Friday, April 26, 2024


  I am afraid of what it means. And why is it happening? Why here, in America? How has this happened? Why are eyes and ears not hearing not seeing the truth? Why are minds closed to reality yet open to pure fabrication? When and why have hearts turned to stone, and bought into the entire dangerous trash of Mein Kampf?  


We are not walking around on a set for a movie or TV. We are not watching the transformation of a book into a documentary. Rather, it is that today the USA is setting the stage for a future documentary whose main source of information will be the many books which will be written re The Year the United States of America Turned on Its Jewish Citizens. 

There will also be a plethora of fiction of the same topic turned into films, TV shows, perhaps even a play or two. The mouths and eyes will gape in shock and astonishment. Crocodile tears will roll   down the faces of the audiences.  But it will mean nothing in reality for the Jews will be missing. Chased out, killed, or remaining in hiding, literally and figuratively. 

Can we prevent it? Is it possible today at this point to put a stop to it? Are we brave enough to examine our deeds and misdeeds, our actions and lack of actions which have brought us to this point. How and why have we allowed universities of America to be seized by Muslims, Arabs, and their fellow travelers and watch with approving eyes as they proceeded to inculcate an environment rife with hate towards Israel, towards Jews, especially those who stand up against them, even as they flaunted those Jews determined to show how 'liberal' they were as they consorted with the enemy. The same enemy who at the end of their usefulness would toss them on the same heap of ashes and bones. 

  America, American universities, have been seized by crazed minds. Yet brilliant at the same time, even as Hitler was a mad genius who played those under his influence and rule as virtuosos stroke the keys of the piano. Most frightening is the amount and darkest hate they dredge up from the deepest levels of Hell and the thirst with which it was and is imbibed. 

Looking back over the past decade or so, easily discerned is the pattern, the chilling coldly planned and carried out operation to overwhelm universities and put in place enormous multiple crowds of Quislings, ready to shout full throated cries and chants of hate, of bloody violence and death, and for the destruction of both Israel and their own country, America. An America sucker punched, as it stupidly allowed more and more hate inciting Moslems and Arabs in positions of influence, replacing Jewish professors and others of words of balance and comity. 

We allowed, even encouraged, the hijacking of our children, mortgaged our and their futures at rates impossible to maintain and we were foreclosed.   Our souls. Our democracy. The lives of our Jewish residents, our neighbors, our friends - or were they? Were we, until the valve of virulent, freeing hate was opened, allowed to flow freely within our veins, to corrupt body and soul, to harden hearts and blind eyes. The fields of our nation were sown with seeds of venom, a bumper crop, greedily swallowed by Americans of all classes, even among some Jews willing to show their 'guilt' of being liberal, their 'privilege and entitlement' -huh! Until we were truly 'woke' - up in a strange and       hostile land, frightening beyond belief - yet there it was and here it will remain unless we respond in meaningful, consequential and immediate format.

Why are we not calling out the obvious similarities, the marching in step as huge numbers of identical green tents are planted on campuses round the nation. As chants change as one. The targets chosen long ago. The older 'activists' invaders of campuses, and hijackers of our national ethos. The well-orchestrated technique of informal uniform clothing, face masks and kaffiyehs, rendering mute the individual doubts as all are submerged, drowned, in the overwhelming liberating persona of the 'mob'. We have indeed seen the enemy, seen the whites of their eyes -and they are ourselves and our own children run amok. 

So yes, I am afraid. Very much so. I find myself telling my kids and grandkids to stay away from mobs and crowds. To be deaf to shouts thrown at them. But is that not acquiescence to hate, to the bullies, to the least of society, to the vermin of humanity?  What is the best answer? Must we wish safety even as we go forth onto the fields of battle and survival? If we must then so be it. With guns we own, with knives and bare hands. No more pogroms of eastern Europe and Arab lands. No more sophisticated murder plans of western Europe. Not here either. No displacement and no replacement.  

So yes, we will do what we must if we must, if America and the world do not return to their senses and turn aside, vehemently reject this behavior and   thinking. It is toxic to all, perpetrator and persecuted alike. Time to fix the mess. Return to sanity and acknowledge that time is short, growing ever shorter. Time to disown this awful business, for it sours and corrupts all, endangers all, and consumes all.  The most advantageous time to do this would be - NOW. STAT. ASAP.


     Yitzy, you be safe and warm in the peace above. Remind One of the agonies of His people once again. And visit again. Any time, sweet boy.

Our love for you is eternal.

Always and forever. Always and forever.

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