Thursday, February 22, 2024


 It has to be. Its gotta' be. Paraphrasing Sherlock Holmes, when all else is eliminated, however strange the remainder, everything else eliminated, the answer sought is what remains, however strange it might be.

For a lomg time now, many years, I have sought hard to find an answer to the constant oppressive   antisemitism and its inevitable ramping up to murderous proportion and goes on from there. Seemingly sane people suddenly buy into absolute trash, old broken tropes of accusation and worse, they apologize abjectly, and go on to deny all former contradictory statements contradicting their 'new' look. And their popularity soars even as other weak apologetic souls climb onto the wagon of hate. And dangnabbit, there goes the devil's victory bell yet again.

It would be funny if not so sad and dangerous. Will people ever come to understand and see clearly, past the temptation of the lie, the wrong, the evil, and adhere to the truth, no matter how uncomfortable it makes them feel?? What is it that transforms them? Finally, the light bulb went on and I understood. The answer was found in an old movie re the Pod  People. So simple, so obvious, but only discerned as all else was eliminated. No matter how strange, the cheese standing alone is the answer, reminds us Sherlock Homes as Watson nods his head in solemn agreement.

No, folks, I have neither lost my mind nor chased it down the road as it ran away from me. It is simply a desperate attempt to comprehend the incomprehensible. How, why, is there forever, seemingly, an irresistible attraction to evil by humanity and its cyclical overwhelming fire sale of souls.  Even as the world boasts of its advances and tolerance. Eliminating all possible reasonable, if such a thing exists, explanation, what is left is the answer, correct? Thus we have been told, instructed by the venerable Holmes. Left with us is a choice - the Devil or the deep blue sea option:  the Pod People. Actually, I choose the Devil option though all the reverted souls deny that as the Pod People within speak through their mouths! 

  I know, you continue to think I have truly lost it.  In case you missed it, this has been written so far with a very sad tongue in cheek, one which cuts my mouth, painfully reminding me of the impossibility of solving this conundrum with any logical   explanation. Hate is illogical, dredged up from the sewers of the hearts and souls, ever persistent in its refusal to leave the hearts and souls it pollutes. You see, the Devil is us. Simple, yet true. We are to blame. We are the cause and can be the cure. We are the weak links, the hurdles in the road to true growth and humanity. Sad, so very sad and so very much unnecessary. 

Take a look at the impossibility of belief within various supposed statements of 'fact' and accusations and vicious tropes of barbarity revived once again, yet again and again and again. So tiring. So cruel in goal and road to fulfillment of said goal, even going beyond if possible. As the blood-soaked defective souls and hearts burp contentedly in their victory and temporary state of satiation of their lust for blood. Vampires perhaps instead of the Devil? Claiming that Israel actually planned and acted out the massacre. To claim it was all an anti Moslem plot. What a load of hooey, Worthy of the Pod People or the devil. Pay your money and make the choice. do this, embattled  as they are in defeating the final nest of rats in Khan Yunis and Rafah. Now that would indeed take a miracle and still waiting on that.

To wit: Shiri Bibas and all others were set up by their own government in some fiendish plan.

A hospital in central Gaza suddenly claiming emergency evacuation lest Israel destroy them, Why the hell would Israel return here, been there, done that, and just a tad busy combating the rats    of Khan Yunis and Rafah, find the hostages, alive and dead, and go Home, Habayta. 

A note to that hospital and the others. Choose new people to portray rescuers, orderlies and patients. The repetition is tiring, 

 Does one actually believe Israel and the IDF have   forged bottles of medicine needed by the hostages so as to accuse the animals of noncompliance and war  crimes? Why bother when the truth is clear.

The rampant, raging hypocrisy  of  Hamas as they whine re lackof medicine, as huge stores are there, including those belonging to the hostages. 

As they whine re access from the UN, the home of UNRWA with blood on its hands, or the next compromised UN body, all without mentioning the glaring fact that the hostages have been totally incommunicado, untreated and brutalized, No IRC, no nothing!!!!!!! 

The total reversal of facts as to who caused the war, fought deliberately within civilian areas, such as they are, who refused to admit wrong and talk with any sensibility? Who demanded Israel to sign a suicide pact by releasing 5.000 murderers, the blood on their hands dripping, hungry for more, even as the hostages and remains are kept as collateral, to be used and threatened, never to be actually repatriated.  

As the world looks on, agrees with these demands and pressures Israel to agree to self-destruction.       And deems Israel and citizens as incorrigible obstructionists. But of course.

Even as the world begins, actually already begun, to erase Israel by redrawing maps, no Israel to be found, allowing, condoning calls for its destruction via the homicidal chant "from the river to the sea" and by refusing to list as a birthplace the name of Israel.

From the inane, the petty to the existential threat -where and when does it end, if ever. Is it the Pod People or the Devil or simply our ugly, morally deficient selves.  Not a great choice there, and remember, when all else is eliminated, what remains is the answer. 

So much more to write but my heart aches and is in need of a break, even as others are not allowed such.  Unfortunately, there is always tomorrow. 


Yitzy, sweet, kind, caring child, how is it possilbe to explain to you, or do you now understand evil and its grip on humanity. Even if so, how to explain, justify, to other children? This eternal warfare and indulgence in hate is the shame of the adults of the world. Our bad.

In our hearts and souls you are forever a   role model, a standard to strive to meet. 

 We love you, Yitzy.

Always and forever. Always and forever.

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