Sunday, February 25, 2024


 Have you ever pondered the question as to why there exists such a huge void in the world of truth and honesty, why we, supposed members of the same species, persist in exhibiting the worst of us, competing in excess, in violence, in absurdity so harmful that it denies any connection at all with the concepts of humanity, of brothers and sisters are we all. How many years has mankind been around and how have they managed to hone a devolvement, a rearward progression to what should have long ago been discarded and despised, rejected without any lingering aftertastes.  Why do we persist in an ugliness which drains the "milk of human kindness"? 

Can we try to fill this void with truth, with humanity, with, if not a love, then perhaps a tolerance, an acceptance that we share this earth, this relatively tiny orb in the vast emptiness of space? Why are we so willfully engaging in self-destructive behavior, denying the obvious truth and benefits we would accrue if we were otherwise.

Examination time. Please read the following statements and/or questions and respond to each as ability and truth allow. Be honest. 

1.What is the proper historical designated name of the area known as the "west bank"? The historical name choices are" Judea and Samaria or using the indigenous language Yehudah and Shomron?

2. Was this land of contention ever given over or adopted by the newly created at that time, Kingdom of Jordan, Transjordan or was it to be held temporarily, governed responsibly, to live in peace alongside the State of Israel?  

3. Was the area known as the Old City (of Jerusalem) and contiguous territory to be governed as an international city, with free access to all, as were other holy sites, to wit - the Cave of the Patriarchs, the Tomb of Rachel, the burial site of Joseph, of Jewish holy figures, including Shimon Ha'tzadik and the Prophet Samuel, to be open to all, including access to the Wailing Wall (the Western Wall) and the Temple Mount? As were the synagogues within that area to be left unharmed and in operation.

4. What then, explains the egregious violation of those terms, as the city and all sites were denied to Jews, their ancient cemetery on the Mount of Olives destroyed, with tombstones used as urinals and walkways, with illegal Temple construction and the discarding of ancient relics, particularly those connected to the Jewish presence. 

5. Why was there no outcry re those facts, those transgressions, as compared to the howling of the world hypocrites when these sites came under Israeli supervision, when needed repairs were made to all sites of all religions, and Arab villages and cities thrived, as access to education and careers were opened to all, and Arab men and especially women were presented with new vistas of a better future. 

6. Why did the world condone the constant attacks and terrorism directed at Israel?  Why did it condone the blatant bias of the UN? Why was the very existence of Israel challenged by Arab and Moslem countries even as they swore to eliminate it? 

7. Why has the nation, the people of Israel, been held to a standard beyond all demands and standards asked of others? Why that double standard? 

8. Why has the world moved so quickly, obscenely so, to belittle the egregious violent bloody criminal bestial attack upon citizens, not even admitting to the reality of in-your-face truth of rapes, torture, mutilations, kidnapping of innocents, even infants!   And the nations of the world abandoned their own citizens caught in this Hell -after all, merely Jews, so what the hell! Better to focus on the other, more trendy side in a perverted world. Better to maintain power.  

9. Why is Israel pressured to sign an existentially   perilous agreement where they gain nothing save possibly a few hostages no real guarantee about that, Hamas has already reneged on a prior pact to return hostages or even to validate their existence, their names, their locations.

10. Why has there been a huge, ugly revival, an emergence from its dank cellars of hiding, a modernized vicious viral antisemitism morphing obscenely fast, well planned, well prepped, into a worldwide movement of blatant JewHatred. A hatred growing from words to deeds, from casting out and dehumanizing to elimination. Unto final death. Of all Jews. Within and without Israel, wherever to be found. Death. 

11. One final topic or question to be answered. Explain why I am now immersed in a debilitating   fog of existential threat and fear. To me, my family, my people, my country. Which country? Well, take your choice. 

America is on the precipice of self-destruction as it ballyhoos a criminal who should have long ago been imprisoned, rejected by decent society. Instead, he is celebrated, actually running yet again for the head of this country, a man devoted to its very destruction, already tried once, ongoing all this time, who boasts of his plans to do just so. Yet there he is. Ugly as the worst of life can be. Ugliness blatant, stinking, and there he is in the midst of a raucous crowd of equal ugliness and debauchery of soul. There he is along with the haters of the other end of the political spectrum.   Leaving me no room for hope, for optimism, for my very existence on firm ground.  Foretelling of an America lost in a dense overpowering inescapable forest, impossible to maneuver with any hope of success nor freedom from harm.    

In America I feel unwanted, of no value. No, I will not accept that quietly, but will shut and scream, talk and write. Will it help or am I spitting into the wind?  Who knows, but it does help me and hopefully aids the literally thousands who read this blog from round the world. Boggles my mind and I sincerely cherish and am grateful for these readers who take the time to do so.   

 The future is up in the air flying higher, almost out of our reach, or sinking deeper into the morass of blood and despair, taking us along with it, sans ladder or rope.  It has been said very often of late, that in fact, silence is no longer an option. No longer can one choose the neutral, but must make a choice, take a side. Sacrifice and deep effort will be necessary. Will we, can we, do that, invest in that effort? We had better.

As for me and my family, for Jews round the world, despite all the dangers in Israel, so many are flocking there, for our present countries are not too convincing at this time of their welcome for us, of us and our loyalty.  Yet again. The same damned cycle we once had a hope that it had disappeared, never to raise its ugly fanged face again. But things change and disappointments, negatives, have a way of reappearing. However, we Jew have an internal strength bar none. We say, even in the depth of sadness and woe, "this too is for the better, for the good". We might not understand, we might not know or recognize the 'good', but we believe it is there or will be. Meanwhile, we love, we survive, and we do the best we can. And we trust in G-d.


Yitzy, at age 13 you had the internal strength to have that deep faith, that trust in G-d, as you told your parents. You were okay with His decision, that evidently you had fulfilled your purpose on this earth, and you were to go back to live with G-d.

You faced death with more courage, with more acceptance, more peace than most adults. We are left here, bereft of you, your grin, your sparkling blue eyes. We so hope you are okay, free of pain and wrapped in love and warmth.

 Our love for you, our longing for you, continues to be with you.

Always and forever. Always and forever.


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