Thursday, September 21, 2023


  Trains are romantic. Trains are legendary. Trains are workhorses for the economy and for daily living. Trains are cesspools of possible criminal exposure. Trains are the best and the worst, and that is because it varies how we use them and how they are maintained. Well, today the train I refer to simply does not track. Not in a sane and good level of maintenance.  

In fact, the trains we use today are badly faltering. We have not maintained them very well, allowing pieces to fall off at increasing rates. We are neither repairing the damage nor are we being proactive in preventing farther deterioration, one that will lead to a total breakdown of  our train network.  In fact, it is so badly off track at this time, so grossly tilted, that there is a great possibility of total loss of track position very soon.    

A new train system will be put in plaee, one already in the last stages prior to implementation. We will not like that train system but will be left with no discretion. Ride it we must and ride it we will - unless we address the defects now, today, and every day until it is in working order conditions. Along with preventative action to any possible similar deterioration. This will require strict and constant examination and testing. No more tilting to dangerous degree of falling, with total track failure inevitable.  

 No, neither flipped nor passing as a system expert. Merely a person extremely concerned re our national system, not the NYC subway system  though G-d knows it needs help. No, I am referring   to the trains and tracks of our faltering and embattled democracy. So tilted at this point, track and train working order endangered, to such a degree that we are awaiting inevitable failure.    

That is unless we draw up a map for a new system, complete with preventive steps, new equipment to safeguard against any kind of similar deterioration, along with trusted workers to maintain the system, intact. It is a responsibility that is a privilege and only qualified, honest, trusted and capable workers are to be allowed on board. 

Quite different from the present set of workers with no discipline, who cannot distinguish a good leader from a terrible one, who lack discipline, courage, morality and allegiance to the riders. If we continue to ignore the mainframe and structure of the system, forget and/or neglect, on purpose, its integrity then we will indeed reap what we have so carelessly or malevolently sowed.

Grossly egregious lies re a rebellion fomented and planned by the top engineer of the system cannot be disguised nor whitewashed by pathetic verbiage, lies unfortunately taking root within deluded individuals. No, it was not a family excursion, complete with strollers, infants and picnic meals.   It was not a slight altercation. No, it was not the antifa nor the left Democratic members who instigated this. There were deaths and injuries to the defenders of this train system hub. Murder and mayhem were on the agenda and thank G-d it failed. No thanks to the members of the GOP who actually, complicity and /or implicitly, took part in its planning and implementation, even as they ran from their allies, that screaming, rampaging violent assortment of traitors, attackers of our train system.    Such lies, such faulty, treasonous engineers can no longer be tolerated for they destroy it from within. As the Constitution is ignored or perverted, twisted. As rights are shredded. As the nation   devolves at ever increasing rate, into a disgraceful morass of weakling, mewling nation states, turning on our  proud history and heritage.   

The GOP has run amok. It cannot control its own crazed members who know only to demand, to take, to destroy. They have truly destroyed, dissed the sanctity of the Senate and House, of the entire Judiciary, including the Supreme Court. No, it is not the new dress code that has destroyed the sanctity of our national buildings, the hub of our system. Clothes do not make the man/woman. Nor can they hide the truth, the  ugliness beneath those  clothes. All these tiny emperors of a defective, oppressive system are truly naked.  

We are not the romantic Orient Express nor a train rolling through the nation of America, carrying a hero to final resting place. We are a threatened, struggling system needing our help. All our help, in concerted united effort for if we do not, we will face another system with no chance of return to the present embattled and challenged one.  

People get as they deserve, either through action, inaction and apathy, or too little, too late opposition.   

Together folk, together. In concerted, united, determined, knowledgeable effort.


Tomorrow. Today.

And together.

Only and always together.

Together, always together.

 United for good.



We can heal the nation.



Yitzchak Elimelech ben Chana Sarah

May he be granted refuah shelaymah bimheyrah beyameinu.



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