Sunday, December 24, 2023


 Most people do not know for sure whether to wake up those sleeping dogs or let them be. Certainly though, one would definitely want that sleeping dog up and totally awake should the sound of an invader be heard. As with many pithy statements purporting to passing on the wisdom of experience of old, the gifting of ancient wisdom to those in dire need of wisdom, even if incorrect. Even should that adage, that bit of 'wisdom', actually lead to, encourage and enable a great deal of unnecessary and possibly avoidable troubles.

Swivel your head, open your eyes ears, raise the level of consciousness, and honesty as well. See what we have wrought by allowing those sleeping dogs to sleep on the job, to fail at their role of guards of society and sanity.  Their responsibility to serve and protect, to defend, has long ago fallen away. What have we done?! 

We have allowed, even encouraged, lies to grow at an alarming rate. The various forms of media have gone off the deep end as they spew forth lies, egregious, dangerous, hateful lies rather than    presenting truth. These are lies so dangerously capable of totally destroying society, certainly any benevolent one. The growth of hatred between races, genders, between families and friends, religions and beliefs, grows apace and the future dims in direct proportion to the power and popularity of these so, so wrong sleeping dogs.

Antisemitism did not come out of the blue, as something that had been defeated, with just a bit of its poison remaining, hiding, ever ready to jump out during opportune times. It remained silent for the most, apart, not socially acceptable to voice   in public. Tamped down, but nevertheless, remaining strong and patient in its hidey-hole. Never, though, was it ever near death. That silence gradually weakened, sprang leaks, and gained respectability, even approval, often times dripping from the top to the bottom.

Overt displays of hatred were allowed, even were   admired and imitated. Protesters morphed into lawless, mindless mobs, and descended into the dark world of sheer hatred, mindless and violent. The hate grew in coverage and depth as the term antisemitism was discarded, replaced by the rather more vivid and truthful Jew hatred, expressed desires to literally kill all Jews, to finish the job begun by Hitler.

 Quite shocking was the fervid adoption of this animosity by upper class educated people, particularly those students in prestigious universities, recipients of a most biased education, with professors and administrators, led by a cadre of a majority of Arabs and Moslems, joined by self-hating lying to themselves Jews, and nary a Jewish student felt safe any longer on campuses, in synagogues, in centers, on the very streets. 

Oh, the dogs? Nah, sleeping away, dreaming of bones and treats, of new toys and good masters.  Not one bark or even a little, minor, low key arf.  Over 1200 Jewish citizens of Israel were slaughtered, butchered, raped, massacred by Hamas, joined by those 'innocent civilians' as they too joined in the looting, in the abuse, rape over 30 hostages admitting to it right now and not to forget those brutally raped before being killed, left to die and rot or had their mortal remains dragged, literally dragged, into Gaza, there to be held for ransom of murderers.  All were victims - children, women, teens, men, elderly, sick, handicapped - it mattered not. 

Dogs barking? Silence reigned other than the piercing of it by the voices of those being slaughtered. Those being tortured, butchered, with knives, guns, axes, bullets, burned alive, suffocated - the true side of these 'innocent civilians' who never were. The dogs who barked re the numbers killed were quickly silenced by those who claimed that all were those elusive innocents, rather than the larger amount being Hamas, hence should not be counted as civilians. Finally, if the enemy purposely, cold bloodedly, parked themselves in the midst of civilians, then whose fault is it when they are killed? 

Where are the tears for the Israeli children orphaned after seeing parents slaughtered before their eyes. The adults abused, worried for their children, their spouses, their elderly parents, their babies. Nope, dogs silent again. Leave silent dogs sleeping is apparently the go-to strategy here.   

Seems to me there are many places in the world where sleeping dogs awaken and bark furiously, but no one cares. No one pays attention. Not when the Jews are guaranteed to be condemned, so much better for the aggressors! More exciting so never mind the poor women of Darfur trying to keep their skeletal children alive. Or the Sudan. Ethiopia.  Russia and Ukraine. The women of Afghanistan and Iran. The LGBTQ+ in Moslem lands. Oh, there the dogs bark, but are ignored, for Israel is over there. So much more bang for the buck for the bark or the non-bark!  

What further amazes me is how the world seems to be unaware of the miraculous 2 day business in Gaza. Food, water, fuel, all supposedly running out in two days -and it never does. Amazing!

Today, tonite, I write of matters other than Yitzy, hoping I will be able to sleep tonite. So far not so good. And is it wrong of me to say that this boy was too pure for this world and its ugliness? Maybe that is perhaps why G-d took him away.  Maybe. But I continue to remain unable to wrap my head around this tragedy. The wound, the anger, the loss is too close, too overpowering, perhaps never ever to fade even a tiny bit. I doubt this sharp cut will ever be dulled - ever. 

Yitzy, sweet boy - I love you, forever.

Yitzy, we will always remember you.

Yitzy, the world is poorer for our loss.

Sleep tight.


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