Thursday, March 28, 2024


 A day or so ago, Steven Spielberg said in his speech to an organization that there might come a time very soon when Jews will have to fight for the privilege, for the reality, to be a Jew. No, that will not do, not at all. Not in my time. I was born a few years after the end of the Holocaust when local pogroms and individual killings of Jews who returned from Hell, by the residents of the places were still happening. While the initial curse of the Holocaust was before my time there's no way I will live through a Holocaust in my time. My determination to make that so, to avoid the time where I have to fight for the privilege of being a Jew, allowed to live free, sans threats, is bolstered. by the defiance, the anger, the resistance to such a time by all my fellow Jews. That is, other than those who think shamefully that they can work with an 'enemy' and hide the fact, discount the fact, that they too, like it or not, are Jewish. Should they decide to forget it? Not a problem, for they will be reminded of it by many, many, many of their former friends. Not so friendly any longer.  

 Yesterday, I read the translation of a brilliantly written opinion piece replete with the anger, the frustration, the what the hell is going on ingredient. It was written by Bernard- Henri Levy. a brilliant French Jew, a prolific, respected writer, historian, and philosopher, an all-around brilliant person. He has come to the conclusion that the path that Biden has chosen now, abetted by those who know better, or should know better, such as Schumer, will lead only to one end. That end is the end of any hope of peace.  

Rocks and hard places are soft, plushy safe niches compared to the situation in which Israel has been placed and continues to be placed. by an unthinking, uncaring world. Or, should I say it is a thinking, caring world, only their thinking and caring about is the elimination of these Jews for once and for all. Levy says, "... those who portray themselves as praying for the end of this war and a negotiated peace on the day after ... must recognize that that is an impossible situation for Israel". For its survival. 

In addition. the hostages seem to be becoming a minor disappearing footnote of history, being erased of all contention, all mention, of no importance whatsoever. The world casually has written off the cause of this war and the way to end it. Return the hostages, live and dead, account for all, surrender the bloodied planners of Hamas. The henchmen.   Well, that will never ever happen, will it? Certainly not with the calculated vicious absence of the nations of the world, their very selective amnesia, and the indifference displayed re the fate of the hostages. Now, barely a mention of them and their fate. Where are Kfir and Ariel? Where are the elderly, the young women, the men snatched away from families and friends? Where is Noa? Where is the world!!!!!    

Nietzsche said that "man is the cruelest of animals”. Hence why the umbrage when the beasts/animals of Hamas, their joyful marauders, rampaged through the 30 communities they brutally attacked, on a double holy day for Jews, are called by those names - beasts, animals.  Why does the world resent when we call them what they are? Animals And perhaps we are insulting animals with that word, with that statement.

Levy ends his article with the statement that without the destruction of the remnants of Hamas and their death squads, a military victory, this wheel will just keep on spinning around and around and around, and no one will be able to get off as it spins faster and faster. "This is the terrible truth.”

He is not the only one to say so. He is not the only one to think so. To state so. The true answer to the problem we now and for quite some time have had, is to complete this job. Let Israel do what it must. Israel has already gone far and above the actions of all other armies in order to prevent harm to civilians and noncombatants. That includes the armies of the nations who now condemn Israel.    

It is and will be the end of the problem when Israel does what it must, when the nations of the world realize that Israel is not here to commit suicide. It is here to serve as refuge for oppressed and persecuted Jews, for those uncertain of long-term welcome within their current countries of residence. It is, and always has been, and always will be the homeland of the Jewish people. Israel will not disappear itself. It will not commit suicide. It will fight down to the last stone to be thrown. And Jews around the world will also do what must be done. This is not a threat, but a simple statement of fact. We Jews have been conquered before, slaughtered before, but we are here. And here we will remain. If this statement appears to be too antagonistic or too militaristic, well, it is what it is. 

We proud Jews will not go easily, nor will we concede to false 'guardians' of the nation, however well-meaning they are. We have the best guardian of all. Would that the world would recognize that, as history has proven time and time again.   

 Amit Soussana, ripped from her home, fighting like a lioness, needing ten terrorists to keep her down, was reassured of rescue, after all the brutality that had been inflicted upon her, only when a person who said he was a soldier greeted her in Hebrew. He said, "a couple more minutes and we're going to meet you". "She said, "I remember, I started to cry".  

There really is not that much more to say. The situation is as it is and will be until the world awakes, smells the coffee, the many cups of coffee and at last accepts truth and reality. "We will have to fight for the privilege to remain Jewish,”  says Spielberg. In the future, maybe not a so distant future. But we will do what must be done and alongside us, side by side, step by step. will be our supporters. Those who know the truth. Those who serve the causes of goodness and righteousness.  Those who can distinguish right from wrong. 

We. Are. Here.   

Here. We. Will.  Remain. 

For all time. 

So it has been.

 So it will be. 

------------------------------------------------------------Yitzy, your Tata is so tired of this tragedy and the stupidity, the denseness of those who refuse to recognize truth and reality. Somehow, we must prevail and will do so.

In the meanwhile, be safe, warm, and know you are loved - always. 

Always and forever.  Always and forever.                  


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