We all know, don't we? If we deny, we are denying the truth. That truth is untouchably deep, deep, deep, etched within, beyond any possibility of erasure. It can often be semi forgotten. It can be destressed, pushed to the edge of our consciousness but the truth will always out. Realities wished away will inconveniently remain and the realities of centuries, millennia, will be ignored.
However, even as the wishful thinking predominates, and we allow ourselves to think, to hope, to voice those fragile hopes aloud or to ourselves, that maybe, just maybe, we have beaten the curse of the inevitability of the reality... the balloon bursts, punctured by arrows of hate, and here we go again. Never vanquished, merely lurking, biding its time until a more fruitful time for poison arises. We find ourselves once more in a nightmare world. Our dream world denied.
It would be a dream world where virtues and righteousness, justice and wisdom would prevail. But we do not have that world. Any resemblance to such a reality has been ephemeral, for each golden period ended in bloodshed once again, ever again.
Today we are facing another end to a golden period. A rising chorus of bold haters financed by the deep pockets of those among them, chants once again. Choruses of hate. Calls for the elimination of Jewry. Insisting that isolation begin immediately and be enforced. As Hitler smirks from below, mankind goes deeper within the manure pile of its own excrescences and revitalizes them, poisoning the world, engaging in the same old, equally as vicious life-threatening, dangerously bold and determined to see this through this time around. The world piles on, stepping on and over each other, to ensure a place within the new reality.
Here are a few reminders of reality.
"Workers Party of Britain has disputed that six million Jews were killed in the Holocaust."
"Another candidate for the party shared a social media post belittling Holocaust Memorial Day as a “galactic load of victimhood”
"The “School’s Out for Palestine toolkit” encouraged students to sign up for the May 31 walkout calling for “an immediate ceasefire in Gaza & an end to U.S. support for Israel’s genocide of Palestinian people.”
Total infestation of the schools by the virus of vicious hate fed by poison pen instructors who bring shame upon the name of teacher. The schools of our nation, from the elite schools of the wealthy, to specialty schools of NYC, to public high schools in NJ. - All attempt to wipe out all mention or reality touching upon anything relating to Jews, Israel and spew viciousness, recommend violence, and wallow in fetid pools of inhumanity with every breath they take.
Do not be fooled by denials. Do not be fooled by a hand extended in friendship, even as the other hand reaches behind you to stab you in the back. Frankly I doubt this ugliness, this hate, will never be overcome - until the good Lord gets tired of this and wipes the slate clean. The Messiah, the Moshiach, will supervise a rebuilding, a better world, where mankind abandons its inhumanity and sets aside all hatred. Pipe dream? Maybe, but without hope how can we persist? That is the promise. That is the hope. That is the belief. Any questions are to be addressed to the POB Upstairs.
In the meanwhile, we will take heart and rejoice in our victories. Yesterday, a nation rejoiced. Yesterday morning as thousands went to synagogue for Saturday prayers or relaxed on a day off, the word was spread. In America. In Israel. In every nation of the world where Jews exist. It was a rejoicing in the soul. Four living hostages were rescued. Pulled from the depths of Hell. Israelis danced on the beaches. They swamped their friends, their relatives returned to life. All families of all the hostages rejoiced with them even as their hearts broke again. Where are their loved ones? Are they alive? Are they well? Will they ever return? Will they ever hug them again?
Noa, one of the most prominent of the kidnapped. Courtesy of that ugly video as the animals of Hamas. ripped her away from her life, from her loved ones, from her boyfriend. Abused, threatened, shuttled from pillar to post, alone, immured in the homes of "innocent" civilians - actually not so! The entire nation of Jews focused much of their attention upon her as a symbol for the rest of the kidnapped.
Maybe, maybe, the world will see some sense and place the blame and thepressure where it belongs. A permanent ceasefire was in existence until approximately 6AM on Oct7 - when Hamas tore it to shreds. When their hordes of uniformed and civilian clothed beasts, the oh so not innocent civilians piled in, bloodshed and mayhem their guiding lights. How and why should Israel trust in the truth of another one? But the blindness of the world goes unchallenged.
At least Noah could say "I am so happy to be here." At least she was able to hug her father. Be his birthday present. At last, she will be able to give her mother a last hug. Even as her mother lays dying perhaps not even conscious of what is going on.
Horses can be led to the water but cannot be forced to drink. We can defeat Hamas militarily but to make them drink of a cup of truth, of their defeat, and make them acknowledge the truth of their ugliness revealed, of the harm they pose - not so simple.
Do I believe in evil? Yes, there is a palpable evil presence within this world. It resides in people. It resides in the places where evil has done its worse.
the world must recognize that fact and do what must be done, via any and all pathways. Whatever is needed to cleanse the world and the souls of mankind, of Evil, it must be. done. To do otherwise is to engage in futility. A futility drowning in blood. Nasty, as truths often are, but truth and understanding are vital, critical for a better world. Hate can neither be tolerated nor enabled. People can be taught the truth, will acknowledge the truth and understand that kindness and love work a hell of a lot better than hate and bloodlust.
------------------------------------------------------------- = Yitzy sweet boy, we will miss you at the table as we celebrate Shavuot. We will miss your voice, your smiles, your bits of insight. love. Even as we miss you, you will be with us.
Always and forever. Always and forever.
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