Tuesday, December 26, 2023


 Otherwise known at times as haggling, bargaining, or beating down the seller, doing the dance is something I find aggravating and time wasting.  Much preferred by me is the simple, time saving approach of get to the point and stop wasting my time. Give me the true bottom line and let's proceed on that path. Saves a hell of a lot of time and the always questioning attitude of "Did I do the best I could do in the bargaining?"

When I walk into a car dealership or for any large purchase, I carry a blank check. Give me the best you can do, check with your boss, and if agreeable, we proceed. If not, then no harm, just have a good day and bye. That is the end there. When I turn away often times the agent takes off an inconsequential amount and then says for me to give my figures. Exactly what I hate - The Dance.  Either work with me or bye-bye and it works fine. Been there, done that with many purchases and important discussions and decisions.

However, the world does not engage in that kind of negotiations. Rather it presents extreme dictats of assumed authority and righteousness with absurd conditions, expecting the other side to either cave, immediately, or present its own absurdities. The Dance. Again. What a waste of time and energy, and far more important - of lives - when trying to end hostilities.

Need examples? Russia/Ukraine. Far left /Far right. Democracy/Authoritarianism. Israel /Hamas. These are existential matters, of the critical present and its import for the future. So why do we waste time with nonsense that obviously is unacceptable. Why not cut to the chase and save lives, improve challenged economies and avoid future catastrophic outcomes all arising from sheer stubbornness and misreading of the other side. Understand their bottomed line and tailor your expectations and demands accordingly and if all were honest and wise - is that even possible - there will be success, even quicker as the world learns to apply the formula and go with it - success and failure, unhappiness and satisfaction, bluster and truth. The time between proposal and agreement will shorten and there will be less dissatisfaction and cause for further hostilities. And move on.

Pipe dream? Impossible? Maybe. Perhaps. Certainly, it will take time and adjustment. But is it not worth a try, stop the bloodshed, the atrocities, the constant whining and destructive power of unreasonable reality ignoring behavior. Leaders must be the best we can find, rather than the dangerous pol who represents the lowest common denominator of the nation rather than the best of it.

 People, leaders, of honor and honesty, as they represent what is, rather than what is not and never will be. Or should not be at present. Example? Simply take an evaluative gander into the schoolyard level campaigns of today. All over the world. Bluster, hate mongering, falsehoods, all the current coins of the realm. Name calling. Threats. Bullying. And unfortunately, so much more. 

 It is what I call the male level of behavior, never ever truly leaving the world of the "oh yeah'. Where force rather than talk reigns. Where one is never to give in and/or to actually adjust one's vision and comprehension. Where hopelessness gains ground and tenacity as hope falls, unnoticed, by the wayside. Takes courage, means risks, but what are leaders supposed to do other than lead the nation in the best way possible.

Not to demand those leaders, to discard those false leaders - on us, as we give in to the worst of us, the lowest, meanest parts of us. Unfortunately, we have women equally as unfit to lead as are the men. They espouse the identical hate mongering, bluster, the negativity and shove us further down the wrong paths. MTG, Tlaib, Cora Bush and so many more. 

    Not doing too well in our choices for leadership, are we? That we can even contemplate the peril inherent, the absurdity, of reelecting a man sworn, openly, to destroy democracy, to imprison all opponents, who is facing trials on 91 indictments, who espoused, incited violent rebellion in the nation, treason glaring and blaring, well, there are no words indeed.

Actually, there are. I came across definition and example of the term. What is ignorance and apathy?

The answer: "“I don’t know, and I don’t care,”  

Add to that the willful stupidity, the greed, the rampant encouraged hate and here we are. A most perilous time for all. 

However, I must share this anecdote re Yitzy. Over the past few years, I have oddly developed an infinity to painting, to express emotions via color and design. Yesterday, working with a new technique, experimenting, lo and behold, a striking result. An image of Creamsicle, Yitzy's much-loved pet and my absolutely detested snake. He knew that I truly hated that snake and ran ten miles the other direction if it were removed from his glass home.

  Yitzy was also a mischievous little boy, loving to pull harmless, funny pranks. So-was the Creamsicle on my canvas another joke, and at the same time conveying a beautiful message? "I am here, still with you." I can see him clear as day, laughing   and chortling as I gaped at that Creamsicle. 

 I have chosen to accept that message, that interpretation, as reassuring me, us, that Yitzy is fine and remains with us, as he promised hours before he died. He remains alive in the eternal world, still able to pull his little jokes, laughing away and am happy, for that thought. 

So, Yitzy, my boy, thank you for the sign, the laugh - and I still hate that snake! Birds are so much better. Yes, before you ask, the shape of a mouse, Creamsicle's steak of choice, and the bird of the other canvas, were noticed. Bird watching was such a better choice of hobby!    

Love you, Yitzy. Miss you. Always will-but keep up those messages. It helps. And certainly, I will always be here to dance with you.      

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