Friday, July 26, 2024


   Thinking can be a dangerous activity, particularly when one's thinking cells have lost their elasticity.   The intake of new factors, of new information has been compromised; hence, the decision emanating from those less elastic cells is lacking, to varying degrees, mobility. It cannot be strictly limited to one cause, for the causality is based on multiple bits and pieces of data and experience. However, this difficulty of absorption must never make way for an excuse to totally discard someone, toss them on the trash pile, and in so doing, trash their life experiences and the wisdom of those years. Far better to be kind yet firm and do what must be done, what is upon us to do, with respect and kindness.

Full disclosure, I am having a bit of challenge    trying to digest the import of several articles only read moments ago. The ideas are somewhat new to me, though I am sure that somewhere during my years of education someone introduced this idea whilst my mind was elsewhere. I believe once I understand it, I will gain answers to questions long denied those answers, at least partial answers.

The idea is that of “ tzimtzum", a shrinking of the 'self' of God, why, and the consequences, positive and negative. Some might be very angry with this posting, but I believe it is worth some minutes, hours, of our time, to comprehend and follow the thread.    

"God withdrew into the Divine Self and contracted in order to make room for Creation — a mystic idea he (Rabbi Luria) " called tzimtzum."

The idea continues with that thought. After God had created the world, a time when He was very busy, He pulled back somewhat, the idea of tzimtzum, thus making way for His creations to fill that space.  Using the free will granted to us, we were to strive to fill that void via our efforts to reach the peak of creation. That is to be Mankind at its best: “Man created in the image of G-d”. That was our task, our purpose, our gift, our challenge. and our burden.

"God brought Israel and, by implication, humanity, into a covenantal partnership relationship that would enable them to grow into even greater responsibility for their lives and for the outcomes of history." 

Think on that for a moment or two. Why is there Evil? Why are terrible things occurring? Why did G-d not stop it right in its tracks? After all, He can do anything.  However, these tragedies, these horrors, were of Mankind's doing. That which mankind inflicted upon itself. All emanating from the gift/burden that G-d granted us. Free will. It was our decisions, our choices, our successes, our failures which filled the void that God bequeathed to us. An explanation for the presence and activity of Evil: Man's perversion and misuse of his free will, too often Evil overwhelming the Good of Mankind. Pushing away from the goal of Man in the image of G-d. 

The sadness is only increased by the realization that God was incessantly calling, pleading, begging humanity to be their brothers’ and sisters’ keepers — largely in vain. The God of tzimtzum did not miraculously save the victims. Heartbreakingly, God’s designated agents for rescue (or those we might think of as such) were overwhelmingly missing in action."  

Though I have presented the passages which most 'spoke' to me, there is much more to this than one posting, one session of thought. However, it does help to explain most importantly why there is evil and tragedy, so much, so long in duration in this world. Why such tragedy? Well, perhaps this idea gives us at least a glimmer of understanding and knowledge that if we are to stop that which is wrong with the world it is we who must roll up our sleeves and get down to long and difficult work. Here at least is a piece of the answer. And more to follow.

" ... just as God had to withdraw and “shrink” in order for the world to come into existence, leaders must make themselves “smaller” in order for their followers to grow." 

 Think on that. What a lesson for us, our leaders, who must not be our bosses. We must be our inspiration. Our role models capable of creating our own small human voids. We the people, along with the leaders we have chosen or allowed to be, "create" or allow our world to be as it is. It is upon all of us to take action. and strive to better reality. To be the best we can be. Only then can we finally meet our fulfillment of the task and the attainment we so desire: to be created in the image of G-d. 

 Heavy duty consequences. But - if we carefully choose the best leaders, if we encourage the exercise of Good over Evil, perhaps, we will indeed find that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Only then can we be in reach of being created in the image of G-d.  Powerful stuff. Need to think more. Need to take it from this realm of thought and bring it, heave it into my present reality.

We all need to do the same. Stretch our elasticity to the end, into the deep void we are to fill, one way or another. As the creators of our own reality, we own the responsibility for it. We control our own maps and directional devices.       

  Think of the power we hold in our hands. The power of Evil. The power of Good. The ability to reach the highest rung of the ladder or to fall into the pit below. We got ourselves into massive mess and we must do the hard labor to get us out. Such is God's will. So we must do.


Yitzy, I think you knew this from the moment you were born, innate within you. and it shone through via your inner and outer beauty and goodness.     Miss you so, sweet boy.  

Miss you. Love you.  

Always and forever.   Always and forever.   



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