Thursday, April 4, 2024


   Whether the words of the title are spelled correctly or not, it matters not. The point is this: It is an Aramaic term found in the Talmud meaning that all that has been said before is actually the opposite. An apocryphal tale of the Holocaust has this term used to warn those left behind in the ghettoes, to let them know that the words on the postcards are exactly the opposite of truth. In the present day, the same term can be applied to the reporting of the Hamas generated war. The very same war they instigated.        

Once again war is being waged upon the Jewish people. Yes, the Jewish people, for an attack against Israel is an attack on the secure existence of Jews round the world, Israel being part and parcel of the Jewish people. Always fighting or her life, the nation of Israel is denied the right of a nation to make its own policies, to wage its own strategy, to plan its own life, to value its citizens and rescue them wherever and whenever necessary. Instead, it is treated as a vassal state. independence denied. As are its contributions to the world. 

Israel is fighting once again for its very survival.  In fact, every war it has fought has been a war for survival, for to have lost any of the wars would have meant the death of every single Jew. In that land and then on to world Jewry. The remnants left behind from the Holocaust. Below you will find some numbers. that will give you a cold picture of the cost of the Holocaust. And understand that within those numbers is contained the individual stories. The individual lives. Never fulfilled. Never happened. Those to be born remained unborn. Those alive for the moment.

" Six million Jews were murdered. Six million. That’s over 60 percent of Europe’s Jewish population in 1933 and over a third of the world Jewish population in 2020. Today, only around one million Jews continue to live in Europe.

     That same bloodlust continues. Yes. Despite all that has come before. and all that their enemies have wreaked upon them, apparently it is not enough. Never enough.  Israel's maniacal enemies see themselves as the true descendants of Hitler. trying to carry through his nefarious plans. They knew, deep within their bones that to persist in this behavior is to eventually win. 

Israel is limited. It is limited in size - a tiny nation, a little rowboat in the midst of a fleet of warships and destroyers. It is a nation of citizen army. pulled out from their offices, from the labs, from their classrooms. It is a nation that mourns. every fallen soldier. It is a nation desirous of peace, to be left alone. To live in amity with their neighbors. To return to and live in their homeland. To be accepted as a nation among the nations of the world.   

 Time and time again Palestinians have been offered their own land and each time they turned it down.  They nixed it in 1948. They nixed it with Olmert. They nixed it with Barak. They nixed it with Netanyahu. And they nix it today. Israel left Gaza in 2005, leaving a prosperous area. Destroyed by the 'innocent civilians' of that time, they elected Hamas as governing party, allowed it to continue as such, even as it robbed them blind and now look towards the towns and cities and farms and businesses of Israel. And cheer each and every drop of blood   shed by Israelis. So, tell me, with whom are we to negotiate? With whom to talk terms of treaties? With whom can they partner? Who can they trust?    Even as their false friends are allowing their true colors to emerge from the ragged veneers overlaying them.

Israel is chided for taking the battle to where the enemy is. Shot at from within hospitals - do not   fight back. Shot at from within schools, homes, centers, aid stations - do not shoot back. Complicit civilians - no shooting. The hostages? Discounted and disremembered by the nations of the world. Tears and concern only for captured terrorists. Of course. Why would we expect anything else?      

Unfortunately, the only way to peace is war. Nothing will bear fruit for peace other than defeat and destruction of Hamas and the return of every hostage, dead or alive. A full accounting for the dead, the havoc that the animals of Hamas wreaked upon Israel, wreaked upon their own civilians. Only when the world understands that Israel will not stand by and watch itself be destroyed nor roll over and play dead will there be peace. When that idea, that concept is firmly implanted within the heads and hearts will there be peace.

When will that happen? Only God knows, and He ain't talking.


Yitzy, I hope things are easier up there, less complicated with truth, trust, decency dominating.  Yesterday, suddenly a picture of you popped up. There you were -on the screen. You stared at me with your beautiful blue eyes and your big grin and my heart broke again. And the tears ran down the face again. The hurt remains. The longing to see you remains. In fact, it gets sharper as we approach another holiday where your place remains empty.  

Yitzy, you are so loved, so missed. And it will always be so.

Always and forever. Always and forever.  







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