Friday, March 29, 2024


 There are so many, many topics that fit into that title "and about that". In fact, there is a plethora of topics and issues befitting that concern. Blogging every day does not begin to address them all, not here, in America, nor elsewhere in the world. Today I intend only to touch upon a few topics that are high on my list. Hopefully it will find a thread of commonality with you.   

  In my mind there are two topics heading the list. One is Israel and the entire range of issues surrounding it. The second concern is the state of affairs right here, in the good old USA, or perhaps the no longer good old USA. Their alarm bells ring almost ceaselessly. Obviously, as expressed in previous blogs, I am extremely concerned about the state of affairs in Israel, fighting an existential war, as the rest of the world basically says go hang yourself. The demands are made of Israel, unrealistic and unachievable. Defamed. Attacked.  Again, and again. Should not be asked to worry about the welfare. of the enemy. particularly. when the enemy hides among civilians, claiming that they are "innocent civilians". I believe we have proven many times that there is barely such a creature in Gaza, where hostages were immured in private homes, or in dank tunnels, abused by so many, starved, beaten, so "innocent"? Sorry, that is a no.

     Yet Israel, in the midst of their own population crises, with war on three fronts, vicious murderous war where terrorists wage war upon children, shooting them in their buses, enmeshed in the economic demands of war, orders 40,000 tents for Gazans. Where are their brethren co-religionists family? You see nobody wants the Palestinians who bring along their own terrorists, homegrown, so well advanced in techniques to kill and murder and savage and beat. Nobody. But the demands of Israel to take care of these Gazans grows louder and louder.       

 I cannot solve. the monumental problems over there in the Middle East; all I can do is pour forth my feelings. Factual and emotional and pray that the world comes to its senses. Or, that somehow Israel manages to overcome the enmity of so many, including the crazed foul-mouthed protesters who have been fed and are feeding the rot of hate. and vicious JewHatred.  

What else is bothering me??  Rot. That which is digging deeper and deeper into the American ethos. How can we possibly be thinking of reelecting someone who is manifestly incapable of doing the job of a president, particularly one with treasonous intent. Trump has openly stated that he intends to destroy democracy. Plans to immediately arrest thousands, shoot just as many, and fire everyone in federal government and replace them with his own stooges. A criminal, a fraud, clearly demented, and immoral.  A man with loyalty only to himself, throwing all else under the bus as suits him. He is loyal to himself alone and the remnant of his shattered GOP falls right along with him, loyal to themselves, but cowering before Trump. He and his deteriorating, demented brain have no place within our government.

 Trump is not the only bug in the soup. Far worse than a fly. There are many bugs in our soup or in that flavor belonging to our judicial system. From top to bottom it has been corrupted by the Trump administration and his enablers within Congress.  The judicial system. is now a mass of crooked biased. ignorant, insufficiently educated judges. They are swamping those judges remaining who know what a judge is supposed to do, who know what a proper judicial system looks like, acts like.

 From Clarence Thomas and his corruption to Judge Cannon and her ignorance. and in between, we have deep rot within this system. With Trump.  in power, with his cowering, sniveling Republicans behind him, we stand no chance of redeeming ourselves, fixing our judicial system and getting back on track and doing what must be done if we ought to survive as America as it stands for, as it stood for.          

 The world is in a state of anime. I do not believe that anyone alive today could outline what we need in order to return to a sane state of affairs, with any kind of success or agreement from the majority. Comity and compromise are quickly fading away, have become almost irrelevant in our times and in our troubles. Our rather empty heads echo with garbage in, with no room for sanitation crews at any time. Arguments for injustice and hate find a home within the garbage. Voices espousing reason and compromise, an understanding of the relationship of all humans to each other are drowned out, discounted. and thrust aside.  

As a result - the dangerous state of anime and defiance, against anything once thought good and proper and moral.  We have lost sight of our true goals, where we were meant to go and achieve.   Instead, we now worship false gods. We have lost sight of common goals as we concentrate mainly on goals of benefit only to ourselves. We have lost community. 

How do we change this? Can we? I believe the only way we can change society is to change our education system. Return it to true goals and a true sense of education. Today we confuse our children censoring something, uncensoring at the next moment. Or telling them we wish them to think. yet not allowing them the opportunity to gain that which will aid in the development of critical thinking.  

We have failed the children of today. and we will continue to fail unless we make some radical changes in our educational system. Do we understand that, know the difficulties which lay ahead? I really don't know. I think people feel it is easier to remain deaf, dumb and blind and feel that life is easier for them when their children are not 'stressed' at school.  However, when we do not educate or rather educate improperly, we simply are setting up problems for the future. and so grossly not doing our jobs - not as teachers, not as administrators, not as educators, not as parents.      Unable to distinguish misinformation from truth, they ingest garbage and mistake it for fact. Their premises are faulty. Thus, so will their conclusions.

Society has broken down. We have lost the work ethic, the incentive to achieve by our efforts. to accept failure. as a step along the road to success. We have lost much of what it meant to be an American. We have become bereft of guidelines to return whence we came, keeping the good and jettisoning the bad. 

The very fabric of society is ragged, barely holding together. We have abandoned those in need. The worker who is homeless because he. cannot afford the rent. The child going hungry because his parents do not make enough money to pay the rent and buy food. The elderly woman across the hall from you denied her medications because the prices are out of reach. The child with special needs held back because there is no money to fund the education he needs. The child dressed in worn, improper, unsuitable clothing. The faces of those who have lost their dreams and live in the sludge of life. Where the hell are we? Where is our heart? Where is our soul? Where are our brains?     

Can we fix this? I believe we can or at least we can make a start. How? Simply by doing something good ourselves. No big, massive project undertaking that will lose drive, but rather the individual deeds, the small deeds adding up that which will lead to hopefully a kinder, more caring society that in turn will lead us to elect better officials, better leaders. That in turn will lead to a more improved society and will continue to do so. How do we? Forego the coffee and give the money to a woman standing there, unable to purchase the food she needs. Forego the meal in the restaurant and send that money to an organization which will help Israel, which will help the hungry, which will help the homeless, which will help those needing medical care. Just do something. Help someone across the street, carry the bundles, lift the carriage, hold the door, help someone up from the floor. There are so many, many things we can do. So many, many things we can. easily take upon us. And when we look in the mirror after we do that, we will see once again the beginning of that idealist who once we were. That is the way to solve some of the 'and about that' problems of society. 

Where have we gone? Why have we gone there? We need to answer those questions for ourselves, for our kids, for their future We need to answer those questions if Earth is to survive as a home for us. The time is now, actually past due. We need to all take a step up and out. and climb one rung higher on the ladder of humanity. Take a look in the mirror. Try to imagine a better person than the current iteration. It can be done. It can be seen.


Yitzy, you were probably too sensitive, too pure to remain in this ugly world. You performed your assigned task, whatever it was, and G-d took you home. Leaving us with a huge hole in our lives so never to be filled.

We remember you - so remember us. That is so important to us.

Love you, sweet boy.

Always and forever. Always and forever.     



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