Friday, December 22, 2023


  Hate comes cheap these days. For $24.90 you can buy a flag of the Arrow Cross Party, a particularly nasty enthusiastic antisemitic participant in the slaying of Jews, good partners of the Nazi murderers. Just think of it, that and so much more can be bought, for additional oh so reasonable sums, indulge in your violent Jewhatred, all the while doing it undercover. Your Jewish neighbor will remain under the false impression that you are a friend, and now stands in a perilous situation. Yup, all that and more to be found on the magical site of wonder known as Amazon. Where anything can be found and bought. Simply describe it or name it and off you go on your treasure hunt.

Or, if you prefer, go the other end of this oh so fascinating soul delighting Jewhatred and pay through the nose for your child at such an academically oriented university to become infected by and fall victim to virulent Jewhatred. So powerful is its draw that it even enmeshes Jews in a filthy swamp of self-denial and frantic efforts either to disguise who they are or think that divesting oneself of support of a state called Israel actually makes a difference to the killers you march alongside, shouting, threatening just as loudly and vehemently as they do.

 Foolish, dangerous foolishness. The only fact that remains true is that this is an agenda of jewhatred, viral and toxic and any Jew, even those who try to be the "good Jew", oh so useful to the murderers, will discover the truth - too late. In the meantime, buying into this oh so popular ancient trope of hate allows one to indulge in the realization of formerly banned actions. Now - run wild, curse, deface, threaten and harass, hit, the harder the better, throw in some violent swatting and the joy of bomb threats or even a bomb or two -just go wild -no limits, and all legit. Such joy. Their parents must be oh so proud. 

Hey, one does not even have to enrich Amazon, for get a cardboard or two and create your own homemade inspirational hate spreading sign. Even perhaps write the slogan on the back side of a kidnapped poster right there for the taking, the shredding, the tearing down. Oh yes, the aura, the intensity of self-satisfaction, for so clever are you, free of restrictions. You can indulge in the actualization of your wildest dreams. 

Every Jew, no matter how assimilated, no matter position in society, has these fears, a generational genetic trait, a trauma that has impacted the very genes of Jews. The saying "you can run, but you cannot hide" is engrained in the very soul. History has proven these fears to be real, to be actual. Every crisis in society, every war, every crusade, every nationalistic movement, any 'dedicated' patriotic force, any deranged scientist looking for a home - the hatred for Jews, the slaughter of Jews, the expulsion of Jews from the ranks of humanity - all there for the taking, the imitation, the going one step above and beyond.

While every human loves to be proven correct in a disagreement or theory, this is one case of wishing it were not so. For years I have been shouting, writing, talking, demanding attention - the hate was here; it always was, it grows exponentially and has, once again, achieved societal approval. Supposedly educated 'liberal' personalities join the growing flow of people to the 'cause'. Undereducated or uninformed follow along, for the feeling of empowerment, for allowing action on their worst tendencies. 

Today, the best writers and analysts write of the peril of this once again outwardly openly displayed Jewhatred, its actualization. Now, that which was formerly hidden, deemed shameful, declassee has become a belief approved and growing in might.  

 Here we go again. 

When Bret Stephens writes that his mother, as she watched on TV the displays of hate, said, "I was born in hiding. I don't want to die in hiding."

Exactly so.

Especially when he ends the essay with this: 

"I don't think my mom will die in hiding. I wonder about my kids."

"America has been good to jews ...But if there's one lesson of Jewish history, it's that nothing good stays - and why we still say at the end of every Passover seder - "Next year in Jerusalem."  

Yitzy, sweet boy, this is the only thing which gives me an ironic understanding and even a degree of relief that at least you are out of this. One less for me to worry about as we step further into an ever more uncertain future. You were, are, too good for this ugly world. Now, your charge is to watch over the remaining family down here in this troubled world. To speak up for humanity, the deserving of rescue, even as did our forefather, Abraham. 

We remember you, always cry for our loss. We ask that you remember us, remind that stubborn One up there that humanity needs Him back, off vacation mode, and Now! 

Yitzchak Elimelech, my heart remains broken. Hugs and kisses to you, my sweet, golden boy.

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