Friday, February 23, 2024


  Or is it actually a great deal of nausea inducing rhetoric? I think, no, I know, that any clearheaded thinker, an appreciator of facts and truth, will recognize it as such. Exactly what and/or who is the source of said trash? Of course, what is the trash? Where can we find said awesome "factoids"?

 So simple, so easily accessible. Simply take several easy steps, no challenge at all. Painless, harmless, that is other than to truth and justice, to a free flow of information and decisions based on the truth, the actual reality. Buy a paper and there ya' go. Read it. Boot up and check out any and all media posters, from print on-line papers and magazines, plus those which are strictly online based and presented. Check out those lovely shots of the agony of the Gazans as Israel carries out its plan of defense and offense. The agony, the ever-ongoing agony of Israel - say what?

 Defense against those who slaughtered and engaged in such bestiality, such savagery as has not been seen for one hell of a long time. And absolutely necessary and proper offense to see that this is a onetime only disaster. Enough with Hamas, the Arab nations, the Moslems who stand by or cheer on, partaking in the acts or in street demonstrations of joy re attacks against Israel or any of world Jewry. Even as the nations of the world look blindly on the truth lest it imperil their   supply lines or bottom lines.

Oh heck, politicians say, haven't we stood by enough times, for truly these are merely the Jews again, Israel again.  They have been there, done that before, so many times. OK, a tad more extreme, but far easier to turn a blind eye to our citizens in danger, to the war crimes committed here, and allow the usual play of events, with a temporary treaty again. Simply a matter of time, same old, same old.   

And hence the great publicity campaign of Hamas, the offenders, the beasts, as they turned the world on its broken unthinking head, already well tuned and receptive to the falsehoods of Hamas and supporters.  They became the offended, the victims and never mind the truth.  They are victims of their own choices, of their own volition. Israel pulled out totally in 2005 leaving behind a prosperous enclave, a profitable well-known market for fruits and vegetables as exports to Europe, along with magnificent green houses. What happened?

  Gazans rioted, destroyed everything. Elected Hamas as their rulers, joined wholeheartedly into the fun of murder and violence against Israel, and ceded their welfare funds, truly unnecessary if they had not destroyed everything, to flow into the coffers and needs of Hamas. And wasn't the most recent event such fun with the looting, the raping, the private captives to torment! Even taking home cars? Nor any concerns re presenting the details as reporters, paid by AP, were known to be enthusiastic Hamas members and supporters, embedded with Hamas in so many ways, joined the fun. Yes indeed, impartial reporting at its oh so very best.

However, Hamas underestimated the response, the unity of the nation, drawing together as Jews have   done for millennia when in existential danger. Instead of running away, Israelis flocked home, volunteers came by the thousands with missions of unity between world Jewry and the Jews of Israel.   Brothers and sisters, families, are we all.  And when in existential threat, we unite now, will argue later, again, as Jews have done for millennia.   

Hamas was finding it hard going. Israel was the wounded tiger, unable this time to ignore or play down. These hostages were the part of a nation that would not allow them to disappear, to be forgotten. Whatever it took - whatever. As the war took its toll on Hamas and its expected victory out came the stock pictures for whining. Wounded, buildings in rubble, children as victims, rumors of starvation predicted to take place within two days and now close to five months - a tad more than the original two days. A miracle! Or a great load of hooey! 

Next came those shots only there was something wrong with them. The same figure as rescuer, first responder, always neat and clean. always taking glances at the camera angles, and voila! He always lived for another day, another photo. And even a great skill in moving from areas blockaded and under fire - or perhaps the truth is: no rescuer, no true shot, all lies. Lies and lies, staged again and again. Using dolls as babies, presenting large children as infants, bodies moving beneath sheets - early revival?

 Starving dehydrated filthy people were claimed and bruited about, to prove the claims, only guess what! None around. No children listless, with the huge stomachs of malnutrition and starvation. No sunken cheeks and skeletal faces. Nope. Such is the case with most, if not all their complaints and grievances.  Yes, a huge death toll, though confirmation has not happened, and these figures emerge from Hamas, well known liars. Furthermore, much of the dead are Hamas and affiliates. All of their issues, all their realities, deriving from their criminal attacks on civilians, men, women, children, and then an inevitable defensive response from Israel, attempts to rescue the hostages in Hell, to be fought in heavily populated compromised areas of Gaza. Planned to be such. All the better to garner the sympathy of a world happy to indulge in 'legitimate' antisemitism and Jew Hatred. 

Accusations of genocide, rubbing salt in wounds slashed deep into the psyche of Israel and her citizens, in world Jewry, in the hearts and minds of Holocaust survivors. Once again, they saw the revival of vicious, deadly antisemitism ramped up daily, and their wounds began to bleed again as they relived what should never have been lived in the first place.  

The steps of hate were clear, proliferating at exponential rate. Isolation of Jews in all fields and professions. Attempts, many successful, to disallow Jews in competitions, to threaten and bully, to intimidate and frighten into silence, as the world prepared itself once again to fulfill a millennial long desire to deal a 'nonrefundable' blow to this people, these Jews, who have defied and overcome all attempts to remove them for good. Finally.

     Instead of shattering and demoralizing the Jews, the opposite took place. We remembered we were family, squabbling, arguing, but when push came to shove, we are all "members of the tribe". "Amcha", your people, my people, our people, a code word to identify friends from enemies during WWII.   

The words of a bright woman sum it up. What has happened, why, and suggests correctly, as I have long maintained, our educational system, its values are warped. In turn, they warp our children. a great worry for the future of all, for again, hate knows no ends, no boundaries, always ready for another dish to whet and sate its ugly appetite and eternal thirst for blood. Always. Especially when we allow twisted, biased teachers and professors to pervert the thinking of our young, even to the point of canceling their ability to find the truth for themselves, to question properly, to find answers of truth, information based, rather than on perversely twisted misinformation. 

Here are her words. Think on them.

"...So, there is an invidious strain of antisemitism that has never gone away — but we had hopes it had been, certainly, submerged — that has been poking its head up quite some time now,”

“They have no idea about the collapse of the peace process, the rise of an intifada. They have no idea about then-Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, a man noted for his military experience, withdrawing from Gaza. They have no idea of Hamas’ takeover of Gaza. They have no idea that another Israeli prime minister back when I was secretary of state, namely [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu, was willing at least to keep talking about some kind of two-state solution process,”

   Nor do they have any idea of the contributions of Jewish people to the world and its betterment, from the cellphones they use to coordinate attacks of hate to the medicines they use, to the arts they admire, to the philosophers they quote to the intellectual achievements they aspire to emulate. It is, indeed, and in deed, a sad world.


Yitzy, perhaps up there, in close affiliation with the Big Guy, in near proximity, the reasons, the whys and wherefores of the miseries of the world persist, are somehow clearer. Why we are always returning, cyclically, to what is the worst of us, the lowest level we can find, to wallow in its filth and ugliness. Perhaps. Dare Him, challenge Him to repair His defective creations, endow them with wisdom which does not fail, and let us move on to a better, fairer, beautiful world.

Successful or not in this wished for quest, we always love you, hold you near and dear to us, always with us. 

Always and forever. Always and forever.                  

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