Wednesday, December 27, 2023


I suppose, according to the latest fads and definitions, I am a vessel complete with bias, mostly unconscious bias. Maybe. Maybe not. I am not feeling any guilt for whatever is presumed to be there, for I treat all the same, as best I can, valuing their humanity, their goodness, shared values far more than color or religion or not, or any other factor - to the best of my ability. Is there any bias within me? Probably, but I challenge one and all to find one human being, one, only one, who has no bias whatsoever. That person, sorry to say, would be a zombie, one with no feelings at all, one of the "resurrected viruses" many a hopeful Dr. Frankenstein are fooling around with.  Bias comes from education or miseducation, from the culture of a society, from a willing, even eager, bent toward ugliness of character. 

It also involves the usage of words, enormously so.   Thus the words of the mayor of Gaza City, appointed by Hamas, obviously nonprejudiced, a fan of Israelis - not! So graciously presented in an op-ed piece within the NYT, that bastion of not quite impartial reporting, containing both implied, intrinsic bias, along with outward, vicious bias as well, replete with the Big Lie so popular with the dregs of society. So sweet, allowing of this mayor  to spill his dangerous verbal garbage in the pages of a respected newspaper. It is parallel to a situation wherein Rudolph Hoess would be given space to clear up any confusion regarding his home outside Auschwitz. He 'cannot imagine' how or why people would say such things, nor why anyone would want to destroy Auschwitz and his home, along with possibly, his family as collateral damage. 

Of course, these essays would be framed within oh such touching, targeted words and phrases, so elegant and heartfelt. Totally presenting confusion, not understanding why there is such a depth of anger and strong efforts to wipe the place off the face of this rather ugly world of ours. Then and now. He simply 'cannot imagine' that it would be okay should physical structures sheltering 'innocents' be targeted or destroyed as collateral damage. 

As if the buildings did not shelter gangs of animals rife with blood lust. As these same 'innocents' ululated with overwhelming joy, their clothing soaked with the blood of their slaughtered victims, their pockets chockfull of loot, the keys to their new cars held in their sweaty, greedy, murderous battered hands. All urges completely sated. The need for violence, for sexual satisfaction, for brutality, for proof of superiority all satisfied in one three-day orgy of savagery. And on to the next step.

 Piteous aggrieved bewilderment as to why Israel responded so severely, such a powerful retaliation. And where, for heaven's sake, was the UN, their loyal partner in these situations, ranting at the UN re the terrible criminal nation of Israel. Imagine, the gall of Israel as it erupted in anger, in grief, with a determined effort to rid the world of the worst trash of humanity, along with their allies who hurried to join in the fun.      

Well, I cannot imagine either. That one could say or write with straight face:  that he cannot imagine any sane human inflicting such terrible damage to the beautiful buildings and culture of Gaza. Ahem? What culture? The one leaving this behind their family visit! Over twenty villages left in a state of massive destruction, the residents unable to return. Those who were neither slaughtered nor taken captive.  The residents of the entire south and the entire north evacuated due to rockets and artillery sent over by Hamas and Hezbollah. The bloody remnants of unrecognizable bodies, tortured, torched to death, babies burned or murdered, rapes so vicious that the physical damage resultant was unspeakable. 

At this point words fail me, inadequate to define the strength of my feelings, the anger at the world for once again indulging in that fun game of Jew hatred. So powerful is that hatred, so much so, enough to dare to schedule a pro-Palestinian rally outside the US National Museum of the Holocaust, dedicated to its victims, sworn to safeguard   humanity, prevent a repetition of such a horror. humanity.  They even wanted free tickets to enter and further defame and destroy. Cannot get better than that, right!!! Ah, Jew hatred, a boon to the world, a great pressure relief valve.

Words, words, they can spark a revolution or tamp one down. They can demonstrate love or cut with hate. Their definitions and usage can be clear or muddied, perverted. The power of words is unmeasurable. The evil take advantage of words, causing Noah Webster to roll over many times in his grave, appealed at the misuse of language for evil purposes. It is upon us to guard very carefully, closely, to the use and misuse of words. They are meant to ennoble, inspiring, rather than conveying hopelessness.

The same words cannot possibly convey the depth and intensity of my feelings of loss, a piece of my heart missing, never ever whole again.  Yes, I know at present the wound is fresh, still bleeding, no time to heal, but you tell me, find the words which can even begin to approach the degree of my grief.

 I both dread and welcome the day, if such a day will ever be, when the wound is at least lightly scabbed and everything around does not tie back to Yitzy, a remembrance of a saying, an action, his sweet signature grin.

Yitzy, be safe up there, be a guardian to your people, to your family. Our love for you grows deeper, even as that seems impossible, so deep and intense is it already.

Very important: find a piece of chocolate and eat it for you and for me.

Hugs and kisses, my sweet boy.


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