Sunday, July 2, 2023


   Hear ye! Hear ye! The troglodytes have done it. The backwards thinkers have actually conquered the forward thinkers and well, like it or not we are back, oh say, maybe 1870's or so. Could be worse, but we can leave it at that - bad enough. Actually, if I recall correctly, it was that pervert bribe taking Thomas of SCOTUS that said that anything passed after1854 was actually violating the Constitution. So, guess slavery is now legal, indenture is now legal or will be - just wait a second or two. Laborers are paid a pittance, no OSHA, no unions, no insurance. In fact, no social safety net at all. Medicare, Social Security - say what? You must have a fever. I'll get you one of those great elixirs from Dr. Quack, the one with laudanum, you'll feel better right soon enough!

As for the tender sex - oops, gender, females, oh whatever term is now to be allowed, and the offspring, oh such a change, enough to warm the cockles of those miserable misanthropists. Women are chattel. Plain and simple. Have inherited property - whoosh! Away with a wedding ring placed on the finger. Women working outside the home, be a professional, capable of making decisions on her own? As a matter of fact, how about that DeSantis, who among his many egregious faults has now decided on his newest target - alimony for women discarded by husbands who refuse to take financial responsibility for their wives who probably worked to support them through professional school, and their children whom they toss into the trash. Good job, dear Ron, as so usual! Did someone hit you on your head!? What are you thinking!

Oh, you mean the servants, the waitresses, etc. - that's for the lower classes. Genteel ladies do not work. As for the kids, those ragamuffins who sweep the streets and beg and pickpocket in crowds, well; nothing to do but gather them up, put them to work, picking apart old rope, feed them some gruel, or send them out West where they can be taken in by families needing cheap extra hands. 

Oh yeah, things were so much better then. A person could say anything he wanted, even do what he wanted. Prejudice? What was that? T'was only right thinking and nobody's business. Trying to interfere with our Constitution, are you? Are you even American? The rules and the laws are to benefit us, the builders of society here in America. As for those pesky dirty people coming in from Europe after the business there with war and the new rules of 1848, well, keep them in their place- restrict where they can live. As for the runaway slaves - well, Dred Scott decision - just catch them and away they go.

Okay, folks, we are now to live in a retrograde world by orders of Scotus, where three women fight a battle against 6 creeps, greatly afflicted. Some have poles incorporated into their anatomy, others are ignorant, or simply mean and any interesting combination of the above and more. Such a lovely fresh air attitude -let it all hang out. In addition, we are so grateful for their reminder that as judges they can have their cake and eat it too- always more around for them. No authority for anyone to investigate and reform - after all, they're judges and have so deemed. After all, they need posh vacations too. A small perk of the job. Recusal? LOL!!!!!

Folks, the latest decisions of our present Supreme Court are troubling, very much so. The decision to overturn RoeV.Wade, a constitutional right of women for fifty years, and the most recent one allowing a business owner to pick and choose with whom to do business. Based on individual twisted values and disgusting prejudices. And not to forget that for the most part they quote the Bible, Old and New, as justification for their exclusion.

There are long, very long threads trailing along with these decisions. Many consequences and for the cherry on top- an even more segmented society, an America splitting at the seams. That behavior, that 'free' speech is not that. It is in fact, hate speech, the equivalent of fire in the theater afire. In fact, these decisions have actually fed, overfed, the fire.

This process is called "legislating from the bench" - creating new laws as if they were a legislative body rather than a nonpartisan judicial entity. These 6 supposed judges have judged the environment and pronounced it time to contravene the Constitution and create a fascist state in our image. Time to violate our oaths we swore and engage in blatant partisan pronouncements. Let the women struggle as they might, write as many dissents as they wish, for with your majority, we, the people of this nation, are doomed.

Where does this end? Can it even ever end any more, so deep are the chasms, the gaps, so huge the knives we hold on each other, as we use them to rend asunder our once great country. The only way to fix this is to come to our senses. To find likeminded people who wish to return to our roots.  The healthy ones, formulated with proper thinking and allowing for improvement. Rules for all. Justice for all. With a recognition that to be a good society means to include and care for all. Where people ae not deemed non-people due to orientation or color or belief. 

Together folks, before we become part of history as the generations which lost the greatest experiment of humanity. 

 Together and together to rebuild America.

Together. Together. Together.

Together we can



Yitzchak Elimelech ben Chana Sarah

May he be granted refuah shelaymah bimheyrah beyameinu. 

May he be granted a timely and complete healing.

May he always remain on the road of faith, healing and strength.

May we all walk on that same road.

May Hashem hear all our voices raised in prayer. 

Amen. Amen.

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