Tuesday, September 26, 2023


 And into each life some rain must fall. Well, folks, that rain has certainly fallen into ours with the great washout of the weekend, the week prior and forecast for this week as well. If you love rain, you gotta' love the forecast: Phillipe is hanging around like a rejected forlorn French lover. Behind him are two more possibilities. Hence our title, or at least take a vacation with some sprinkles every day. Maybe....

Unfortunately, there are other forms of rain inundating the country on a vast national scale, even going global, as we here in America fall into a sinkhole of our making as we allowed acid rain to poison and destabilize the ground we walk upon. No, not the physical acid rain, though we have enabled that as well, but the acidity of the atmosphere in this nation. The acidity of the bites and nips and smacks and punches and filth we sling at each other. surrender? 

Discuss? Compromise? Love of nation over love of self? Truth? Honey? Hearing the words and concerns of the opponents? 

Folks I must run to catch a plane so will continue later this afternoon. Please return late afternoon and we will continue to talk. My apologies.   

But more important = Yitzy had a great weekend. 

Back, after plane company found my 'lost' luggage. Lucky we had an airtag in it, so we knew it was there, merely somehow misplaced.

Anyway, back at the ranch, the rain continues. Invest 91L is growing, threatening, and I am so tired of these forecasts, ever intensifying threats of flood and all sorts of mischief on an epic scale and basically, at this point, there is nothing to do but wait, prepare, and pray! Even if we were to try to   pass legislation to repair the damage done and try to prevent further damage or repair that already done, for prevention of further danger, those crazed Republicans in the House will shut it down. As they are doing right now - shutting down the country. Their latest maniacal oh so caring demand - to cut 70% of winter heating subsidies so just wait until their base freezes this winter. 

Some know it all claims that the moral base is crumbling, ruined by new requirements. I see no new requirements, merely an asking of people to remember the principles of society, with action and time given rather than mealymouthed false statements of no truth and no opening of the wallet. 

Too many people have become greedy, concerned with conspicuous consumption, and have forgotten the silently hungry, food insecure kids in their children's classes, the struggling elder citizen living on a far outgrown social security or the two working parents who cannot catch a break. Not on taxes or savings or loans or childcare or saving for college or advanced training.

As for the lawmakers, well, it is not raining. No, it is either in a drought situation or a flood of rancid legislators who make their own rules and then declare themselves immune to prosecution or punishment for misdeeds. They are above the law. They do not merit consequences, merely increased power and influence, the wherewithal to enrich themselves any way possible, Loyalty to a person, a party, rather than to constituents and country. Loyalty to self above all else. Adherence to that which is good for them, not for others. When caught, they lie, claim immunity, anything to escape the truth of their moral turpitude. Even up to and including incitement to rebel, the cooperation, the active rebellion that comes with treason. Now they dare to claim immunity by virtue of their job, the time, or degree of criminal behavior. 

Well, in my book, do the time if you did the crime. Treasonous behavior, actions, instigations to violence, stirring up major hatred among groups accompanied with the all-time favorite- cursing the Jews, blaming them for all, trying to shake hands even as their other hand is reaching for the knife.

Folks, I am so tired of that rain of s##t rain, constant never ending, pursuing, chasing, finding footholds where society will allow and there has been a rapid greatly frightening growth of available footholds. Here are a few, from just today or recently, lies on top of lies, ever building a case for hatred of Jews all denying the ugliness of their souls, the acid content of their words burning into the hearts of their targets. 

Marjorie Taylor Greene, a well-known antisemite definitely limited in intellectual capacity, wishes "the Jews" a meaningful fast accompanied by a Chanukah menorah. Uh, quite different holidays. One legislator replied that "Yom Kippur focused on the atonement of sins, Moskowitz added: “Lord knows you will be very busy.”

Gotta' luv it!

Or there is the oh so lovely, caring historian running for schoolboard position in Minnesota with these sentiments, statements of ugliness. The twisting of history as do all fascists, including our homegrown ones - DeSantis, Greene, Goetz, Trump, and all followers.  Insertion of a 'Christianity' with no resemblance to true Christianity. Censorship. Twisted history. Denied history. Abrogation of rights. Praising all that is ugly in mankind.

Klingenberg described the Holocaust being orchestrated by "big Zionist Jews" to persecute "little Jews" and claimed that "the Jewish religion is an ideology based on victimization." that the Nazis did not want the Holocaust and that they were actually trying to "save" Jewish people."

I am tired of acid rain. Where is the soft rain of my childhood? Where is the nurturing rain we used to treasure? Where has it all gone?

I wonder if we can even move this world of hate off its ramparts and send these troglodytes to a fitting, most deserved ending. 

Can it be done?

You tell me.

What I do know is that we must not give up.

We must try and the only way in which to meet with success is only if we do it together.

Together - the only way.

Together folks, together. In concerted, united, determined, knowledgeable effort.


Tomorrow. Today.

And together.

Only and always together.

Together, always together.

 United for good.



We can heal the nation.



Yitzchak Elimelech ben Chana Sarah

May he be granted refuah shelaymah bimheyrah beyameinu.


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