dangerous future possibilities -even probabilities facing us? I am not the only one calling out warnings of fascism, of danger to democracy including a future with physical harm to opponents and imprisonment. It is happening right now around the world, in places never before in such danger or thought to have grown past that point. If we do not understand that, see its truth we are doomed. We are already at a tipping point beyond which there is no recovery. 

A cancer grown within, and we need to root it out, defeat it, fight it as vigilantly as Yitzy is fighting his battle with it. Look around and see the little ones, so bright and shiny, just beginning to explore the world. Do we want to ensure them a viable positive future?  Do we understand the necessity to elect people with true moral fiber, as opposed to the cynical, immoral ones? Decisions - and soon - and together.

We cannot go it alone. Not within the nation and not within the world. Not even within religions for look around and see the harm of great divides in the practice and viewpoints of sects within the same larger class of that religion.

Working together, in growing acceptance of our shared humanity, in harmony, understanding, overcoming difficulties together, is the only way to go.

 Together and together to rebuild America.

Together. Together. Together.

Together we can



Yitzchak Elimelech ben Chana Sarah

May he be granted refuah shelaymah bimheyrah beyameinu. 

May he be granted a timely and complete healing.

May he always remain on the road of faith, healing and strength.

May we all walk on that same road.

May Hashem hear all our voices raised in prayer. 

Amen. Amen.

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