Wednesday, September 27, 2023


 And there you have it. Once again officials fudge on responsibility and leave constituents in the dark. By not informing them in a clear timely manner, those affected by a decision are not given time to appeal, to voice opinions. Instead, they are simply handed a fait accompli along with meaningless platitudes meant to calm the aggrieved down by promises to "keep them informed' - locking the gate after the horse has galloped away. Too little, too late, as the decision has caused yet another fracture in the quality of their lives.    

This particular decision took place on a very low level, but is as important, perhaps even more so as   it affects daily life and simply adds to the growing litany of grievances by residents as unilateral decisions are handed down after the fact, decided upon by officials who do not live in the affected area, whose appetite for more tax money overrides   all else. This is a daily occurrence on all levels of government, in all facets of life, be it on a community level, as in CVWPB all the way to top of the heap in DC. And then they wonder why there is discontent. And/or care not a whit. 

Thus, we are once again in the midst of yet another example par excellence of the stupidity and cupidity, the uncaring attitude from the big guy to the little guy. That is in all aspects of life. Get shafted in court and no one cares. Trump gets his just desserts, finally, at least in one area, being ordered rightfully so to dismantle his crooked fraud of a business and his response, demented as usual, capitalized, as usual, and gets top billing. Why? He is a worthless piece of trash who has embarrassed, shamed, corrupted this nation for too many years, allowed to remain in office, a traitor.  Allowed so unbelievably to run for that office yet again, a four-time indicted defendant with 90 charges and the real possibility for, oh, please, dear lord, of years in prison.  

How many more years until we rid ourselves of that traitor, pervert and fraud. He has embarrassed us nationally, globally, downgraded our economic status, tainted our honor and trustworthiness as a responsible partner in the eyes of other nations, and has encouraged and associated himself with those desiring of installing or keeping an authoritarian-fascistic government in lieu of democracy.      "Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me." Old but still pertinent.

This twisted, wrong turn of politics and the mad rush to gather more reins, all reins, of power in one's grubby hands and dark soul is a menace to the entire world. It has split nations, some irrevocably. I fear the USA is headed there, quite along the way, actually, and I worry desperately about Israel caught up in a socially divisive split just about at civil war level. While there are some correct points of contention on both sides of the equation, I do believe that once again, always and forever, religion has raised its ugly political destructive head, forever the bane of government round the world and throughout history. In Israel it sets literally brother against sister, father against children and has brought about wrack and ruin and national tragedy too many times in our history. It is and was, too often, a consequence powered, instigated by religious extremists who demand control, who demand the right to impose, legally or illegally and immorally, their view, their standards, of the ''right' way of religion, according to their extreme standards and manner of observance upon others. No way can that be, not unless we agree to go the way of Afghanistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and other benighted nations

It is an unfortunate truth of history that when religion involves itself in politics, the outcome is guaranteed to be bloodthirsty, violent, oppressive, destructive, just so wrong, so very wrong. It leads to nations where the only acceptable and recognized as full human beings, entitled to rights are those who meet the demands of the ruling elite. All else are second, third class, or even subhuman. 

This cannot be allowed to reinstate itself, turn the world backwards, to a violent past, oppressive and rigid. People have rights. People are free to observe or not, but not to impose their views, their religion, their manner of observance on others. They are simply wrong in doing so. Be it in the USA or Israel or Moslem countries or anywhere else. 

This can only be resolved through clearheaded thinking, by moral people who understand realities and the composition of the psyches of humans. Without those ingredients we are looking at not good times, certainly not good for them, not good for anyone living in a repressive, religiously ruled country.

I love my religion. It gives me structure, a sense of community and belonging, a wall upon which to lean, a power above me, happy memories, but it is not my wish nor my right to impose my views on others. Nor to have theirs imposed, mandated, upon me. No way, no how. Never. Religion and politics simply do not mix. The result is always explosive. 

This isa battle we must fight together, seeking rights and justice for all. For a more equal, fairer  society. This cannot be done separately, only united.

As always.

A better world for Yitzy, for grandchildren of all, for all those who come after. 

 Can it be done?

You tell me.

What I do know is that we must not give up.

We must try and the only way in which to meet with success is only if we do it together.

Together - the only way.

Together folks, together. In concerted, united, determined, knowledgeable effort.


Tomorrow. Today.

And together.

Only and always together.

Together, always together.

 United for good.



We can heal the nation.



Yitzchak Elimelech ben Chana Sarah

May he be granted refuah shelaymah bimheyrah beyameinu.




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