Wednesday, April 3, 2024


 That is a typical reaction to an attempt to discuss the rampant antisemitism of today, why and how to alleviate its horrors and falsehoods, and consequences. Its growing virulent presence in today's world is frightening, yet that fear is downplayed by too many, including those Jews with heads in the sand. Even should a discussion ensue, we are advised to take a 'chill pill'. It won't happen here, we are told. That's life. Deal with it.  Yes, we are dealing with it. But it is not easy when it reaches into one's own yard, literally and figuratively. 

When a horde of noisy Jew haters enters your neighborhood, blocking roads, intimidating the kids in your own child's school, can one indeed take a chill pill and get on with life? The truth is - NO, and what is more is the realization that oh yes it can happen here; in fact, is happening here. Where it stops? Like the spinning wheel - nobody knows - but oh, yes, we do know. Been there, done that and have no desire to return or live in as a new experience. We must stop that wheel while we can.

We must stand up and against all such acts of intimidation. We must resist the instinct to keep down, lay low. Stay out of trouble. That's what we've always been taught. However, no more. Figuratively, we must prevent them from getting past our lines of defense. Those lines must be strong and thick enough to withstand battering rams of hate sent our way, even waves of stones and threats, sharp, cutting. 

Furthermore, we must be prepared to resist, even` physically should it come to that. There are those who understand and react only to force and if so, we had better be able to return in kind all that is directed at us, prepared mentally and physically.  We Jews must do what we must do and if there are few who will stand with us, with the true and just law, well, we must do it ourselves. We have history behind us, and much more history ahead. Part of that history tells us that we must stand together, for united we stand, whole, intact. Separately we fall.

The following statements are presented as historical fact by those who believe it and sell it to willing blackened souls. Know that among them are not only the uneducated, but also the most highly educated for hate has no limits nor boundaries.          - Jews finance both sides of every war.                      - Jews killed Abraham Lincoln because he refused a Jewish offer to restructure the banking system.       - hence, they hired John Wilkes Booth to assassinate Lincoln. Why? Because he was Jewish. (most certainly not)                                                         -Jews control every form of media, the entire banking system, all stock markets.                          -    - Jews hunt human beings, particularly children, on a hunting estate of the Rothschilds.

The above statements are but a sample of the filth spread by Jew haters. Manifestly so wrong, they    serve to instigate hate. Refuted time, and time again. they yet remain, spread about by the worst of humanity. We must persist in our war against these falsehoods meant only to harm. We must be strong and. resolute, even in the face of the blockades against us as we try to spread truth round the world. It is serious and should not be waved off as nonsense. It is serious. It is real and dangerous.

References to Antisemitism can be found in the most unexpected places. For example, a fascinating article about "To Kill a Mockingbird " from RNS which presents that thought and discusses the interpretation of those sentiments in the play adaption of the novel. Sam Levy, a dry good salesman, chases off KKK members who came wrapped in the very same sheets they had bought from him. His contempt for these weak and venial troglodytes is clear to the reader. Atticus Finch, an imperfect being, a mensch in Jewish terminology, is a decent human being with a conscience, was verbally assailed by Ewell, an evil man, with this statement: “I detect something a little Hebraic in you.”  Nor can we ignore the teacher in class telling the students thus: "There are no better people in the world than the Jews, and why Hitler doesn’t think so is a mystery to me…. They contribute to every society they live in and, most of all, they are a deeply religious people…. You’ll learn that the Jews have been persecuted since the beginning of history, even driven out of their own country. It’s one of the most terrible stories in history.…"  

There are many good people who unconsciously fall into the traps laid by the haters. They begin to believe the garbage they are fed or silently recognizing garbage for what it is, but feeling they have no role to play, nothing of significance to say, nothing that would change the world. That is so very wrong. Standing silently by merely leave gives the purveyors of hate and violence room to maneuver and grow, to implant the falsehoods deep within the core of society, deforming their consciences. 

Silence is to be complicit. Silence engenders a mood grossly inimical to a good life, for a proper path for society to follow. The angst it imparts to the targets of this hate, this prejudice with no end, are extremely depressing and debilitating. The following are words from a long time close admirable and admired friend, a strong person, a mensch. Understand their power and know that this person is not alone in these thoughts and feelings.   It tells us a great deal about the state of the world right now, does it not?

"In today's world black is white, white is black. Evil is lauded, goodness is mocked. Excellence is despised and mediocrity is praised. Nothing is as it was. Mercy is awarded to the cruel while those deserving of mercy are cruelly treated."    


Yitzy, sweet boy, you had no understanding of hate and the evil of the world for you had only faith and love for all that G-d had created and gifted to Man. It mattered not if it were bird or snake, fox or deer. It mattered not who people were- adult or child, ethnicity or skin color or language spoken.   They were your friends and acquaintances. That beautiful trait was mentioned by all who knew and loved and admired you.

You are certainly remembered, valued, missed and loved.

Always and forever. Always and forever.

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