My G-d, my G-d. Why? This verse is generally followed with. "azaftani" - left me. or "azaftanu" - left, abandoned us. It is a longtime plea and question never truly answered, one that rises from the depth of anguished Jewish souls, caught yet again in a perilous situation, life and death hanging on the scales of life and death, "Why", is cried out, why has this happened yet again? How many more times are we to be tested? Why have You abandoned us to the rather merciless savagery of those who hate us?
This ever-burning question is itself derived from matches of hate, lit in several places at the same time. It is a collusion of physical and emotional spark points. It is a challenge to see how many places can be set afire on a matchstick before that matchstick self-destructs. Does it matter if the death is via a weak flickering flame or a last-minute burst of deep red fire? After all, the end is the end is the end is it not? All that remains will be the ashes and the charred matchstick. That is, unless and until in its death the matchstick will light afire other challenged tinderboxes of venomous hate. Thus, the conflagration continues, nary a respite in sight.
As members of the world's population stand alongside observing, crying, perhaps cheering, possibilities emerge from the flames. However, the vehicle conveying that incendiary consuming all hatred matters not one whit. Instead of dying down out, the flames might be reinvigorated, the toxic fuel of the haters overwhelming all. Or the dying flames manage to latch onto some incendiary material, and it gains new life, inciting more fires of hatred with its last dying breath. These are not new and astounding options but are instead part and parcel of a hate never dying. Not a new one, merely a reincarnation of old memes and tropes of violence and death which long ago should have been erased from within mankind.
Always smoldering beneath the surface at times, too often, raising its ugliness above ground, it is a virulent hate robust with that emotion allowing, encouraging slaughter, brutal, ugly, shedding lakes and rivers of blood. Kill!! Kill!1 That is the driving force and emotion. The goal of this ugliness is to finish the job Hitler began, even as he built upon ageless tropes of JewHatred and insane accusations. And so, in repeated, ever repeating times of horror, we call out, we question - WHY?? Where is the wiring within mankind that allows it to go so deep into a nasty swamp of vicious never slaked bloodlust.
Is there a miswiring which constantly sparks? Is that miswiring an accident or placed there on purpose, constantly to test mankind, to severely test His People, the People of the Book? Whatever the reason there is no justification. One does not place hazards in the path of the unseeing. Instead, it is upon us to clear the road ahead, to improve life for others rather than to destroy it. Why cannot humanity learn a new path and resist the emotions of freedom from restrictions and insistence upon doing that which is right, no excuses acceptable.
When crazed words spew forth from forked tongues, insisting that the victims love their victimhood, appreciate the restrictions placed upon them, and do not mind at all the horrid deaths and wounds waged upon their bodies and souls, mankind is on dangerous ground. These are heretical statements and emotions which serve only to sever the ties between the world as is and the world as it should be. Moreover, that vile nastiness of extremes has an ugly surprise for the haters, as the consequence of that hatred consumes all, even the original OG's of Hate, forever attempting to satiate its insatiable appetite.
From whence do these demons, these spawns of the Devil, dredge up the idea to think and to voice these thoughts, these heretic thoughts which forever separate them from humanity? Why do we, the rest of humanity, tolerate them, allow such hate speech inciting of violence and bloodshed. What we need do is to follow the Biblical injunction to send them out of the camp. There to stay until they realize their sins and the consequences of their sins and to forswear all repetition of any kind. Only then can they be accepted to return to the camp of humanity.
It is a genuine puzzle to me as to why people behave in such destructive manner. At the end of it all, their bottom line will only show red, debits, for the assets are temporary. and fly away with the slightest wind. It is puzzling to me as to why people insist on doing this nasty dance, bright people, intelligent people, generally nice people, apparently with some hole or deficit in their brain. It genuinely puzzles me.
This rampant ugliness, this all-consuming hatred, extends its ugly tentacles into every area of the globe. Mass killings. Actual genocide. Droughts and freezes. Extreme heat and insane flooding. Starvation. Lack of clean water. Climate disasters. Surely it would be better if we were to. combine our efforts, our brains, our resources and combat all these negative possibilities awaiting mankind unless it wakes up unless it accepts the truth as it is as it should be, not as they wish it to be. One day perhaps. mankind will even abjure war as an accepted methodology to settle grievances.
All this need not be an incarnation of the. impossible dream. We need not be Don Quixote. We can be the successful heroic members of the Knights of the Roundtable before they too became tainted. It is difficult to withstand temptations but if we are not strong enough to do so, well, when we then look for the cause of all the ills and woes of the world, we need to look in the mirror. For there it is. There they are.
Somebody up there must listen Somebody up there must open up ears and eyes, mouths and hearts. and besiege the good Lord. Demand an answer, the justification for all this going on down below on earth. Demand a resolution of this bloody and eternal battle. He created us. He can determine our paths or at least endow us with sufficient backbone to fend off temptations and to keep to the straight and narrow - with few offroad trips. as possible.
Yitzy. my beloved grandson, on your slim young shoulders we lay a heavy duty. Browse among your fellow angels. Persuade them to join with you in a march to the House of the Lord? Pursued Him to change things around a bit or more than a bit. We residents of Earth truly need his aid. His love. His understanding and compassion. So how about it? Have at it. Few can refuse you anything.
Is it not time enough to end the suffering, this bloodshed, this fear once again. What is the point of its continuation? In fact, there is none. So, dear God, sit down with my boy. Have a chat. Hear his words. Look down at the world below. Do the right thing. That is all we ask.
Yitz, this week was to have been your graduation from 8th grade and then on to high school. Something you eagerly awaited. Instead, your classmates. spoke highly of you at graduation. Not a fair exchange. Not at all.
Love you, sweet boy.
Always and forever. Always and forever.
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