Monday, June 10, 2024


  And isn't that a lie. My troubles did not seem so far away yesterday, though they were somehow muted for a very brief time. As I turned one year younger, (my new take on birthdays!) the day seemed brighter. Multiple heartwarming good wishes for the day contributed greatly to that brightness. Despite all the nastiness in the world at large, in my teeny tiny piece of it yesterday reality was suspended. For one brief moment. Until reality shattered the illusion and ugliness overwhelmed all.

  That ugliness is now the norm.  I wonder with ever increasing pessimism if we will ever be able to banish it, and once again rejoice in the glory of a sunrise, marvel at the beauty of the sun setting, of a peaceful velvety night to follow. 

Will humanity once again or perhaps for the first time ever come to a sane realization of what we are doing and cease our own self-destructive behavior?  A big ask correct, but why the hell not? In one lifetime we have moved from gas guzzling cars to EV and satellites. From multiple rooms demanded for one computer to a computer strapped to a wrist or in our phones. We argue with AI ChatBoxes and expect them to solve problems. We have come so far and yet...

... we have gone nowhere other than in reverse too many times. We disrespect the gifts of the Earth and strip its treasures. We turn away from the goodness within our souls, blackening them instead. We fuel our decisions and behavior with the rancid oils of anger, heat and greed and feed a driving need to subjugate all to our will. The end result is a growing desperation which in a disastrous cycle only drives more negativity. We turn aside from the evidence and proof of our ears, eyes, mouths and souls and hearts and minds. 

   Once we thought we were on the way to a bright future, a planetary unity as we shared knowledge and concerns, as we understood the interlocking at times competing forces of Nature and manmade activities and consequences. Once we thought we could cut the weapons budgets and reassign the monies to better use. 

Evidently this positivity proved to be too much for those with warped souls. They broke out in moral rashes whose cure depended on convincing the world to stop in its tracks, abandon the new roads of promise and return to the old broken pathways leading nowhere other than to an overload of bad news.  It seems clear and simple, so then why did so many fall prey to those warped souls. I, we, the world, have yet to find someone who can explain it to us and bring us all to our senses. Perhaps, even if one was to be found, it would be too little, too late, the damage irreversible. We expend all our energies negatively, wastefully. We are, in fact, our own worst enemies.

And so a day dawned with so much brightness and promise clouded over. Rain dripped from the heavens mirroring the tears dropping from the eyes of those of us within the Nova Exhibition. The horror was beyond words, comprehension impossible. Surely mankind can do better, should have moved far, far ahead of all of this ugliness. Souls cringed as we heard the recording of a terrorist calling his parents to boast not of good grades, not of a job but of how many Jews he killed. How special it was to kill a woman and her husband. Or 10 terrorists boasting as they sat upon and then displayed a young, brutalized naked body of a woman captured and slaughtered by them. How brave!!!!!  The gleeful note of the terrorists as they compare notes - how they chased people down as prey. The oh so amusing sights of people roped together, burned babies, the patterns of sexual abuse and torment, of the horrors they had brought down upon the faces of yes, truly innocent civilians. As Hamas broke the permanent ceasefire that had been in place until 6:00 o'clock that very morning, simply outdoing themselves in their evil, as all those "innocent civilians" joined in, enthusiastically, warming the cockles of one's heart! Outdoing themselves in evil.

In the display or rather the replay of the Nova massacre, even as one cried, as one clenched hands in anger, there were sparks of light. That light emanated from the depiction of the souls of the 401 slaughtered rising, gently, softly, wafting to the heavens. In the Jewish tradition they had died as martyrs, slaughtered because they were Jews. Who dared to live. Who dared to dance. Who dared to find joy and beauty in life. Larger pools of beautiful lights and soft colors and as one left the exhibition one passed through a room where there was quiet talk as people tried to digest what their eyes had taken in, what their ears had heard, and tended to the wounds of their hearts. 

Finally, there was one last exhibit. A sculpture of a figure firmly, securely, holding a circle of light and stones upon his shoulder, carrying the souls of the martyred to a better world filled with beauty, peace and life. A man? An angel? G-d Himself? It actually matters not, only the message. Taking these souls. to where they belonged.

The state of Israel will not tolerate another horror of a Nova. It will do all she can and must, no matter the obstacles placed in its path. If Hamas insists on harboring their murdering cells among civilians who acquiesce, who hide hostages within their own homes, then so be it. These so-called innocent civilians have violated their own innocence and brought down upon their heads what they began. Deaths fall upon the shoulders of Hamas, not Israel fighting on the battlefields presented to them. As do all nations of the world.

Enemies of Israel must hear and internalize a statement to follow. It will help them understand from whence we come and to whence we shall never return. The slaughter of Jews is to be no more. That is over. No more the false hope that nations of the world will support us, will help us, will provide refuge. No, the Holocaust, the before and after, the past 76 years and the past eight months have taught us, brutally, clearly, otherwise.  

Ayn Lanu Eretz Acheret. We have no other land. This is our home. For always and forever.


Yitzy, forever a beautiful little boy. Forever in our hearts. Forever loved.

Always and forever. Always and forever.


You see. What do you see from up above? Is there any understanding? of the mess Humanity has made. Is there a pathway to where there is an end to the tunnel? Or as God and the angels? abandoned us. Decided we had just too much bother. Would that we know. would that we could actually do something about it. In the meanwhile, there are two things that will never change. 1. is use. or ale. Hi. We live. forever The other is that always. you are with us in our hearts and minds and souls. Always and forever. Always and forever.           

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