Thursday, July 25, 2024


How quickly things change. One moment we have an ugly contest between two old men, neither of which boded well for the nation or for the world. One is driven by ego and the other driven by decades of service to the nation. Both refused to back down and the nation sighed in resignation to an ugly outcome, no matter the outcome. Precedent motivated those who wished to reenact the rebellion and treason of Jan6 and overthrow the government as their candidate had so clearly instigated.  Others simply wished to find a safe path through the mess that is the world and chose the second candidate as the more apt for that job. Still, there was great confusion and unhappiness.

Suddenly, the elder statesman decided to remove himself from the official fray and there stood the cheese, alone, now the old man, and there were plentiful reminders of that fact within many commentaries and articles reiterating and reenforcing the age - 78. Guess what goes around, comes around. Decrepit at 78 - and actually for many years heretofore and old, too old for the job.

So what is next for the nation and for the world? Frankly, while relieved somewhat at the events, I remain concerned. G-d forbid the psycho wins - where will America be? Where will democracy be? How far will Project 2025 go in implementation? Will we have a nation totally corrupt in structure and function, from the lowest federal employee to the entire justice system, all the way to the Oval Office? Will we return to the worst of the past, canceling out all the progress we had made? Where will we find these roads and in what condition?

Apparently only the Shadow knows, and he is not talking. In fact, the entire industry of the Shadow, that of Marvel and DC Comics, along with smaller companies, the comics are now presently infested and infected by the virus of JewHatred. Quite frankly, this is ironic beyond comprehension as the entire industry, the entire idea of a comic book was created and developed mostly by Jews. But as the Museum did in LA, celebrating Hollywood and the entertainment world, deliberately first passed over the fact of its Jewish founders, so did the comics industry. The museum then “fixed” their omission and included mention of Jews - with pejorative terms, alive with the virus of hatred and fealty to the ever-present ancient tropes of Anti Semitism.

    In excellent imitation, so did Marvel, DC Comics and all the rest. The new Daredevil villain was replete with long white beard, hooked nose and devil's horns. Gee, wonder where that came from and why it is so familiar! Wonder Woman, played by Gal Gadot was banned in many Arab and Moslem nations for she is Israeli and proud and loud about that. The decades ago introduced Sabra, the Israeli superhero, with blue and white costume and cape, with Jewish star front and center, has    vanished. Sabra is now an ex Russian spy working for the US government. Imagine, better to be that then to be acknowledged as Sabra, a strongly associated name for Israeli Jews. Better to be an enemy than a friend!! 'Jewishness' to be shunned. Not encouraging at all. Sabra only appeared in a few comics. (As an aside, I have most of them.) Now the “Jewishness” barely there.    

This is quite amazing as we compare the situation to that of Captain America, now to be Black in the upcoming movie. In the same movie, however, Sabra has been deJewified. Why? Actually, well, most of us want is to have a return to the good, solid story and movies of Marvel sadly. not up to par of late. But one cannot ignore this blatant dismissal of Sabra as she was conceived and meant to be. Jewish, Israeli, a superhero. With the origins of the comic industry being Jewish how can this be tolerated? How can they dare to emulate the falsehoods of the Museum of the movie industry and a deliberately ignore those Jewish origins, even as we know that another character, Hulk, originated from Jewish folklore, of the Golem, brought to life by the Rabbi of Lowe, his purpose to defend Jews from all harm. Would that we had the Golem here today!  Apparently very easy to 'vanish' mention of Jews and their contributions in so many arenas of life.

Thus, we can ask with deep frustration and anger, when the hell does this ever stop. When are the enemies of humanity ever to give up on their campaign of JewHatred? Of incitement to violence? Of urging a complete slaughter, wipe out every Jew on this earth. It just never ends. It is on a continuous cycle of hate. Even as its deeply rooted presence in the conscience of the world is so apparent and its clearly consequential growth into violence, murder and mayhem, it remains denied, diminished, belittled. 

And so, the virus grows in power. Its contagiousness, mighty and everlasting, when, if ever, will someone invent a vaccine, a cure.

Today's attitudes toward the possibility of Josh Shapiro as running mate with Kamala Harris, is both shocking and not so much. Despite the praise for his experience, his popularity, his character, it all comes down to "too Jewish" especially when the ticket composition would be a Black woman as president and a Jewish man to be vice president, a heartbeat away. Even as so many nations of the world have had women as leaders of government, clearly the United States remains backwards in that respect. Racism, sexism, any ISM has found a warm home here, this immigration not despised!   Nor do we follow through with consequences earned and the clear lines of morality and sanity are blurred and held in contempt. And with no consequences, the mayhem and havoc and violence are guaranteed to appear and reappear.  Sometimes the rod is the right way. 

In conversation with many today there is a growing thread of fear. Differences count for naught when talk of society and its recent trends are brought up. The fear grows. Some can say why, some cannot, but all know that their shoulders are up around their ears They are afraid of what is and what is to be. They know not of any possible solution.  

The balance beam of today's life is narrow. It is not structurally secure. We must take a minute break and shake ourselves, rebalance ourselves and get on that balance beam with confidence and surety in the fact that finally we will do what is right. We will desist from faulty flips. We will discard what is wrong. We will make a better world. 

Sounds so easy yet is so difficult. We need to have the courage and the strength to admit old tropes and create a balance beam for all to maneuver and follow. Simply put, we need to be better people, to dig deep within and find the courage, strength and backbone to do what is right, not what is easy.  Hopefully, we will find enough people to begin the journey and will teach and encourage all to walk that balance beam with courage and honesty, well balanced for a good life.  

We, all of us, those who have spoken out, have grown hoarse. We need more louder voices. We need strong ones. We need voices of courage and answers and understanding of what it means to be a human being in a tough world. If we do not, then all voices will be silenced. We will never be able to conquer that balance beam or even to approach it.



Yitzy, yesterday as we celebrated the engagement of Jamie suddenly, out on the porch  there perched   a beautiful red cardinal. As we looked through the doors, we all shared the same thoughts and hopes.   My parents, especially my mom, loved cardinals and red robins. Our Yitzy, an enthusiastic birdwatcher, also loved them. Was this a message they were sending? We most certainly hope so and so we have taken it to be from all of you. Thank you. Much needed. Much appreciated. Our love for all of you is a love that is

Always and forever. Always and forever.  


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