Wednesday, September 20, 2023


  Sometimes we need to look back and truly rediscover necessary eye-opening wisdom so desperately needed if we are to maintain a reasonable, functioning resemblance of a normal or close to normal or just approaching a version of a normal society. These days this society is more noticeable in its absence; in the huge gap it leaves behind rather than in a presence as a functioning society. Where there should be solid ground beneath our feet, we are treading ever more uncertainly in newly swampy grounds, fetid fens, and treacherous terrain. These new territories and  conditions are all on us. Every single one.

No one escapes shouldering a share of the blame if you are of age, capable of independent thinking and action. There are no excuses valid enough to let you out of the fray nor is there an escape door for you to survive the oncoming tsunami of rapid unsettling, harmful change. Unless we stand up, think fast, and understand thoroughly the necessities of life now, to continue upon this earth, just take a simple honest gander round the world today. Need motivation? Take a look at the generations younger than yours and add twenty years or so to the mix. "nuff said?

I came across an old and dusty book the other day written by a twentieth century thinker and philosopher and was struck and entranced by the  depth and simplicity of his writings. His name - Martin Buber. His premise is simple, yet not so simple to achieve, requiring great determination and effort by a person. Without that effort, we are lost. We lose our humanity. We lose ourselves. 

Among his books and essays are two in particular, available at your local Target or Walmart, are I and   Thou, and   Good and Evil Simple, yet brilliant and elegant in that simplicity. There are two relationships in this world of ours, I-It and I-Thou. The first is when we look upon all and live life through a prism of an all-encompassing selfishness  and inhumanity, a cold and lonely life. All are valued and assayed by - is it good for me? Will it benefit me? Will it increase my bottom line and control over others? Emotions, empathy and sympathy play no part in this cold and brutal life with a certain end of life wrapped in his bitter choice. 

On the other hand, the latter philosophy is softer, humane, concerned with others, in fact looking upon others as if the I and the Thou are equal, interchangeable. It is a recognition of the shared humanity of all, that we are all one. The Three Musketeers are not the only ones to understand the necessity, the positivity which arises, stems from and is imbued within and by a life guided by that thought.  It is life of sharing, of connection, of love and yes, even I-It moments. That is fine as well, as long as it is not the guiding principle.   

This better life demands discourse, ears to listen, and mouths to speak rather than shout. It requires an openness to viewpoints and an ability to get along with even glaring differences, for the I-Thou relationship is priority. Think upon these two quotes of his and understand, feel, the difference if we were to understand, to think, to share, rather than approach ever nearer to a life of nihilism where rules and religion, true faith and goodness, morality, have no place. 

  • “When two people relate to each other authentically and humanly, God is the electricity that surges between them.”
  • “All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware.”

 Look at our present pathetic imitations of leaders. By which philosophy do they live? Do they understand the glory and the truth of life, that we are never to know all that is before us nor are we to impose our self-absorbed philosophy upon others.  

Now take a look at society today and where we are, where we tread wrongly, where we need to find an exit ramp and an on ramp. Look and understand, see, feel, and accept the truth.  Look and determine to be different and to bring others along with you. Simply put - be a leader, for even in smaller areas there is a critical need for good and true leaders.  To paraphrase Bonnie Tyler, I, we, all need a hero, fresh from the fight, willing to continue that fight, that effort, to do the right thing. To be a hero.

I leave you with these three quotes of Martin Buber. Chew on them. Think about them. Understand them and find a place for them in your lives.

  • “The atheist staring from his attic window is often nearer to God than the believer caught up in his own false image of God.”
  • A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.
  • Through the Thou a person becomes I.

 We have seen that positive change when we all look to the Thou and devote a portion of our time and energy to others. You have already done so for Yitzy. Still with ups and downs, better and not so good days, but so hopeful, full of faith, so amazed by all who pray for him, who keep him in their thoughts.


Tomorrow. Today.

And together.

Only and always together.

Together, always together.

 United for good.



We can heal the nation.



Yitzchak Elimelech ben Chana Sarah

May he be granted refuah shelaymah bimheyrah beyameinu.



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